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Redskins Blog: Cooley Gets Prank Called


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(Celek): “This is the general manager for the New York Giants, Jerry Reese. Have you talked to your people? Has your agent called you?”

Cooley: “No.”

(Celek): “Uhh…well I don’t want to be the one to tell you this, I guess, but we’re executing a trade for you within the hour.”

Cooley: ”…No–what?”

(Celek): “Well, we’ve always admired the way you’ve played. We consider you one of the best tight ends in the league, the best in the division.”

That is just part of call and there is more at the link.

After Cooley prank called others, he got his paybacks. I actually have a little respect for Celek now. Pretty damn funny. :ols:

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Cooley is a prank call fan. Cooley:

"There’s some fun calls to make. I’ve been calling A.J. Feeley for the last three years, and I actually finally ran into A.J. to talk to him about this, and it blew his mind that it was me.I call him, and I pretend like I’m calling Jay Feely. So the other day I called him and said, ‘Oh, hell of a job kicking out in Arizona this year. You’re a great player, man, I love watching you. You’re an inspiration as a kicker.’ So he had saved all of these voicemails.

Cooley said the reaction from A.J. was priceless:

‘Why are you doing this to me? I’m NOT Jay Feely!’ So for three years this went on–and Jay Feely, if you’re listening to this, I do this to you too. I turn right around and call Jay Feely.I don’t know why this is funny, it’s fun to do though. No, I don’t block my number. Occasionally [they call me back] I just don’t answer it."


Another one was even more elaborate. In the offseason, impersonating Broncos VP John Elway he left messages for disgrunteld Bengals QB Carson Palmer saying "Listen, I hate Tim Tebow. I want you out here in Denver. I know I shouldn't be calling you, but we're going to work this out. Then he calls John Elway, talks to him, and says "This is Carson Palmer. I would love to come out to Denver and play for you." Then he leaves a message with Denver Coach John Fox "This is Carson Palmer. Elway talked to me about coming out there. Let me know if anything is happening." Then, to top it all off, he calls Bengals Coach Marv Lewis, pretends to be an anonymous NFL GM (but has someone say "Hey Bruce" in the background) and says "You should know there's a lot of tampering going on in Denver with your quarterback."


:ols: Cooley is crazy, man.

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This stuff is hilarious. I have a new enjoyment of Celek now. I suppose he can catch a 3-yard pass on 4th-and-5 now. I'll allow it.

Cooley is certainly a funny guy.

wait, is that on madden or Sunday's game?

no bueno sir! this is the No Fun League!

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Another one was even more elaborate. In the offseason, impersonating Broncos VP John Elway he left messages for disgrunteld Bengals QB Carson Palmer saying "Listen, I hate Tim Tebow. I want you out here in Denver. I know I shouldn't be calling you, but we're going to work this out. Then he calls John Elway, talks to him, and says "This is Carson Palmer. I would love to come out to Denver and play for you." Then he leaves a message with Denver Coach John Fox "This is Carson Palmer. Elway talked to me about coming out there. Let me know if anything is happening." Then, to top it all off, he calls Bengals Coach Marv Lewis, pretends to be an anonymous NFL GM (but has someone say "Hey Bruce" in the background) and says "You should know there's a lot of tampering going on in Denver with your quarterback."


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