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Yahoo Puck Daddy: Flyers fans boo rivals; alas, it’s during an anti-cancer commercial


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There's no need to recall the litany of criticisms aimed at Philadelphia sports fan; cheering injured players and snowballs at Santa have long passed the point of cliché.

The fact is that Philly fans will never get a break because of that perception. For example, if a few of them boo images of rival players on the arena scoreboard, and those players happen to be in a public service announcement about the fight against cancer, well then the Philly faithful must just be classless right?


All of them rivals, all of them booed by a noticeable group of fans … and all of them asking for support in the fight against cancer. Which is admittedly awkward, as those watching the game noted:

Look, you might feel this is an indefensible action. To that we'd say: Lighten up, will you?

Click Link to Read the rest (Youtube and Twitter included)


To this I agree. Put Flyers in the Flyers add to Stand up to Cancer. Their own fault, and this will probably go down in history as "Flyers fans boo Stand up to Cancer", but in reality they are Booing Crosby, Toews, and Miller.

I figured I'd post this with the truth, instead of someone posting with "Flyers fans are morons", etc.

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There's no need to recall the litany of criticisms aimed at Philadelphia sports fan; cheering injured players and snowballs at Santa have long passed the point of cliché.

The fact is that Philly fans will never get a break because of that perception. For example, if a few of them boo images of rival players on the arena scoreboard, and those players happen to be in a public service announcement about the fight against cancer, well then the Philly faithful must just be classless right?


All of them rivals, all of them booed by a noticeable group of fans … and all of them asking for support in the fight against cancer. Which is admittedly awkward, as those watching the game noted:

Look, you might feel this is an indefensible action. To that we'd say: Lighten up, will you?

Click Link to Read the rest (Youtube and Twitter included)


To this I agree. Put Flyers in the Flyers add to Stand up to Cancer. Their own fault, and this will probably go down in history as "Flyers fans boo Stand up to Cancer", but in reality they are Booing Crosby, Toews, and Miller.

I figured I'd post this with the truth, instead of someone posting with "Flyers fans are morons", etc.

So basically what I got out of that is that Philly fans are pro-cancer. What a bunch of *******s.

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Guy goes on to defend them.......:doh:

(That last one was a joke but ouch.)

Look, you might feel this is an indefensible action. To that we'd say: Lighten up, will you?

Sidney Crosby is as hated as any pro athlete is in Philly. Jonathan Toews skated the Stanley Cup on Flyers ice. Ryan Miller helped push the Flyers to a Game 7 in last year's playoffs. Fighting cancer, finding homes for kittens, working in a soup kitchen … who cares? We'd be disappointed in any fan base that didn't exhibit this Pavlovian response to seeing a rival on their big screen.

And isn't the arena game operations crew a little at fault here? Tossing up an NHL-produced ad with three loathed players isn't going to attract a reaction like this? Really? They couldn't do a quick promo in-house with a Flyer instead?

We're as guilty as anyone for taking whacks at the Flyers fan piñata. But please tell us Flyers fans aren't now going to be labeled pro-cancer? Please?

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So basically what I got out of that is that Philly fans are pro-cancer. What a bunch of *******s.
];8605061']**** Philly. **** their fans' date=' their entire city, and every mediocre piss ass excuse for a franchise that plays there.[/quote']

I guess I can say I baited you guys. But yet again, a perfect example of people just putting the "Philly Stereotype" on situations, and not realizign they are booing the players, not the ad.

THE FANS WERE BOOING THE PLAYERS, not the Ad. You put the most hated players according to fans up on a screen, they are going to get booed. Seriously, I would put money on the fact Romo sits to pee would get booed in Washington if that was the case.

This is 100% the NHL's fault if this is truly a story. They should know the passion of the Flyers fans, and know that if the media gets wind of it, it will be a story.

Saturday - there was a moment of silence for the hockey tradgedies over the summer, and multiple people started chanting "Flyers suck" during it during the Devils game. Not in Philly? Doesn't get a story.

But because it's Philly - it gets reported.

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In this case, because if I read correctly, and going w/o sleep for the past 40 hours maybe I didn't, I don't blame the fans. If they had started the ad saying something about it being an anti-cancer ad, and then they boo'd once the players came on the screen, then I blame the fans. Someone brought up that an ad that had Romo sits to pee on it would get boo's from fans in Washington, well I'd like to say, I'd hope not if the Redskins fans knew before Romo sits to pee showed up on the screen that it was an anti-cancer ad.

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In this case, because if I read correctly, and going w/o sleep for the past 40 hours maybe I didn't, I don't blame the fans. If they had started the ad saying something about it being an anti-cancer ad, and then they boo'd once the players came on the screen, then I blame the fans.

Here is a still from the ad, it clearly says, "Hockey Fights Cancer"


Someone brought up that an ad that had Romo sits to pee on it would get boo's from fans in Washington, well I'd like to say, I'd hope not if the Redskins fans knew before Romo sits to pee showed up on the screen that it was an anti-cancer ad.

I beg to differ, if Romo sits to pee appeared on the jumbotrons at FedEx they wouldn't boo, they'd laugh. ;)

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It makes sense that they're pro-cancer, since their town is the cancer of the U.S. ;)

Seriously though, they were booing the other uniforms. Anyone who believes anything else is a moron.

Well, like the "pelting Santa with snowballs" incident, there are mitigating factors. But both are still cases of Philly fans stupidity and sub-human behavior.

So the Philly fans booed an anti-cancer promotion because it displayed other teams players. No more, no less.

As in the past, now, and probably forever, "Stay classy, Philadelphia!" :doh:

---------- Post added October-13th-2011 at 09:43 PM ----------

I'm in the 'who cares?' category.....and I hate Philly with a passion.

at UMD, everyone boo'd the sportsmanship video when the little kid in the Duke jersey started talking and cheered the UMD kid.

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Philly fans will boo anything, and anybody. No surprise. Total lack of class.

The funny thing is Philly fan takes pride in his reputation. This isn't a stereotype, this isn't a black eye in their eyes. They take PRIDE in being these tough guys who'll boo anything that walks. They take PRIDE in having a jail in their own stadium.


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Philly fans will boo anything, and anybody. No surprise. Total lack of class.

The funny thing is Philly fan takes pride in his reputation. This isn't a stereotype, this isn't a black eye in their eyes. They take PRIDE in being these tough guys who'll boo anything that walks. They take PRIDE in having a jail in their own stadium.

There certainly is very little class here in Philly, but surprisingly there isn't a whole lot in the tough-guy department. Apart from trying your luck in a Dallas jersey at a Smeagols home game, Philly's actual character is a lot more jabbering caveman doofus and a lot less Brooklyn street fighter.

Pride can be a funny thing. Around here, pride takes the form of utter acceptance of the town and its many hopeless flaws, simply because this area is where nearly everybody in this area is originally from. There's not a lot of relocation into and out of the area... just a gigantic provincial population pool with almost no tap and almost no drain. You can see how it would get a bit funky after decades and decades of stagnation.

And there's very little in the way of credible efforts to engage in substantial improvements, save for adding the occasional concrete-slab lane to an area highway. This I chalk up to a regional society which, by virtue of having lived nowhere else, has no idea how nice things can be when a large group of people decides to get off their asses and improve their town. Philly just continues to be what it always is... ugly, unkempt, uninspiring, underperforming, and (for the past 100 years anyway) uninteresting.

The general character of the place is magnified, but not necessarily misrepresented, by the well-earned reputation of its fans.

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