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Proper etiquette when visiting Fed Ex Field


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Now, I have been reading that a number of people are making their first live trip to see a Redskins game this year and I think it would behoove us to go over some of the propper ways to respond.

First: During the National Anthem, stand, remove your cap, and do not shout the word "O" during the Star Spangled Banner. It's not cute or funny and this isn't Baltimore.

Second: Be loud esp. when we're on defense. Rest your voice when we're on offense during the huddle.

Third: High five the guy next to you, above you, behind you during a touchdown or a great play. They are your brothers and sisters and deserve your love.

Fourth: Boo anyone in a Cowboy's jersey. Razzing is an important part of any sporting event. Make sure they feel your love, but while joking around around is cool... do not escalate it to something personal or violent. You should be laughing while you deliver your verbal barage and they should be laughing while receiving it and trying feebly to pay it back in kind.

Fifth: Watch the game. You're not there to text. You're not there to spend three-quarters of the game in the bathroom or at the concessions. The people who are constantly getting up, blocking people's views and running back and forth drive me nuts. Unless, you have a medical condition try to stay in your seats. I don't care if you stand or sit, but watch the game.

You, sir, are my idol.

---------- Post added October-12th-2011 at 05:02 PM ----------

I'll yell, "O," all I want at Fedex. It is just natural and shows Orioles Pride. Plus, the, "O," isn't going anywhere, you can't avoid it, but you'll have to deal with it.

Thanks for ruining it for everyone else. Baltimore sucks. Go disrespect the national anthem at Ravens games.

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---------- Post added October-12th-2011 at 05:02 PM ----------


Thanks for ruining it for everyone else. Baltimore sucks. Go disrespect the national anthem at Ravens games.

It's hard to break tradition. If it ruins anything, then you must have a lot of other petty issues.

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My difficulty with the O thing is not Redskins vs Orioles. I don't mind if you like the O's.

It's putting the O's above the country. That's what the O sounds like to me. It's putting a sports team higher than the country and the good ole USA deserves more respect than that.

I also agree that folks should stop, stand, take off their cap and just be respectful for a few minutes. It'll do you no harm. If religiously, you are opposed to it... just stand silently.

Feel free to disagree.

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I agree with all facets of your post except for this one. There are a ton of Redskins fans that reside in Maryland, that grew up in Maryland. We are no more or no less faithful than those elsewhere. However, the "O" thing will never change. We grew up with the Orioles, we yelled "O" at their games. A tradition that has now carried over to all Marylanders' sports teams. It has evolved and now is less a matter of support for the Orioles (unless at an Orioles game) and more a matter of pride in the state of Maryland.

It is not disrespectful to our great Nation. It is an emphasis on Pride and Tradition. Two things that ALL Redskins fans can stand behind, Pride and Tradition.

We are the WASHINGTON Redskins. We do not associate with that scum city up north for many reasons. If O's fans want to do that at Camden, by all means, but keep it out of Capitals and Redskins events if you would.

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lame. keep baseball stuff at actual baseball games and venues. it has nothing to do with, region, area, land mass etc.

It's a tradition I grew up with and I am use to saying during any sports national anthem. And it shouldn't bother people too much. Is it going to ruin the game for you? I certainly hope not.

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It's a tradition I grew up with and I am use to saying during any sports national anthem. And it shouldn't bother people too much. Is it going to ruin the game for you? I certainly hope not.

no, its just lame. why is something that "you grew up with" more important than whats appropriate for a Redskins game at a football stadium? a lot of kids grew up picking their noses in public too but eventually learned that it was inappropriate. keep your baseball stuff in baseball games and orioles traditions with the orioles. or if you must show your o's pride in the wrong stadium during the wrong sport at least wait until the team is even almost relevant.

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I don't really post here anymore but man this stuff is just hilarious... I understand the concept of the thread and the need for proper behavior at a home football game but the harping on people so heavily about the "O" thing is getting to be a little much. There should be more talk about the people who are blacked out drunk and picking fights and less piling up on people who are doing something as innocent as the the "O" . I'm willing to be that these folks love this country just as much as you do so the whole disrespecting our nation's anthem is a little reaching in my opinion. So it's a tradition rooted in baseball .. So what, any kind of chant like that is meant to show pride and unity of the home fans. So it isn't your cup of tea but it has absolutely no bearing on whether or not you actually enjoy the game (If it truly does well uhhh I just don't know ) ... I just don't understand what the big deal is about this thing. Yes they're called the Washington Redskins but damn they even play in Maryland .. if that isn't local enough to invalidate the local argument .. I don't really know what I'm trying to say but damn if they aren't yelling obscenities and acting like a complete jack asses and picking fights then let them have their one letter that you're going to have to listen to for one second.

Sidenote: Agreed about the fight song.. I'm tired of hearing the first line and then "FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT" when it isn't even "FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT" ... two lines and these people can't even get both of them right. It's not a very long song either so there's no excuse not to know the entire thing.

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I'm going to my first game (vs the 'Pukes) ever and was really interested in some pointers, yet I have no idea what the "O" thing is, which is the majority of discussion in this thread....

As I stated before...learn the words to Hail to the Redskins, and sing it loud when we score...

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no, its just lame. why is something that "you grew up with" more important than whats appropriate for a Redskins game at a football stadium? a lot of kids grew up picking their noses in public too but eventually learned that it was inappropriate. keep your baseball stuff in baseball games and orioles traditions with the orioles. or if you must show your o's pride in the wrong stadium during the wrong sport at least wait until the team is even almost relevant.

The end game is that we're rooting for the Skins, shouldn't that be what matters? But I guess we'll agree to disagree. I'll say my O then I'll root my tail off for the Skins. It's not lame in my eye, and thats all that matters to me. HAIL

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The end game is that we're rooting for the Skins, shouldn't that be what matters? But I guess we'll agree to disagree. I'll say my O then I'll root my tail off for the Skins. It's not lame in my eye, and thats all that matters to me. HAIL

let me just ask you and everyone else that agrees with you one thing.....would you find it appropriate to sing Hail to the Redskins after an orioles home run at camden yards? didnt think so. yes, we are all Skins fans. when in their house focus on their/our traditions and leave the baseball stuff to the right time. but hey, to each his own i guess.

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What kind of comparison is that? You're comparing a fight song that actually has the word "REDSKINS" IN IT that was written FOR the Redskins... to ONE SINGLE LETTER... the letter "O" being emphasized in our National Anthem... What in the hell ? .. but really this is just stupid and it's a pretty petty thing to get on people about compared to everything else that happens at that stadium during a game.

And as far as focusing on our traditions go... The "O" chant does not get in the way of any vocal traditions we may have... we only have one. Our fight song. That our fanbase doesn't even know the ****ing words to.

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let me just ask you and everyone else that agrees with you one thing.....would you find it appropriate to sing Hail to the Redskins after an orioles home run at camden yards? didnt think so. yes, we are all Skins fans. when in their house focus on their/our traditions and leave the baseball stuff to the right time. but hey, to each his own i guess.

Well, if HTTR was played in every sports venue in American, then I probably would sing along...But it is not, the SSB is.

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