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What does this mean? Sarah Palin officially announces she's not running, and no Tailgate thread?


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Well, it took someone on the left to start a thread. Nobody cared to except someone on the left.


OK,, I suppose.

the lefty started a thread to show you that no one was paying attention to her, which to you is proof of obseession by all the people not paying attention to her anymore.

All this spinning makes me dizzy


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OK,, I suppose.

the lefty started a thread to show you that no one was paying attention to her, which to you is proof of obseession by all the people not paying attention to her anymore.

All this spinning makes me dizzy


He had the urge to create a thread about Palin. No conservative here felt the need to do so. He couldn't resist. Face it, left wingers are obsessed with Palin. Heck, go over to Huffington Post right now. On the front page is a Palin video involving Jon Sterwart. Edit: There's two Palin articles on the front page. I guess that's expected for a far-right news site like Huffington Post.

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He had the urge to create a thread about Palin. No conservative here felt the need to do so. He couldn't resist. Face it, left wingers are obsessed with Palin. Heck, go over to Huffington Post right now. On the front page is a Palin video involving Jon Sterwart. Edit: There's two Palin articles on the front page. I guess that's expected for a far-right news site like Huffington Post.


Whatever helps you stay angry my man. Whatever helps you keep those boogeymen in yur sights.

Why go over the HuffPost. All I have to do to learn the latest on Palin is turn on the conservatyive tv station she calls home. Why get the word secondhand?

By the by, the video is about her attention whoring,, not really about her politics. She's become a joke.


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Maybe Palin doesn't have as much of an ego as we thought and she put the Tea Party before herself.

In a way, I'm upset. If she ran, it would've split the TP ticket beyond all recognition between her, Perry, Bachmann and Cain; opening the door wide open for a moderate.

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He had the urge to create a thread about Palin. No conservative here felt the need to do so. He couldn't resist. Face it, left wingers are obsessed with Palin. Heck, go over to Huffington Post right now. On the front page is a Palin video involving Jon Sterwart. Edit: There's two Palin articles on the front page. I guess that's expected for a far-right news site like Huffington Post.

He created it because he thought a lack of response by ANYONE to her non-running announcement was curious. Who is the one who is obsessing over the supposed obsessing of the Left? I'll give you a hint: his name starts with "w" and ends with "t." :-)

Daily Show and Colbert Show episodes are usually posted during the week on the front page. Sorry to burst your bubble. But in this case, as a running joke, Palin DID provide plenty of laughs for Stewart, so take that as you will.

---------- Post added October-7th-2011 at 10:01 PM ----------

I don't think the "Left" is really his boogeyman. He's just mad at me, because I clown all of his conspiracy theories. :D

But Predicto, aren't you the monolithic Left? ;-)

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Whatever helps you stay angry my man. Whatever helps you keep those boogeymen in yur sights.

Why go over the HuffPost. All I have to do to learn the latest on Palin is turn on the conservatyive tv station she calls home. Why get the word secondhand?

By the by, the video is about her attention whoring,, not really about her politics. She's become a joke.


I'm not angry. Just objective. lol, obviously a nerve has been struck. I'm racking up being quoted like a pinball machine:ols:

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You have the nerve to question their spin....that cannot be tolerated,lest it infringe upon their relegating her to obscurity line.

Kick her while she's up,down or irrelevant....the witch must burn.:ols:

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I'm not angry. Just objective. lol, obviously a nerve has been struck. I'm racking up being quoted like a pinball machine:ols:

I don't think you struck the nerve you think you did.

see, I don't like people just making stuff up, especially when posting in a thread that directly contradicts the lie they're trying to construct.

So in that sense, i guess so.


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I don't think you struck the nerve you think you did.

see, I don't like people just making stuff up, especially when posting in a thread that directly contradicts the lie they're trying to construct.

So in that sense, i guess so.


Yeah, okay...I'm sure that's it.

The only thing that is a contradiction is a "nobody is interested in Palin not running" thread that is already 4 pages.

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I don't think you struck the nerve you think you did.

see, I don't like people just making stuff up, especially when posting in a thread that directly contradicts the lie they're trying to construct.

So in that sense, i guess so.


Obviously, Bang, he's obsessed and afraid of you, because of your incredible smartitude and overwhelming rightness.

After all, he's been explaining for like 10 posts now, that that's the only reason anyone would ever devote so much attention to what someone says.

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Obviously, Bang, he's obsessed and afraid of you, because of your incredible smartitude and overwhelming rightness.

After all, he's been explaining for like 10 posts now, that that's the only reason anyone would ever devote so much attention to what someone says.


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Yeah, okay...I'm sure that's it.

The only thing that is a contradiction is a "nobody is interested in Palin not running" thread that is already 4 pages.

See, for me the disconnect is the actual content.

It doesn't seem to matter to you that all of these pages are people mocking her, and the mocking the usual collection of her supporters.

Attention is attention.

How very Palin of you.


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See, for me the disconnect is the actual content.

It doesn't seem to matter to you that all of these pages are people mocking her, and the mocking the usual collection of her supporters.

Attention is attention.

How very Palin of you.


It doesn't matter if you guys are mocking her. You are obsessed. You are obsessed with mocking her. I said you were obsessed. I was right. Also, it's kind of funny having a "no Tailgate thread?" in the thread title when this is in fact a Tailgate thread that is now on page 5. I guess the shock is that nobody made this thread right when the story broke?

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Yes. That was the exact point of the thread, the only point of the thread. I said so in the original post.

Quit claiming it's a valid observation on the culture of the board, and perhaps the country in general.

Stop obsessing.


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I can't think of anyone as useless on the other side we've obsessed over, FWIW.

Well, be fair. I can't think of anyone as useless this side ever tried to put a heartbeat away from the Oval Office either.

She really is a unique character in our political drama.

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Sharpton maybe?

:ols: (Not laughing at you.. but Sharpton mentioned in any capacity always makes me :ols: )i don't know if the right is obsessed over him. They don't pay him much mind, probably because if he gets too loud it would be VERY easy to totally discredit him.

I think it's probably in their best interest to let him talk. he sticks his foot in his mouth enough.

And everyone rubbernecks a car wreck.


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I'm not angry. Just objective. lol, obviously a nerve has been struck. I'm racking up being quoted like a pinball machine:ols:

All you've done is pretend that people are obsessed, and somehow that's objective? Plus that last part didn't even make sense. You can't even make an ordinary comment without making sense.

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you will find her far from irrelevant with her PAC ,FOX platform and loyal herd

she ain't going quietly into the night :evilg:

Which means that she's about as politically relevant as Glenn Beck.

---------- Post added October-8th-2011 at 11:48 AM ----------

It proves the mockery was out of fear. When you guys knew for sure she wasn't running, you didn't have to try to bash the juggernaut anymore. :D

(i.e. -- I was right.) ;)

No it just means she's irrelevant on the national scene, there is no sport is crushing a money grubbing blithering loud mouth who is only in it for herself and her fame, and isn't going to actually try to ruin the country from elected office.

BTW, her chances of getting elected to the presidency shrunk to 0% when she quit as governor.

---------- Post added October-8th-2011 at 11:57 AM ----------


“you don’t need a title to make a difference in this country.”

More from the jump

A title!? OMG she thought that this President thing was a beauty pageant!!

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];8594990']All you've done is pretend that people are obsessed' date=' and somehow that's objective? Plus that last part didn't even make sense. You can't even make an ordinary comment without making sense.[/quote']

You've never heard of a pinball machine? Racking up points in pinball is very common. The only thing that lacks sense is your worthless post.

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Well if you're looking to rack up points you'll have to go over to the Stadium, 'cause our posts don't count here in the Tailgate, I pretty sure that's because we have to use our brains over here though.

I was making a joke about how fast my notifications shot up in this thread, comparing it to a pinball machine. Now I'll let you get back to your Palin mocking circle jerk.

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