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What does this mean? Sarah Palin officially announces she's not running, and no Tailgate thread?


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I was making a joke about how fast my notifications shot up in this thread, comparing it to a pinball machine. Now I'll let you get back to your Palin mocking circle jerk.

Ummmm I think the consensus was that we we're pretty much ignoring the irrelevant money grubbing attention seeking self promoter in question, but by your logic ignoring her obviously means we are obsessed with her. :thumbsup:

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Ummmm I think the consensus was that we we're pretty much ignoring the irrelevant money grubbing attention seeking self promoter in question, but by your logic ignoring her obviously means we are obsessed with her. :thumbsup:

Funny, let's ignore Palin by creating a thread about how we are ignoring her lol. I stand corrected:ols:.

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Funny, let's ignore Palin by creating a thread about how we are ignoring her lol. I stand corrected:ols:.

Dude, seriously, here is what you don't get...the WHOLE point of the OP in this thread was to point out that when she announced that she wasn't running...NO ONE CARED.

So, yeah, you stand corrected, 'bout time you admitted as much.

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Funny, let's ignore Palin by creating a thread about how we are ignoring her lol. I stand corrected:ols:.

Well, if this was a multi-merged thread you'd have a better point. As it is, we only have proof that Predicto is obsessed with her and that's probably because she's in his fantasy babe draft list ;)

Also, for an ES thread... it's pretty amazing that it hasn't hit a hundred posts in multiple days. That suggests it's not the hottest of topics.

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Well, if this was a multi-merged thread you'd have a better point. As it is, we only have proof that Predicto is obsessed with her and that's probably because she's in his fantasy babe draft list ;)

Also, for an ES thread... it's pretty amazing that it hasn't hit a hundred posts in multiple days. That suggests it's not the hottest of topics.

Oh no Burgold....au contraire the simple fact that a thread emerged at all even if it was talking about the total lack of interest in Palin's non-campaign is proof in the minds of some that we're all obsessed with her.

BTW, around here I see lots of "Sarah!" and "Palin 2012" bumper stickers, I guess they're obsessed Democrats too. :ols:\

What proves Predicto's point even more is the fact that the reason this thread is half as long as it is, is due to War Paint's misguided insistence that this is all about obsession, rather than being about the Quitter from Alaska.

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Dude, look, I really am sorry you won't be able to vote for her, but really...you're out there all on you own on this one....k thnx bai.

lmao, even if she was running, she wasn't going to get my vote. Anyways, now you guys can get back to your oxymoron thread.

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Bye-bye. Cya later. Farewell. You may go on now with your obsession to ignore her:ols:.

Damn man, are you still posting in this thread?! Yeah, and we're the ones who are supposed obsessed . . . riiiigghht. :ols:

It was even more silly when back in page four you commented on the rapidly growing length of this thread, when half of the posts here are yours.

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Damn man, are you still posting in this thread?! Yeah, and we're the ones who are supposed obsessed . . . riiiigghht. :ols:

It was even more silly when back in page four you commented on the rapidly growing length of this thread, when half of the posts here are yours.

I have no choice. You guys keep quoting me. I think you guys are getting obsessed with me:ols:.

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Funny, let's ignore Palin by creating a thread about how we are ignoring her lol. I stand corrected:ols:.

As opposed to, say, posting half of the posts in a thread, so we can claim, over and over and over, that merely posting something proves obsession, and therefore claiming that this proves that somebody else is obsessed with the topic?

I think you should bump this thread another 20 or 30 times, so you can make your case even louder about how full the world is with obsessed people who claim they aren't obsessed.

And your claim that when people quote you, so they can point out how wrong you are, that it really means that you're right. That's a good one, too.

---------- Post added October-9th-2011 at 07:08 AM ----------

What proves Predicto's point even more is the fact that the reason this thread is half as long as it is, is due to War Paint's misguided insistence that this is all about obsession, rather than being about the Quitter from Alaska.

Actually, I think that roughly half of this thread is one guy claiming that the thread proves that everybody but him is obsessed. (But they won't admit it.)

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It wasn't....for that you must declare a candidacy,a pac does not function as a campaign fund

Right, it's a giant Money to Purchase Influence and Buy Our Government fund.

So in other words, the Princess will use her money as a Washington Insider, doing all the things that her idiot followers think she's against.

Buying influence.. making sure our government is controlled by big money interests... in other words, the complete anti-Tea Party.

But her idiot followers either don't care, or don't get that.

I guess her buying government is OK.

Oh no! I'm obsessing on her being a con artist! I'm obsessing that she treats her followers like a crooked televangelist... bilking them from their money with a lie that she wont do with it what she'll do with it. She'll "influence" government with her PAC money, or she'll keep it.

And the morons that lap up her slug trail will happily believe that their money will save them, just like the idiots who send all their cash to unscrupulous TV preachers who have sold them on the idea that providing them a big new mansion and a gigiantic new limo will buy them into heaven..


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But her idiot followers don't get that.

I guess her buying government is OK.


It's pretty easy to scam the voter base when you mask your BS with some common talking points, and when in trouble, deflect everything towards the big bad man in the White House.

They still love her. Freeper nation:

Yea!!! She’s angering the left!

Again..... YOU GO GIRL!!! ;)


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People love buying influence....just look at the massive donations to PACs and politicos

there will be billions spent this election cycle,with Obama and co leading the way

a fool and his money....

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People love buying influence....just look at the massive donations to PACs and politicos

there will be billions spent this election cycle,with Obama and co leading the way

a fool and his money....

The funny thing to me is that as is the norm with the right they absolutely must cast dispersion on the left no matter what the topic.

"With Obama and co. leading the way"... where the solid shame of it all is that not only will the GOP candidates use unbelievably amounts of money to try and win this election, the people sending their money do it while constantly screaming to get big money interests out of Washington and to force Washington to stop doing business as usual.. while they do EXACTLY that.

If Sarah's Circus wants their views respected, IMO they should demand their PAC contributions back since she has decided to not use it to run for President. And in fact if she does use it to buy influence, her followers ought to burn her at the stake. Such a base betrayal should not be glossed over.

But it will be, and it will be excused while it does everything they have been told to hate.

It's like we're a nation of cuckolds.


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I have no choice. You guys keep quoting me. I think you guys are getting obsessed with me:ols:.

Aw man! :doh: I guess we all have our battles to fight, eh?

And yeah, Palin's exploitation of her supporters is pretty sad, too, and shows the "true content" of her character. But we've already known for a while that she's an ethically challenged person. Case in point, when her PAC called for her supporters to help Palin "fight back" against supposedly "liberal" investigations against her -- after which she then she turned around and bought a new house.

---------- Post added October-9th-2011 at 04:31 PM ----------

It is objectionable I mention the one that will raise and spend the most?:pfft:

the system sucks,but people still send in their money.

We are a nation of fools

Are you still a Perry backer?

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It is objectionable I mention the one that will raise and spend the most?:pfft:

the system sucks,but people still send in their money.

We are a nation of fools

No, it's not objectionable, it seems to me to be pointless to the context of the discussion.

Sarah stands on a plank of being against this. This is potentially "business as usual", no?

To me that is where the conversation has drifted.. I don't see the Dems and their spending habits as contextual, because they and their Washington Insider Business as Usual Dontcha Know are what Sarah rails against.

(And, it's the one plank in her stand that I agree with.. that big money has poisoned our system and the little guy has been frozen out. Where she goes after that is where our agreement stops.)

Now, I am not even talking about a presidential candidate. Perry has a PAC, Obama has a PAC, Romney, Cain, Paul all have PACs.. but they are going to use it right now primarily to run. And there's no getting around how expensive that is. People sending money to support candidates in their campaign isn't what I'm talking about. I think that is all well and good. (People now.. not corps pretending to be people. Individual citizens.)

It's people sending money to a person who you could say led them to believe she would run, and now has not after collecting the money. To me that leaves Sarah a few options.. give the cash back.. spend it on herself, or use it to be one of those at which she shakes her fist.

Unfortunately, I feel pretty certain she will use it to be the type of Washington Insider her supporters are being led to believe she's against.


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Are you still a Perry backer?

With money?....Never have, with my vote maybe (I've voted for him before)

Bang,people sending money to a PAC expecting it to be spent on that candidates race deserve what they get :ols:

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