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Unwilling to support murder. That's what killing an innocent man is. Oddly when the government does it no one demands anyone be put to death. I'd be more inclined to support the DP ifthe standards of evidence were higher. This case shows how the system fails so there is no reason to trust it. Just raise the standard of evidence for the DP to even be an option. From reasonable doubt (which clealy exists in this case) to no rational doubt.

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How long would you say is fair to 'figure it out'?

You must have the patience of Job.....or simply don't want blood on your hands

You are right. I do not want blood on my hands, or my society's hands.

And why would I be required to be patient? Is killing a prisoner something to look forward to, to be anticipated, something that I should feel deprived of when it doesn't happen fast enough?

And I guarantee you that a good portion of the delay in this execution came from the PROSECUTION fighting tooth and nail not to reopen the matter, at any cost, no matter what new evidence was revealed. And another good part came when this guy didn't have any lawyers or investigators looking into the matter.

God damn, it is amazing how blase some people are about an execution when there is at least some good reason to think that witnesses were coerced, not to mention intimidated by the true murderer. Who gives a damn how much time has passed. We are talking about the ultimate punishment.

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..........And I guarantee you that a good portion of the delay in this execution came from the PROSECUTION fighting tooth and nail not to reopen the matter, at any cost, no matter what new evidence was revealed. And another good part came when this guy didn't have any lawyers or investigators looking into the matter.

God damn, it is amazing how blase some people are about an execution when there is at least some good reason to think that witnesses were coerced, not to mention intimidated by the true murderer. Who gives a damn how much time has passed. We are talking about the ultimate punishment.

Not reopen the matter??? The matter was in fact reopened and the defense position was found wanting.

"Last year, the Supreme Court took the extraordinary step of directing that a District Judge scrutinise the case and hold fresh hearings because seven out of nine eyewitnesses had supposedly recanted their testimony.

Davis’s lawyers declined to put two of those witnesses on the stand, making their affidavits of almost no value. Judge William Moore, a President Bill Clinton appointee, found that of the five others, two did not in fact alter their original evidence and two lacked any credibility. He found that one, a jailhouse snitch, had genuinely recanted – but that it had been clear in the original trial he was a liar.

Judge Moore concluded in his 174-page ruling that the “fresh” evidence Davis had gathered amounted to little more than “smoke and mirrors” and the “vast majority of the evidence at trial remains intact”.

Indeed, a reading of his judgement indicates that by not calling two of its recantation witnesses (one was waiting in the courthouse to testify and the other, the homeless man who was beaten, was readily available), the Davis defence team was preserving something they knew would damage his case in court if tested but if left intact could be of publicity value. There has never been a scintilla of evidence that Davis's race has ever been a factor in his initial conviction or in it being upheld......"


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Justice delayed is justice denied, be they innocent or guilty


Penal law is not about retribution. We don’t have the death penalty (as seen above) because of “an eye for an eye.” And though it should definitely have deterrence as a strong objective, the only criterion for penal law is not deterrence. Penal law is ultimately about a society deciding the hierarchy of its values.

And this is where the second argument against death penalty comes in: there is something skewed about a liberal, democratic society, saying, in essence: “We won’t take your life because that’s just so awful, but we reserve the right to take away your liberty in the most complete way imaginable.” It suggests that that society places life as a more important value than liberty. I submit that this is a serious and bad thing for a democratic society.

Life is a very important value. I want to live in a society that values life highly. But it is not, and cannot be, the most important value under any conceivable moral order. And particularly in any democratic order.

I just want to underline this point for my libertarian and pseudo-libertarian friends: you should be concerned about a society that says “Taking your life is beyond the pale, but taking your freedom is not.” That’s backwards.

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I think the argument here is not about Troy Davis being innocent or not, it is whether there was enough doubt about the evidence and how it was collected and how it has changed from the original conviction that might constitute a new trial.

Also the judge saying someone has to "prove their innocence" is backwards to how the law works, no? The burden is to prove guilt, not innocence.

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The burden changes.... once convicted there is no longer a presumption of innocence(which is why they can then be imprisoned or executed)

you must present evidence proving it or of legal issues related to a unfair trial.

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Used properly I believe it could be a a major deterrent. but the main purpose of the death penalty is to punish and remove from society those that commit these henouis crimes

---------- Post added September-25th-2011 at 10:54 AM ----------

Woe is the day that America is slow to question the motive and wisdom of the government and quick to condemn men to die.

For shame.

edit: unrelated to my post above, but I put this on Facebook earlier:

If a central point of Christianity is the worship of a man wrongly condemned to death, how can people who call themselves Christian tolerate the death penalty?

God could have stopped the execution of Christ but he didnt but we feel the need to try to stop executions

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I thought this was good from one of the comments:

Troy Davis was sacrificed on the autumn equinox. It is an ancient Druid witch ceremony which can be traced to the Ancient Egypt which in turn can be traced as far back as ancient Babylon. Our government is practicing pagan sacrifices in order to mustered up demonic entities that they think they control. What they do is get the evil entity to cause bad things to happen to people the want dead. Or they maybe are gathering up enough demonic energy for something big like another war. Look up prophecy club under American occult Illuminati holidays. every Solstice and equinox they perform these type of rituals.
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