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Do you play any jokes on new people at work? Or some minor hazing?


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When I was in the USAF, it was customary to do these things to the new guys fresh from basic (you gotta remember these guys just got yelled at for 6-8 weeks and will do whatever an NCO or even a junior rank will ask him to do)

- Ask him to retrieve a bottle of "Prop-Wash"

-Prop wash is the air blown by the props behind the plane that will knock you over if you get close enough, however the new kids don't know.

- Tell him "Major Storm called".

Give him the number to the weather department on base so he will call and ask for a "Major Storm"

- Tell him "Captain Dees called."

Give him the number to the Captain D's fast food restaurant. (The restaurant actually ended up getting pissed at us for this one)

- Tell him to go to the security forces shack and get you a bottle of "K9p"

They think this is some important task because it involves the security forces, but obviously this is just a bottle of dog piss from the K9 unit, but the new guys have no idea and always go ask the cops for it.

I'm sure the other services have their own and the civilian world probably has some great ones so that's why I ask. I've found these things make it easier for the new guys to adjust b/c it makes them feel like part of the team. However, we tried this on a girl once and she flipped and was gonna file complaints on people. May have just been that time of the month.

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Place a sign on the copier that it was updated to have voice commands. The sign also said since the software was new that you may need to repeat commands a couple times to get it to work.

Hilarity ensued.

I think I got this idea from these boards.

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In the Marines we would always send the boots to the CO's office for a box of BA1100NS or an ID10T form and it pretty much always worked.

Now, being in an office environment, when we get a new sales rep, inevitably they will leave their desk and not lock their screen. So we'll send an email from them to the receptionist or one of the other guys or whatever saying that they want to get to know you better, can we got out for a drink some time, whatever. Pretty much everyone in the office has gad this happen to them at one time or another so we'll usually play along and reply to the effect of "you seem cool and all but I'd rather keep our relationship professional".

Juvenile I know, but good for a laugh nonetheless.

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in an office setting another great one is when someone leaves their computer unlocked, take a printscreen of their desktop with all their icons on it. then set that as the wallpaper, and drag the actual icons off-screen.

this one is awesome especially for people who aren't as computer savvy.

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in an office setting another great one is when someone leaves their computer unlocked, take a printscreen of their desktop with all their icons on it. then set that as the wallpaper, and drag the actual icons off-screen.

this one is awesome especially for people who aren't as computer savvy.

Yup that's the one here that happens on certain teams haha. Or we change their desktop image. Nothing major.

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Yeah plenty...I'm very quiet in the office but I work with a lot of women who talk loudly so I'm privy to their conversations. One of them was complaining about raccoons invading her trash and how they freaked her out. I waited till she had left for the day, then printed out a picture of a glaring raccoon and added the caption "I am watching you "her name," even while you sleep. Made a bunch of copies and pasted them all over her cube.

One of our admins was complaining about how much the phone had been ringing, how she was going to go nuts if the phone rang one more time and it was another rude person, etc. I waited till it was time for her to leave for the day, she had put on her coat and was shutting her computer down, so I quickly dialed her extension and listened to her start cursing loudly, until she saw it was me. Of course, that didn't stop the cursing, but it was hilarious.

Similar to my first example, at one of my first jobs, I worked with a guy who was alternately funny and miserable. He was a JD who didn't care much for the office life and had been a park ranger for a few years, then decided to go back to the office. He was a great speaker, and he was funny, but most of his humor was self-depracating or in relation to how crappy everything was around him. I waited till my last day on that job (I was working second shift, he was long gone) and then spent my last few hours printing out copies of that generic yellow smile face. I covered his cube with them...no place was left unturned. Our desks were covered with heavy glass...I took the time to remove his computer, take the glass off, then cover his desk and put the glass back on so he wouldn't be able to remove them without going through the same procedure; hard to accomplish during work hours. His cube looked like some kind of forced-happiness room you'd stick mental patients in.

I wasn't around for the aftermath of that one since as I said, it was my last day, but I heard from co-workers that it was fantastic.

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Some simple office ones are hit the scroll lock key for people who aren't computer savvy. Half the time these people will hop in excel, and not know why their excel isn't working right.

Another is change the auto correct options...make a simple word like "the" auto correct to anything you want. Keep it clean so they don't get fired!

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Used to. Especially in the service,( I worked in the hospital),and in the construction world. Example. Working in the ER on night,and a couple of new med techs were doing their first rotation of night shifts on the Surgical Ward. The Charge nurse came up with an oldie but a goodie to play on them. In proper military fashion,we worked as a team in our preparation. Short version as follows. Goal: Scare the **** out of two new techs. How? Put someone alive under a sheet in the ER and tell the kids how you needed help with a body. You can fill in the rest. :) Yep. Soon as the charge nurse under the sheet rose up and groaned,2 new techs did the Rode Runner back to the Surgical ward. While screaming of course. Hey. At least we didn't lock them in the hospital morgue with the lights turned that time. :)

Note: Don't play the jokes too much anymore.

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Simple yet effective...

1. Take a print screen of their desktop, place it as their desktop and then hide all icons...


1. Poor teaspoon of whiskey on chair, smell will get all over them.

Lots of work:

1. Bubble wrap the cubicle, fill it with packing popcorn.

Fun if time permits:

1. Disassemble computer, have him scavenger hunt to find all the pieces (actually had this one happen to me).

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More simple but effective. Put vaseline or something close to it on the earpiece of the phone. Then call it. :)

Crazy glue or something a little less aggressive on a pen or something else and place it in the middle of the desk.

Never,never underestimate the power of a fake insect under a keyboard or something else.

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Where I used to work, we'd fill a co-workers cube with balloons. But in some of the balloons, we'd fill them with the left overs from the hole puncher. When they go to pop the balloons in their cube, there was still even more mess to clean up.

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Took a computer training class (for Access or Powerpoint) with a group of people once. Had a row of tables facing each other w/computers back-to-back. During a break we swapped keyboard inputs so that the person's keyboard that was opposite us was plugged into our machine. We would then type things in while they were typing which obviously didn't agree with what they were typing. ("Invalid entry, please try again", "Hit Enter Harder", "Processing, please hold space bar down, etc" and when they really got frustrated: "You don't know what you are doing do you?") Was hilarious. Especially the guy who hated the class to begin with, didn't know computers and had a temper. Instructor mentioned something about "Sophomoric humor". That happened 10 years ago and we still die laughing about it.

Old job: Licked gummy bears and stuck them to metal ceiling fans (left off), turned AC off and then enjoyed the "bullets" whizzing around when someone turned fans on.

Leave post-it note for employee demanding they go see their boss and asking why they weren't at their desk as if the boss had written it. Person normally will bust into office apologizing for being at the restroom,etc.

Ctrl-alt-upsidedown arrow (flips screen upside down).

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When I worked for the gov't, most of the time we were bored. We would put tape head high on the bathroom doors, we'd tape drawers shut, sabbotage staplers etc. We had a woman in our office that was from India, but was a US citizen. My next in command did the tape trick on the bathroom and she went into a rage. It took all we could to keep her from going to the big boss. We made it a point never to prank her again.

You have to be carefule nowadays Too many thin skinned people and PCers out there. We don't do anything like that in our current office.

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Took a computer training class (for Access or Powerpoint) with a group of people once. Had a row of tables facing each other w/computers back-to-back. During a break we swapped keyboard inputs so that the person's keyboard that was opposite us was plugged into our machine. We would then type things in while they were typing which obviously didn't agree with what they were typing. ("Invalid entry, please try again", "Hit Enter Harder", "Processing, please hold space bar down, etc" and when they really got frustrated: "You don't know what you are doing do you?") Was hilarious. Especially the guy who hated the class to begin with, didn't know computers and had a temper. Instructor mentioned something about "Sophomoric humor". That happened 10 years ago and we still die laughing about it.

Old job: Licked gummy bears and stuck them to metal ceiling fans (left off), turned AC off and then enjoyed the "bullets" whizzing around when someone turned fans on.

Leave post-it note for employee demanding they go see their boss and asking why they weren't at their desk as if the boss had written it. Person normally will bust into office apologizing for being at the restroom,etc.

Ctrl-alt-upsidedown arrow (flips screen upside down).

the swapping kybd inputs is brilliant

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