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Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3


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Im kinda a fluid player....I always start off running around but after you die 10 times ina row especially with noob tubes I am gonna start camping....its the only way I can compete.

Personally I like the strategy games like capture the flag alot better anyway....it involves a little more than just running around like crazy killing people....you need ot have good team work to win Capture the flag, and camping in those games is expected becuase there is a point to defend.....Death match just has completely lost its appeal for me, its were most of the jerks hang out.

you dont have to have great map knowledge or lots of time spent playing these games to be effective. there are so many idiots running around that even if you dont have great gun skills, you can still get a positive KD and help your team without camping, which is generally useless and boring.

i think perhaps you misunderstand what a good rusher does. good rushing is controlled. you dont want your gunfights to be fair, you want to have the advantage every time a gunfight occurs. whether you are at a good distance for the gun you have, have better cover than the opponent, or have the element of suprise. it's basically what youre doing when youre camping, just at a faster pace. you want to have you gun up (or at least so youre not sprinting) when you come around corners, flash grenade rooms before you enter them, pay attention to you HUD, and understand how the game is flowing and where people are and where they will be.

those are just a few of the techniques that i used to become a better player, and i guarantee they'll make you better as well.

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When are you getting the game?

sadly, i think it might have to wait until after Christmas. graduation coupled with license study is pretty tough right now. the game seems pretty fun, and i can only imagine what could be done with stackable killstreaks. its gonna be crazy.

also, you said earlier that you use an aimbot or was that sarcastic?

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sadly, i think it might have to wait until after Christmas. graduation coupled with license study is pretty tough right now. the game seems pretty fun, and i can only imagine what could be done with stackable killstreaks. its gonna be crazy.

also, you said earlier that you use an aimbot or was that sarcastic?


I would say these games are about 60% situation awareness and 40% skill. Map knowledge definitley factors in to the 60%. It's been less than a week and on 80% of the maps I know the where the spawns are, when they will spawn, and where I need to be to already have an advantage when they do spawn in. Of course map knowledge will be more important for some game modes like SnD and TDM, and not quite as important for a game type like domination.

I love running into clans like those REDi guys last night. They thought they were incredible. Skinfan immediately starts talking **** while the rest of us stay quite. They told him he was retarded for talking **** by himself and that they were going to destroy him. They got wrecked. Easy wins, and trolling at it's finest. They mad.

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I've run into some pretty bad connection issues a few times. Last night I started 0-14 on a map and couldn't figure out why none of my shots were registering on kill cam. Then I noticed that I had 1 red bar, and so did my entire team. Once the connection improved, I finished 17-23, which was going 17-9 the rest of the way, which is an okay game. The next game I went 31-9. Connection issues really make the game impossible to play.

The other thing I noticed, is that I play mostly all Kill Confirmed. Most of the people that play that game don't seem to understand the concept. It's part of the problem with playing with randoms. I have some real life buddies I roll with most of the time, and we support each other, but there's usually only 3 of us and the rest of the team is a pain in the ass.

My strategy is usually to avoid sprinting. Every time I do it results in deaths and frustration, which results in more deaths.

I started off rough with this game at a .7 K/D ratio. But I've climbed to about 1.2 now and it's getting better with pretty much every game, save the 0-14 debacle. Last night I played 5 games in a row of 2:1, 3:1 or 4:1. I'm having a blast with this game. But like I said, every once in awhile I get some MAJOR connection problems.

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Sprinting is definitley a risky but nesassary part of being good. You are the most defenseless while doing it but it's also extremely important to get to places quickly. I see way to many people sprinting around corners. That's an easy kill. I pretty much always strafe around corners with the gun up.

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Sprinting is definitley a risky but nesassary part of being good. You are the most defenseless while doing it but it's also extremely important to get to places quickly. I see way to many people sprinting around corners. That's an easy kill. I pretty much always strafe around corners with the gun up.

Well, yeah. Sprinting has its place. I just avoid it unless I have to. And I NEVER want to sprint into a hot zone on a map.

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Sprinting is definitley a risky but nesassary part of being good. You are the most defenseless while doing it but it's also extremely important to get to places quickly. I see way to many people sprinting around corners. That's an easy kill. I pretty much always strafe around corners with the gun up.

Last night was a good run. Even with only getting to play about 5 or 6 games. We almost lost that first one, but the rest were pretty smooth sailing. The REDi clan were really a bunch of tools and we mopped the floor with them.

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Last night was a good run. Even with only getting to play about 5 or 6 games. We almost lost that first one, but the rest were pretty smooth sailing. The REDi clan were really a bunch of tools and we mopped the floor with them.

I couldn't believe those <edited rule violation--3 week ban---staff may close thread next time a similarly obvious violation goes unreported by other posters in thread> accused us of camping. They camped so hard I discovered parts of that map that I didn't even know exist.

Are you talking about an elite group vishal? I guess now that it's working I should get it. I can't wait for some new maps. Specifically some new old maps. They should have just ported all of the mw2 maps in and make them a playlist, and then add some of the favorites into the MW3 playlist.

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I would be down to create a team. Do we need to buy elite to do this?

I don't think so. You can sign up for elite for free, there is a premium and a free membership. But if you plan on getting the maps they release, then buying a membership probably makes sense.

Joining groups is available with the free version. What do you guys think would be a funny name?

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