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Dear Front Office... THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!


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Allen and Shanny are finally doing what we have needed for years and are starting to make us a younger team and rebuild through the draft. For years the knock on the Skin's has been we trade away everything and go after vet's who rarely pan out and we always overpay them. Regardless if you love every pick we end up with, you must agree the changing of the guard means a whole new mindset which has been a proven formula for building a long term winning culture. I am ecstatic! Thank you again.

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yeah except for we have a huge gaping hole at the most important spot on the team lol....they haven't done **** except fill holes and completely ignore the quarterback position, hoping that john beck can pull a rabbit out of his ass or something...we had so many opportunities to select our biggest need and didn't so i don't see why you are thanking them.

btw free agency hasn't began yet so you can credit us not trading our draft away to that.

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btw free agency hasn't began yet so you can credit us not trading our draft away to that.

Except you dont use draft picks on free agents...

Anyway, I do like what the Skins have done in this draft in aquiring more picks. I would have preferred the Skins getting some offensive linemen, but I trust this regime to do whats best. I think the Skins are finally in rebuilding mode so I'm OK with them not drafting a QB yet. No sense in wasting a pick on a QB you dont believe truly has a shot in being your starter at some point. Wasnt a fan of trading 2 5ths to move up though. I think Kelo would have been there when the Skins were up.

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yeah except for we have a huge gaping hole at the most important spot on the team lol....they haven't done **** except fill holes and completely ignore the quarterback position, hoping that john beck can pull a rabbit out of his ass or something...we had so many opportunities to select our biggest need and didn't so i don't see why you are thanking them.

btw free agency hasn't began yet so you can credit us not trading our draft away to that.

So you believe we should continue to do what we have always done? We should not get as many talented young players as we can? I know we need a franchise QB, I believe if they thought BG could be our QB of the future he would be a Redskin. What is obvious is we have a TON of needs. What is also obvious is that we will not be able to solve every problem in one or two off seasons. Try to be positive, doing what we have done for the last two decades has not worked. Why not support their efforts and see if it pans out? I know it is easy to be pessimistic and sit back and throw darts, but I for one will cheer them on. Again...THANK YOU FRONT OFFICE!

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yeah except for we have a huge gaping hole at the most important spot on the team lol....they haven't done **** except fill holes and completely ignore the quarterback position, hoping that john beck can pull a rabbit out of his ass or something...we had so many opportunities to select our biggest need and didn't so i don't see why you are thanking them.

btw free agency hasn't began yet so you can credit us not trading our draft away to that.

Yes, thank god we don't have someone like you in the front office........

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I think that it makes more sense to build the team at large through the draft rather than draft a QB who more than likely will bust without a strong team around him. I still bet we draft Tyrod Taylor to get someone to challenge Grossman, but Grossman's going to be our starter next year. I'm thinking low ceiling for the team in 2011, but at least we're moving in the right direction.

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I'm thinking low ceiling for the team in 2011, but at least we're moving in the right direction.

I agree. I've accepted that the Skins are just not going to be good this year. But if Snyder can keep this front office together long enough to complete their plan, this team can build something special. Shanahan found some solid players last year and once they get their systems in place and the players are in it for a few years, I expect good things. I like the type of players they have targeted and drafted. High character, team leaders.

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yeah except for we have a huge gaping hole at the most important spot on the team lol....they haven't done **** except fill holes and completely ignore the quarterback position, hoping that john beck can pull a rabbit out of his ass or something...we had so many opportunities to select our biggest need and didn't so i don't see why you are thanking them.

btw free agency hasn't began yet so you can credit us not trading our draft away to that.

I think everyone is jumping to conclusions that Beck is going to be the guy. The only thing Grossman is waiting on is a contract to sign. He wants to be a Redskin and a starter. Why wouldn't he stay here? Is he our first choice at QB? Heck no. But we didn't give up any draft picks or personnel for him, he knows the system well, and he could give us a pretty good draft pick again next year :ols:

But I also agree we're being very quick to praise the FO when they weren't even allowed to trade for players in the first place. We'll never know what they would have done with those picks had the lockout not been in place.

Hopefully this is the start of something new...

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yeah except for we have a huge gaping hole at the most important spot on the team lol....they haven't done **** except fill holes and completely ignore the quarterback position, hoping that john beck can pull a rabbit out of his ass or something...we had so many opportunities to select our biggest need and didn't so i don't see why you are thanking them.

btw free agency hasn't began yet so you can credit us not trading our draft away to that.

lol the difference in football knowledge is incredible between the two of us. You were born in '91, I was born in '90 and I am actually ashamed to share the same decade with you after viewing that nonsense. What QB exactly were we supposed to take that was going to put this team over the top? I was beating the Mallett drum forever but came to realize that he doesn't fit with this offense. I am 100% sure Mike Shannahan, Bruce Allen and the rest of the scouts know a hell of a lot more about the quarterback position in this draft than you ever could comprehend off watching these guys on youtube.

EDIT: Oh and sorry, I completely missed the most completely useless part of your post. Trading away draft picks for free agents. HILARIOUS.

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yeah except for we have a huge gaping hole at the most important spot on the team lol....they haven't done **** except fill holes and completely ignore the quarterback position, hoping that john beck can pull a rabbit out of his ass or something...we had so many opportunities to select our biggest need and didn't so i don't see why you are thanking them.

btw free agency hasn't began yet so you can credit us not trading our draft away to that.

Vinny is that you? I would much rather try to find some pieces to fill in this draft than to draft a QB only to have said QB ride the pine.

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yeah except for we have a huge gaping hole at the most important spot on the team lol....they haven't done **** except fill holes and completely ignore the quarterback position, hoping that john beck can pull a rabbit out of his ass or something...we had so many opportunities to select our biggest need and didn't so i don't see why you are thanking them.

btw free agency hasn't began yet so you can credit us not trading our draft away to that.

Who the hell are we supposed to take at qb? Every qb in this draft has a big question mark around him ... blaine gabbert in no way fits our offense. You are a tard.

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Andrew Luck comes out NEXT year, not this year, and if all the predictions based on our schedule are true, we'll be in position for him next spring. I think the front office is considering that when they make these picks. They want a team that'll be ready to succeed in 2012 with speedy skill players and a solid D.

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Yes, thank god we don't have someone like you in the front office........

I second that but we used too in one Vinny Cerratto.

This FO did everything right so far except trade away picks for McNabb and Brown. I'll give them a pass if they stick with a rebuilding plan. Since McNabb is under contract and is a quality guy I prefer we keep him for the next two years and draft Luck or another quality QB next year or the year after as the team is MINIMUM 2 drafts away from being a SB contender. I love this draft as it is the first off-season since Marty was here there seemed to be a long range plan vice a win it all this year plan or bust plan. We have tried the later every ****ing year since Marty was fired until this year.

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I am finally impressed w/ our FO in working a draft. HA HA to all those Gabbert fans...lol. Im OK with the 1st 4 picks, even though I thought the trade up was Stanzi but Shannys track record w/ RBs is real good and we need depth if nothing else so I'll give him a pass. With that said, I dont know too much about the later rounders. My take was starting with #146- Jerrel Powe NT/Ole Miss, #155- Chykie Brown CB/Texas, #177- Greg Jones ILB/Mich St, #178- Matt Bosher P/Miami, #213- Mike Herzlich OLB/Boston College, #217- Terrence Tolliver WR/LSU, #224- Chase Beeler C/Stanford and #253- Pat Devlin QB/Deleware

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I absolutely love the approach to building the team. Defense is a game of speed and youth. Offense takes time playing together chemistry and timing. Give the guys we had on offense another year to understand and execute the system, infuse the youth and speed on defense. This was a great (quiet) off season and the guys we drafted all had the words: hard worker, consistent, and high motor in their descriptions....not injury plagued, inconsistent...etc Outstanding!!!!

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This FO did everything right so far except trade away picks for McNabb and Brown.

I also think they made a mistake in thinking that Carter and Haynesworth would be good fits for a 3-4, and should have been trying to get deals for some of those players. Instead, they killed all the value that they had.

As much praise as they get for doing this now, they should have been doing this last year. Maybe we'd have a few more players that we'd be looking forward to, and we wouldn't have had to trade so much value for picks this year.

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yeah except for we have a huge gaping hole at the most important spot on the team lol....they haven't done **** except fill holes and completely ignore the quarterback position, hoping that john beck can pull a rabbit out of his ass or something...we had so many opportunities to select our biggest need and didn't so i don't see why you are thanking them.

btw free agency hasn't began yet so you can credit us not trading our draft away to that.

Patience young one. We can't fill every gap in one weekend. They didn't believe in those QB's and frankly i'm glad they passed b/c they sure know a hell of a lot more than you and I.

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lol the difference in football knowledge is incredible between the two of us. You were born in '91, I was born in '90 and I am actually ashamed to share the same decade with you after viewing that nonsense. What QB exactly were we supposed to take that was going to put this team over the top? I was beating the Mallett drum forever but came to realize that he doesn't fit with this offense. I am 100% sure Mike Shannahan, Bruce Allen and the rest of the scouts know a hell of a lot more about the quarterback position in this draft than you ever could comprehend off watching these guys on youtube.

EDIT: Oh and sorry, I completely missed the most completely useless part of your post. Trading away draft picks for free agents. HILARIOUS.

It is a fact we have a unresolved QB situation and this is league where you need a franchise QB to win a SB. Whether there was a franchise QB in this draft can be debated.

However using the logic "I am 100% sure Mike Shannahan, Bruce Allen and the rest of the scouts know a hell of a lot more about the quarterback position in this draft than you ever could comprehend off watching these guys on youtube" is flawed.

I am sure Spurrier knows more about QB's than all of us...yet he started Matthews ,Wuerfell and drafted Ramsey

Gibbs knows more about QB yet he drafted Jason Campbell.

So using your logic we should never be able to question any coach or GM cause the obviously know more about football than us.

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I'm pleased that we were able to upgrade at the Wide Reciever position. Something we've desperately been needing for the past decade even with Moss in the picture. Now we finally have some big body playmakers that we can go to in the end zone and on 3rd down. I just wish we would have gotten some decent O-linemen to go with them. I'm not sold on the DL out of Clemson. I'll have to wait and see what that pick was all about.

But overall I am quite impressed with how they handled the draft. We came in with half less picks then we came out, and in the end we got a good hull of players. We're bound to hit on a few of the late rounders. One of those WRs and RBs WILL make a contribution. The CB seems like a good role player too from what I've read.

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I am glad to see most of us are on the same page. Realizing we can't fix every position in one draft is huge. The main point is that we are starting to move in the right direction. I am so happy to be a Skin's fan! I wish we could just fast-forward a couple years to see what QB we do end up with and how this new approach pans out. HTTR!

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