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Boycotting the NFL draft


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I received a email encouraging All football fans to boycott the NFL draft in new York city. Even though the NFL and NFTA make it a point to say fans matter its very evident we don't have a say in this labor situation. The NFL draft will be the only viable option to show our displeasure with the current situation. A televised NFL draft with no physical audience would speak for all of us in this fight and let our voice be heard.

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Well, since the antitrust lawsuit the players are filing would consider the draft illegal, and would be attempting to do away with it, I don't think the players really care about a draft at this point.

Here's an article with some of the information:


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I really couldn't imagine attending or even watching an NFL draft. It is dreadfully boring. I normally bring it up on my phone minimize it on my PC and check it as I do something else.

That's about what I do...the only time I actually watch is when the Skins are on the clock and the team before, just because I'm curious (especially this year since the Pukes are right before us)

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What is the reason for the boycott? I would at least like to have some facts on why we should boycott.

Average NFL career, about 3 years. Average NFL salary, oh a million?

So prorated over 30 years thats 100K per year?

Not bad.

Meanwhile a rookie draft pick who may never be a starter can get 20-30-40 million guaranteed?

There are problems with the system. I know the owners make money. But some of the player salaries are out of control.

And just to keep it on the up and up....not all players injuries are as a result of playing in the NFL. Playing football is a long road. Players lose their careers in college due to injuries. It's not a simple solution.

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Average NFL career, about 3 years. Average NFL salary, oh a million?

So prorated over 30 years thats 100K per year?

Those numbers don't add up at all.

Going by your numbers, a 3 year, million dollar contract would be ~333k/year.

Not sure where you're getting 30 years or 100k

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3 million, or 3 times your average salary number.

1 million over 30 years is $33,333.33 per year.

Average salary is 1,000,000 a year.

Over 3 years that is 3 million.

3 Million/30 years is 100,000 a year.

That = 100,000 a year for 30 years.

It's not rocket science. :ols:

Hitman save it. I know it's a difficult math equation for you :ols:

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Average salary is 1,000,000 a year.

Over 3 years that is 3 million.

3 Million/30 years is 100,000 a year.

That = 100,000 a year for 30 years.

It's not rocket science. :ols:

Hitman save it. I know it's a difficult math equation for you :ols:

Thought you meant the average contract amount, not average amount paid.

My math's right, don't try to say it isn't. Word your setup better. 99% of the time when someone talks about an NFL player's salary they give the total contract value, not how much they make per year.

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Thought you meant the average contract amount, not average amount paid.

My math's right, don't try to say it isn't. Word your setup better. 99% of the time when someone talks about an NFL player's salary they give the total contract value, not how much they make per year.

I was clear.

The average contract is 1 mill per year.

Average NFL lifetime is 3 year. Actually its more than 3 years.

So on a 30 year average it's 100K per year.

Not pulling the wool over your eyes, just stating facts.

So the average NFL player gets 3.3 million+ to play in the league.

THats much greater than the average american employee :)

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I received a email encouraging All football fans to boycott the NFL draft in new York city. Even though the NFL and NFTA make it a point to say fans matter its very evident we don't have a say in this labor situation. The NFL draft will be the only viable option to show our displeasure with the current situation. A televised NFL draft with no physical audience would speak for all of us in this fight and let our voice be heard.

I can't sign off on this. Sorry.

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I mean, if I had been planning on going all the way to NY just to see what I can see for free on my TV, then yeah, I might boycott that to make some kind of statement.

But there's no way I'm not watching it at home, as I've always done.

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I've never understood the appeal of the draft. It's about as interesting as watching paint dry and it takes a whole weekend.

I love football, but not THAT much.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not one of the whackos that will sit and watch the entire draft. No no. The first round is about all I can stand. But that is the most interesting part of it, anyway. After that it just gets totall boring. Because if you know all the players that get drafted in the later rounds, you probably need to get a life.

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Because if you know all the players that get drafted in the later rounds, you probably need to get a life.

Or you also watch college football...(although I'm someone who will only recognize the names of the late-round players who have been discussed on ES all year, so I can see kind of where you're coming from)

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The NFL is so freakin hard to boycott. I mean the owners have the best job in the world and they have the world at their finger tips. They literally have every single fan of football eating out of their hands because we love the game so much. It would be hard to boycott the draft television wise, but you could definitely boycott ticket sales. That would be a great option.

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The NFL is so freakin hard to boycott. I mean the owners have the best job in the world and they have the world at their finger tips. They literally have every single fan of football eating out of their hands because we love the game so much. It would be hard to boycott the draft television wise, but you could definitely boycott ticket sales. That would be a great option.

Email wasn't talking about boycotting the television broadcast. Apparently people are trying to get together to boycott actually being at the draft in ny.

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