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You might be a Homer if...


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Im a homer then because I just watched Jack Kent Cooke say and do the same thing that we have damned Snyder for doing. He said he would have spent how ever much he needed to bring in Doug Williams as a back up QB, and not even the starter, because he wanted to win so bad. Nobody said a word about Mr Cooke spending money because he got his Lombardi's and Danny hasn't yet.

Sure Danny has started all wrong and spent way more on players just as old, but at least he spends the money and tries so hard to give us another world champion, and it took many years but now he seems to finally have it right by trusting his staff to build, coach and run his team.

Sooner or later because Snyder is such a fan he does all he can to get a winning team, he will end up with his Lombardi. Then all will be forgiven and forgotten and a new dynasty will beginning Washington, and all the young fans will know how it feels to watch our beloved Redskins holding up that trophy and being named "World Champions"!!!

Now there's a homer :ols:

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you think that we seriously need more Snyder threads. (not aimed at OP, but we can already see where this is going)

Apprently -

Maybe we could have a homers annominus thread where we can start a support group for people who actually want the team to do well rather than snipe from the bleachers all the time .... but then I can see that going very very badly .

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Yep you Steve sound like a proud Homer

lol I have to admit it sure sounded good :ols:

---------- Post added February-5th-2011 at 08:53 AM ----------

Some of you guys are not getting it. My mistake I should have lead with: if you always pick Skins to win the NFC East. All you darn homers are trying to make this a Snyder thread! BTW you might be a homer if you dont like this thread!

Exactly, they turned ths into a Danny thread and they need to stop talkng about my hero and daddy like that lmao :ols:

We will get those 3 special players who will take us to the show this season, I'm just not sure what show will be playing on HBO lol.

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Im a homer then because I just watched Jack Kent Cooke say and do the same thing that we have damned Snyder for doing. He said he would have spent how ever much he needed to bring in Doug Williams as a back up QB, and not even the starter, because he wanted to win so bad. Nobody said a word about Mr Cooke spending money because he got his Lombardi's and Danny hasn't yet.

The difference between Cooke and Snyder isn't the Lombardi trophy. Cooke spent the money based on what his GM and HC wanted. If Beathard and Gibbs said, I want this, he said go ahead and wrote the check, then he stayed out of it.

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a successful owner is by definition a good judge of people and their capabilities. few owners have played NFL football (outside of Richardson) and therefore must depend upon others to build their programs.

Snyder has consistently made mistakes in knowing who to trust and which individuals should be hired to work specific jobs.

Unlike Cooke, Snyder refused for 10 years to hire a legitimate General Manager and depended upon a de-facto, shadow personnel guy in Vinny Cerrato to give input on player development as well as his head coaching hires.

It has been demonstrated over time in the NFL that FEW head coaches are able to be both coach and GM and bring home the Lombardi Trophy.

Yet Snyder persisted, specifically because most GMs with respect around the NFL would not let Snyder sit in the War Room and try to discuss prospects on draft day like a true professional.

Cooke never did that. Yes, it was his money and he asked questions about whom Gibbs and Beathard wanted to acquire in trades and free agency (limited as it was at that time).

But he didn't provide input in who the Redskins were going to take in the second round of the draft (as Snyder did in 2008) and didn't get personally involved in picking up the phone and negotiating free agent contracts or trades in cases like the one with Laveranues Coles or Albert Haynesworth.

Snyder is a poor judge of people. He trusts the wrong people more often than not and doesn't seem to have a good sense of which hires work well TOGETHER.

Anyone here really think Beathard, Gibbs and Cooke would have signed Haynesworth with his character issues to the largest contract in history for a defensive player? :)

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The difference between Cooke and Snyder isn't the Lombardi trophy. Cooke spent the money based on what his GM and HC wanted. If Beathard and Gibbs said, I want this, he said go ahead and wrote the check, then he stayed out of it.

While Snyder may go on about someone he wants, a lot of the time I'd be willing to bet it was his GM and HC that wanted the players. Epically during the Gibbs 2.0 era.

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I've liked girls my whole life so i dont think this thread is for me...........

OMG!!! That is soooo HI-larious!!! I can't stop LOL'ing...if I keep LOL'ing I'm going to die like the weasels in "Who Framed Roger Rabbit?"...you should do stand up, or just sit down.

You might be a Homer if...you root for the team nearest where you grew up...kinda makes sense does it not.

As in all the Packers and Steelers fans across the country right now who have never even stepped foot in Wisconsin or Pennsylvania, yet they're "lifelong" or "diehard" fans...but they grew up in San Fransisco or Chicago or New York.

In other words...

You might be a Homer if... You have even a shred of LOYALTY to the team that you first started rooting for and continue to root for to this day. So if being a Homer is being loyal to my team and giving them the benefit of doubt every year and believing in them no matter what other people say (with some obvious rationality)...then yeah I'm a Homer and damn proud of it.

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5. You purchased any Redskin jersey of any Redskin acquired via free agency.

4. You jumped into any thread/discussion defending our quarterbacks vs other quarterbacks in the NFC East over the last 20 years.

3. You ever cheered for Redskin Deion Sanders

2. If your favorite time of the football season runs from February to April

1. You EVER defended Vinny Cerrato, ever.

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