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Video: Original Broadcast of Skins Winning In 1987, JKC Being Handed Lombardi Trophy


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Threads like this make me happy and sad. Happy to watch great memories and how dominant our team was for 12 years. Sad that we haven't had any like this in almost 20 years and we keep hanging on to old SBs.

I'm with you...I always hope/think another good run is right around the corner. On the bright side, at least many of us got to experience the golden age of Redskin football.

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Great video. Thanks for sharing. I hadn't seen this once since that great day.

It's so striking to hear Gibbs talk halfway through the video about the structure of the organization. The simplicity of the organization was its brilliance: ownership signs the checks for the players and coaching staff , Beathard obtains the players and the coaching staff does its job. The more I watch this the more PO'd I get at Snyder for what he has done to to our beloved team.

Snyder: We knew Jack Kent Cooke. Jack Kent Cooke was a friend of ours. Danny, you are no Jack Kent Cooke.

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It's kind of funny that we could have been blown out early in this game. Down 10-0 fumbled the kickoff but somehow got it back, then Denver gets down there again and didn't score because Alvin Walton sacks Elway for a 18 yard loss. Doug Williams fumbles the ball when he gets hurt but the refs didn't see it. Denver was just dominating the game and our receivers were dropping everything thrown their way. It could have easily been 24-0 down (or worse) when we started the 35-0 run in the 2nd.

There was a popup during the first quarter that said no team had come back from a 7 point deficit ever in the SB, lol. How about 42 unanswered?

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What a man JKC was. Such class. Joe Gibbs also, nothing but class

Well said. Both class acts. Beathard too.

As time marches on, the perception of Gibbs 2.0 may very well turn out to be one of relative success. Gibbs 2.0 resulted in 2 of the Skins mere 3 playoff appearances over the last 18 years. Talk about making chicken salad out of chicken #@&*.

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The old recordings of classic Redskins battles are great. I watch my old vcr recordings from time to time. Back then John Madden was at the top of his game and some of his commentary was very memorable. He and Pat Summerall were talking about how cold it was during one particular game. I'm paraphrasing here but Pat said that it was so cold that the hits would knock the frozen breath on the players beards off. John replied, and anything else that was hanging would get knocked off too. The room erupted with laughter and high fives from all the guys. The girls just didn't get it.

Those were the days.

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I subscribed to this dude's videos. He has all of the Redskins W's vs the Cowboys and some other W's too. Good times.

i hope the person posts here... only a couple of playoff wins missing and thats a ton of gibbs era magic. he has the game that made me a skins fan, giants v skins in 1982 (MM kicks the winner in the snow).

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I hgave a request for any video hounds..

In the same season Cooke gives an interview before the Cowboys game, and says on camera that he should be allowed to take a shotgun to the game, and shoot any Cowboys that get near the goal line. He said he believed no judge on the east coast would convict him.

If anyone can find this one, oh man, I will be eterally grateful


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