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What are some good things the US government has done?


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As a person who was born overseas (Kuwait) and lived in a couple nations growing up I would say one of our shining achievements is incredible toleration for all peoples regards their ethnicity, religion and other beliefs. People who think this country and its people are intolerant would do well to spend some time abroad to really understand how just we really are here.

I think Americans are more ignorant rather than intolerant. We only have two neighbouring countries and are separated from the rest of the world so our exposure to foreign culture is far more limited. If u are born in Switzerland for example u have to know 3-4 languages out of necessity.

However many countries in Europe can be extremely racist. Spain and Italy come to mind right away. They would yell monkey at thierry Henry and throw bananas and stuff.

If we have an understanding of a culture then we are pretty tolerant in comparison.

However, Americans don't really make an effort to learn about other cultures unless they are forced to.

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I think the Bush initiatives on fighting Aids in Africa should be screamed from the hilltops. It's criminal how little praise it gets.

Admitting that I don't know a lot about it. But yeah, the parts I've heard make me think it's probably his greatest achievement.

I feel like you just want federal government pros. I'll give two that will get some people going: Social Security and Medicare.


Actually heard an interesting statistic, a while back.

Lots of people like to point at US life expectancies, and claim our health care system stinks compared to Country X.

But if you compare the life expectancy of a 65 year old American, against any other country in the world, we're #1.

(Now, the author of the op-ed was trying to claim that this proves that "government health care" > "private health care". And I pointed out that it's possible that what it really said was that the reason the US doesn't look so good on those life expectancy comparisons is because of the huge numbers of Americans who die before the age of 18, from gunshots or car accidents.)

But the fact remains:65 year old Americans live longer than 65 year olds from any other country.

Then I got two words for you.

Marshall Plan.

Also agreed. IMO, some of the best-spent money in our nation's history. The world is a much better place, today, because Europe has a healthy economy.

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Actually heard an interesting statistic, a while back.

Lots of people like to point at US life expectancies, and claim our health care system stinks compared to Country X.

But if you compare the life expectancy of a 65 year old American, against any other country in the world, we're #1.

(Now, the author of the op-ed was trying to claim that this proves that "government health care" > "private health care". And I pointed out that it's possible that what it really said was that the reason the US doesn't look so good on those life expectancy comparisons is because of the huge numbers of Americans who die before the age of 18, from gunshots or car accidents.)

But the fact remains:65 year old Americans live longer than 65 year olds from any other country.

This is simply not true. In a 2000 WHO study and other studies as well life expectancy rates of citizens at age 60 were compiled. Out of the 23 developed nations examined, the USA came in DEAD last. Number one was Japan and they were number one by a good margin. It is true that if a US citizen makes it to 65 their average life expectancy is greatly increased and are expected to live longer than the 77 year average given at birth. This is because violent crimes largely affect those younger than 65 and because Medicare guarantees them medical care.

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Yeah and Japan is all old people and it's going to screw over their workforce in the next decades so how do they like them apples?

LOL well that is more of a central planning issue than a health care issue. I think in the name of saving Japan we should have a trip to Tokyo and all women should throw themselves at us and beg for us to sleep with them.

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Someone else would have done it as well. It is not an amazing thing done for this Country.

And yet there is progress made potentially curing it...from another Country.

So many things that we have done for our Country that I can think of, but that is not really one of them.

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Interstate Highway System - started by Truman in the 1950's. Still world-class, second to nobody.

National Park Service - started in 1916. Still world-class, second to nobody.

Actually the interstate highway system was started by Eisenhower, thus the name Dwight D. Eisenhower National System of Interstate and Defense Highways

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Actually the interstate highway system was started by Eisenhower, thus the name Dwight D. Eisenhower National System of Interstate and Defense Highways


He saw how the German highways made it easy for him to move troops and equipment around, and Saw That It Was Good.

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Haiti relief hasn't been mentioned.

For the 21st century, in addition to the internet, GPS. Two huge developments for communication, economic productivity and, ultimately, freedom.

---------- Post added January-6th-2011 at 09:18 PM ----------

I'm not sure if it was the TVA, but between electricity and water works, (and the aforementioned interstate highway system) our government has been key for infrastructure development at home and abroad.

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Haiti relief hasn't been mentioned.

For the 21st century, in addition to the internet, GPS. Two huge developments for communication, economic productivity and, ultimately, freedom.

---------- Post added January-6th-2011 at 09:18 PM ----------

I'm not sure if it was the TVA, but between electricity and water works, (and the aforementioned interstate highway system) our government has been key for infrastructure development at home and abroad.

I don't know if we really want to mention Haiti relief because then all someone has to do is point out how ****ed up we have treated Haiti throughout history. Yes its good we sent money now but we were a large cause of the poverty and despair before the earthquake.

---------- Post added January-7th-2011 at 05:07 AM ----------

How about the amount of money we fund for the un and IMF? I hate it but your friends might appreciate it more

Outside the first world the IMF is hated by a lot of people, I think the UN is legit but the IMF and IMF policy has been disastrous for a lot of non-industrialized countries. A fair amount of people see it simply as another way for the first world to exploit the economies of the third world. So I wouldn't say us giving the IMF money would be received too well in a lot of places.

I would say our coalition building in the first gulf war could be a good thing that the United States government has done abroad. Also our push for recognition of intellectual property rights has helped (and also hurt) innovation.

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Actually heard an interesting statistic, a while back.

Lots of people like to point at US life expectancies, and claim our health care system stinks compared to Country X.

But if you compare the life expectancy of a 65 year old American, against any other country in the world, we're #1.

(Now, the author of the op-ed was trying to claim that this proves that "government health care" > "private health care". And I pointed out that it's possible that what it really said was that the reason the US doesn't look so good on those life expectancy comparisons is because of the huge numbers of Americans who die before the age of 18, from gunshots or car accidents.)

But the fact remains:65 year old Americans live longer than 65 year olds from any other country.

Interesting, I didn't know that stat (and it seems there's some disagreement, but either way).

Also, the new Health Care Bill got rid of pre-existing conditions and got everyone insurance... those are good things it did, amongst other good things.

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Clinton: budget, Bosnia against UN wishes

Bush: Afghanistan, Africa Aids relief fund, worked with incoming Pres Obama to get banks saved. Tarp.

Obama: Worked with outgoing Bush to get banks saved. Tarp. (not a true fan but can see the other side). Foreign Policy very sound.

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Very subjective, people can say the HC bill was good but there's also that kind of "Tea Party" distrust and "Government stay out of our affairs" stuff

One thing everything can agree on is relief during natural disasters

On the other hand one of the worst things the government has done is transition all over-the-air signals to digital but that's a rant for another day

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Someone else would have done it as well. It is not an amazing thing done for this Country.

And yet there is progress made potentially curing it...from another Country.

So many things that we have done for our Country that I can think of, but that is not really one of them.

If it is a cure you have to have luekemia and aids to get cured

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