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The Ryan Mallett Thread


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No way!!!! Roth has touch. This guy has NO touch. He is Kerry Collins all over again.

Same throwing motion. Cannot step up in the pocket. Can't move. No touch whatsoever. Great, his balls are thrown on laser beams, but that means squat. His accuracy is very questionable as well.

I DO NOT want him here.

I said this earlier. I watch a lot of Titans games (from Tennessee) and remember Collins from his years at the Giants. Mallett will be just like him. Honestly, probably as long tenured in the league but he'll never be a QB where, if your team has the ball with 2:00 left and you're 2-6 points down... he won't be a guy like Brees, Rivers, Manning, Brady, etc that will win the game for you.

Luck is, Gabbert might be (can't really judge him as he's a PS guy in a Spread offense... not to his strengths). Locker has shown signs, but he's very inconsistent. Mallett isn't that guy.

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dont like mallett in the B&G next year.

He has a live arm but he is another Jason Campbell type, decent in school but will be tough to coach up at the next level because he only has so much talent and has a 10¢ head.

Locker is a guy that could run the Skins offense, so could Gabbert. Either of those guys would be more logical choices over Mallett.

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dont like mallett in the B&G next year.

He has a live arm but he is another Jason Campbell type, decent in school but will be tough to coach up at the next level because he only has so much talent and has a 10¢ head.

Locker is a guy that could run the Skins offense, so could Gabbert. Either of those guys would be more logical choices over Mallett.

i heard him speak in a phone interview and obviously 10 cents if giving him a little too much.

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I'm still a fan of going with OL/DL/DB in the 1st few rounds and then going for an Andy Dalton in a middle round.

This is exactly what I want to happen! If we do choose a QB with the 10th pick I'd rather have Cam than Mallett, or even locker.

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I think if Mallett achieves every iota of his potential, he's looking at a Drew Bledsoe career. Best case scenerio. I don't see him as a particularly strong leader, nor is he particularly clutch (with the notable execption of when UGA decided to not play defense earlier this year).

That's not bad for a guy not going #1 overall. Drew Bledsoe wasn't a HOFer or anything, but he had a respectable NFL career. Four-time Pro Bowler, took a team to the Super Bowl, 250 TDs, durable. If you get a guy like that in the middle of the first round, you've probably done a good job.

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That's not bad for a guy not going #1 overall. Drew Bledsoe wasn't a HOFer or anything, but he had a respectable NFL career. Four-time Pro Bowler, took a team to the Super Bowl, 250 TDs, durable. If you get a guy like that in the middle of the first round, you've probably done a good job.

How often do QBs reach every ounce of their potential?

Look, I don't like Mallett, but I am trying to be objective, and in my wildest dreams, the best Mallett amounts to is Drew Bledsoe. If that is the imaginary ceiling, I thought I was damning with faint praise.

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He's got a great arm. I really get tired of hearing about QB's being too tall or too short. The most important attribute for a QB is leadership. That's how you can have a mobile 6' super bowl winning QB in Drew Brees and you have an immobile 6'5" superbowl winning QB in Big Ben. There is no right size. It's all about how hard the kid wants to work.

this is right on, honestly all the talk about this or that doesn't matter, you can be any style of qb as long as you have the want and hunger

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Dude has concrete shoes....does not move well enough in the pocket to be successful in the pro's against the blitz...

That's exactly what he showed last night. Looked like he was walking on stilts fitted with cement shoes.

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i disagree with most of you all, and if luck doesnt come out he is the best qb in the draft. He is in a pro style offense and his numbers are similar to that of luck. mark my words if luck is eli manning, than mallett will be philip rivers same size same cannon and not mobile, who cares about that neither is peyton to be honest or tom brady.

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dont like mallett in the B&G next year.

He has a live arm but he is another Jason Campbell type, decent in school but will be tough to coach up at the next level because he only has so much talent and has a 10¢ head.

Locker is a guy that could run the Skins offense, so could Gabbert. Either of those guys would be more logical choices over Mallett.

Its ok because they will bring up somebody from Arkansas to tutor him with the play book.:pfft:

Personally I cant see him out running any of the defensive ends we have in the NFC east.

And with his long, slow release he will be sacked a ton of times.

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i disagree with most of you all, and if luck doesnt come out he is the best qb in the draft. He is in a pro style offense and his numbers are similar to that of luck. mark my words if luck is eli manning, than mallett will be philip rivers same size same cannon and not mobile, who cares about that neither is peyton to be honest or tom brady.

LOL!!!! Mark your words?? Ok, marked! Mallet is not Rivers. They are nothing alike. They don't throw the same way, they have completely different pocket presence and footwork, and the ball velocity is completely different.

I am not sure why you think if Luck is Eli, then Mallet has to be Rivers. Makes zero sense to me.

But I have marked your words.

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i disagree with most of you all, and if luck doesnt come out he is the best qb in the draft. He is in a pro style offense and his numbers are similar to that of luck. mark my words if luck is eli manning, than mallett will be philip rivers same size same cannon and not mobile, who cares about that neither is peyton to be honest or tom brady.


Rivers is far superior to Ryan Mallett.

mallett is actually comparable to Jason Campbell, but maybe a little worse. He might go in the first round but the guy is NOT what you want in Washington unless you want to throw away the next five+ years.

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Mallett can make any throw, and if you listen to kiper he agrees, the dude is slow i understand that but not every qb needs to be fast he just needs to make the reads and understand the offense well enough to hot route out and understand blits pickups. the dude would have thrown for 400 yards if his recievers could catch his bullets he throws, and dont believe the hype about qbs from spread offfenses, he is in a prostyle offense in the sec the best confrence in football. draft him then get a lineman in the second hopefully pouncey slips down then we could get a nice center. i couldnt be happier about mallett and if were lucky he falls to us. Campbell is not mallett, but for all you jc haters his team had a better record than your donavan. its all about being in the right system

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i disagree with most of you all, and if luck doesnt come out he is the best qb in the draft. He is in a pro style offense and his numbers are similar to that of luck. mark my words if luck is eli manning, than mallett will be philip rivers same size same cannon and not mobile, who cares about that neither is peyton to be honest or tom brady.

WTF do you people who love Mallett not understand. He is a pocket passing QB and we have an offensive system centered around a MOBILE QB. You DO NOT draft a QB in the top 10 and try to make him something he isn't.

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i was REALLY impressed with Mallet last night. Other than that last interception he played an outstanding game. There were 3 throws in particular that seriously looked like absolutely perfect throws. He reminded me a lot like Drew Brees in his throwing accuracy. But apparently he has character issues. Whatever I think he looked awesome. Id be happy with this guy, Luck or Locker. I just hope its not Newton.

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