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So, is Haslett safe or...


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Back OT, I think that Shanny gives him another year at least. These last two games we've shown flashes of being a really good defense. With a few more pieces in place next year, we'll be even better. It's just foolish to only give a coach one year.

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Shanny's history in Denver showed that when things went wrong, he picked a target (some might call it a scapegoat) to shoulder the blame. In Denver, it was almost always the DC. He changed them like socks. I think that tarnished his reputation in coaching circles a bit. Who wants to be hired by someone to look bad if it all goes wrong. He probably didn't/doesn't care that much about what people think — but he also might have learned something. I'm guessing he keeps Haslett another year. I think this year the "targets" are players like McNabb and Big Al.

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Most people don't even remember that Sparano was Marty's TE's coach here in 2001. As for Haslett and his supposed improving defense, you guys do realize that we held one -- count 'em one -- opponent below 300 total yards ALL YEAR? I wouldn't get too caught up in the last two weeks. They played a Jacksonville team without its best player in Jones-Drew and still allowed Garrard to throw for 299 yards. And the Giants are playing with a depleted WR's core.

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The overwhelming sentiment is that he is on borrowed time and its just a matter of observing pleasantries until Shanahan feels he should be released. The only real question at this point is who will take over for him.

The smart moneys on Mangini.

Where did you hear the "overwhelming sentiment" ? Not doubting you but I havn't heard that from anyone other than from fans and a couple of media types.

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Where did you hear the "overwhelming sentiment" ? Not doubting you but I havn't heard that from anyone other than from fans and a couple of media types.

He means the mob that is our idiot fanbase. You know, kind of like the courtroom scene from Idiocracy? :evilg:

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