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So, is Haslett safe or...


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The last three weeks the defense finally started to look pretty good. I'd say he is safe with an "but"

I think Shanny is going to begin to do some serious film review and evaluation. If during that he sees enough to really think Haslett is not his guy then the choice will be made.

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Personnel that fit your defense is one thing.

Then there is giving up the most yards in the league and the most yards in franchise history. No, he shouldn't be fired because we've already started down this road and we're going to give away our players that would work in a 4-3 (Haynes, Rocky, Jarmon, Carter) so we may as well see it through... but even with terrible talent you would think a guy like Haslett could have gotten more from his squad.

I'm disappointed but I support giving him one more year.

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Ugh, I just don't like him. Say what you want about the last 2 games or whatever, I just don't like his face. Every time you see him on the sideline he's shaking his head in disgust/looking confused. Not once have I seen him scramble the D for a chat, or bring one guy in close and pat him on the back or anything. Just scowls at the players in his 32nd ranked defense as if he didn't PUT them in that situation.

Shanny manages to keep a stern, confident demeanor on the sideline (for the most part), but Has just looks pissed off, whiny, and confused. I can't stand him.

Oh yea and the D went to dead last. I know, numbers mean this and that blah blah. No: It went to dead last and it was obvious. better coaches could have kept this defense out of LAST PLACE. Remember all that talent we had on D? Now they're just out of place. Has failed horribly IMO, and should go. Why the hell should he be given such a break?

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Is Haslett safe, probably. Should he be safe, probably not. I know there were positives like Orakpo and Landry's play, but the dead last ranking is just too much of a negative. This team has 4-3 personnel and it will take a long while before they can get 3-4 players and actually be good.

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