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Why not Cam Newton? An argument, and a comparison with Josh Freeman


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There is no way Newton is going to be as successful of a runner in the NFL that he is in college. Even if he managed a couple of seasons of Dog Killer-esqe running, it won't last. Running QBs either stop running or get hurt. Even an elusive runner like Dog Killer has been banged up this season. Bottom line, you have a guy that isn't a running back making running plays. Eventually he's going to get hurt or he's going to have to change.

How much of Newton's success is dependent on his running game? One of the concerns about Tebow is that he isn't going to be able to play like he did in college. Yeah, he's made some runs in the couple of games he's played, but this ain't the SEC. Defenders in this league are out to hurt QBs. Eventually Tebow is going to try and rumble over a LB or a SS and get his ass rocked something fierce. Colt McCoy better heed the same warning because he's not even close to being built like Tebow. Dog Killer's success stems from his ability to elude defenders. Can Newton be elusive, or does he use his size to break tackles? This isn't college football filled with poor tackling and small defenders.

So with that said, can his passing game make up if he gets shut down on the run? Can he make the throws that need to be made when his running attack is shut down?

Yes his passing game can make up for it. He can make all of the "NFL throws" he has great touch, super strong arm, and he is accurate. The only questions is how long would it take for him to learn a NFL system and be able to read coverage in the NFL. But every rookie QB has that problem.

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WOW, that was one of the best posts I have ever read here, no question about it. Nice job SkinsTilliDie!!! You certainly have made an incredibly strong argument for Newton. I have been daydreaming about Luck for weeks even though I know he is well out of reach. With all the negative spin going around about Newton I hadn't really thought too much about him and have only watched him play sparingly. Your post has me salivating. However, for me it really comes down to whats between the ears? This has nothing to do with skin color, but simply, can the guy process information quickly and precisely and is he accurate when 250-350lb men are all around trying to rip his head off. If Newton has that rare ability to process information on a dime in the face of enormous pressure, then he has to be one of the best prospects ever, but that remains to be seen. As you said, his talent is off the charts. But we missed on Shuler, Ramsey, Campbell and now McNabb, all of which could not make quick reads and accurate throws in the face of pressure. I pray that Shanny values these traits above all else and that he is most certain his guy has "it"before we get too caught up in how big, strong and fast the guy might be. There is one thing Brady, Peyton, Brees and Rivers all have in common and why 3 of the 4 have Super Bowl rings, and the other just passed for 5,000 yards this year.

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I would like to have more than one year as a starter to evaluate a QB. Granted this season was stellar but we picked up another one year wonder at a different position a couple of years back and that didn't turn out so well.

I feel you...its tough because of the small sample size. But if he really is a great player then what would you expect him to do when he plays opponents that arent on his level? Dominate and thats what he did...thats all you can really ask of him. Its like that preseason argument that people say and it drives me crazy. They say "yea he did good but its only preseason". Well a player can only do his best when given an opportunity no matter when it is. If a player is good and belongs in the league then what would you expect him to do against a bunch of guys that arent on his level? You expect him to play good and stand out. He cant control who he plays, the only thing he can control is the level that he plays at.

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Teams are more worry about Auburn's running game, Cam Newton included, than their passing attack. When other teams are constantly putting 8 man in the box to stop the run, he has easy reads in the passing game. Thus, Cam Newton's passing numbers are misleading and don't tell much if anything. In the NFL, it's not going to be the case and that's why scrambling QBs have much harder time adjusting NFL game. What they constantly see man-man in college becomes double team, zones, mix zone and so on in the NFL.

Just say NO to scrambling QBs, even more so from 1 year and done player.

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I like him as a person (he seems very charismatic and cares about giving fans their money's worth :silly: get it money's worth?) If Tebow isn't an NFL QB (a guy Newton couldn't beat out at Florida) then really how good is he?

How good was Jamelle Holieway? He beat out Troy Aikman at Oklahoma ;)

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If only Cam was white, damnit, I wouldn't be concerned about the fact that the offense he ran this year isn't run in the NFL or the fact that a solid half of his highlights come on designed QB runs/read options.

Damn you, anti-option racism!

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The questions about his character are enough for me personally to pass on the guy. It leads me to believe that football and winning championships are not going to be his priority. I don't want that. I like the statements you posted inferring his is humble. That's a plus in my book, but I still believe his priority is getting paid and not football. I also don't think he has the same traits as Freeman aside from a physical standpoint. Shanahan won't pass on him if he thinks he's the guy. He's already shown he is willing to take chances with players that have question marks - some bigger than others.

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Alright then, how does Cam Newton compare to JaMarcus Russell or Akili Smith? Other than being a black quarterback picked high in the draft. I'm not saying he will fall in the draft because of racism, I'm saying that there are many opinions shaped by fans that use his race as a measuring stick

Has nothing to do with race at all, and quite frankly it gets old when people bring up race as an issue when others don't agree with them. The reason he compares to Jamarcuss Russell and Akili Smith has nothing more than his ability to read defenses. JaMarcuss couldn't read a defense to save his life, Akili was a product of a good season. The biggest issue with both was money, they got paid and forgot they had to work for what they got paid to do, thought all would come easy.

Also, don't forget, Tim Tebow is very similar to Cam Newton and the way they play. Tim Tebow had much more scrutiny against him than Cam in his ability to play QB in the NFL and it had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH THE COLOR OF HIS SKIN!!! It had everything to do with the system he ran in college and how his skills would translate into the NFL.

Cam is definitely an interesting prospect, but, if he can't understand NFL defenses and how to read them, he will fail as many others have. NOT because he was black. If on the other hand, he can (hasn't been a system which requires him to do that) he will be successful. I would defenitly take a look at him, not a first year starter but more of a lets wait and see project for year 2-3 while he learns how to be an NFL QB behind a veteran.

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If you watched him the entire year, you will notice why a LOT of experts are questioning his ability to play in the NFL.

Sometimes you watch him throw the ball and its amazing how he can drill it in between 3 or even 4 players. Other times you see him run over LBs. Its a completely different game in the NFL. How many times do you think Cam will run over a NFL LB?? or Throw in between 3-4 DBs in the NFL?

He's not a fit for the redskins. He never takes the ball from center and throws a play action pass.

The guy needs time and sit before he'll be a legit starting QB in the NFL.

Don't fall for the Hype

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Yea he is like the LeBron James of football at qb. He is a physical freak, very accurate and has great touch. I wonder how many people have really seen him play.

Seen him play?? Auburn is on TV (at least in the DC area) all the time. I'd guess that just flipping through channels on Saturdays I've caught 4 of his regular season games this year (not even including the SEC Championship game and the National Championship game)

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I remember that game as im a huge FSU fan Peter Warrick won the game for us. But Cam is the whole team just like Vick was. Do you know whats Auburns record was last year? Theres a reason he got paid

I keep asking over and over again. Should considerartion be given that we spent a first round pick on another Auburn quarterback that did not live up to expectations here. Why do you suppose we should get giddy over a prospect from Auburn? Do they traditionally turn out good quarterbacks?

We had one of those already. Is this Gibbs 2?

Don't make me turn this into my own thread folks.:ols:

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I like him as a person (he seems very charismatic and cares about giving fans their money's worth :silly: get it money's worth?) If Tebow isn't an NFL QB (a guy Newton couldn't beat out at Florida) then really how good is he?

Matt Cassel never played a snap in college.

It's a different skillset in college vs. the pros. Some skills translate, others don't.

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Shanny would have to completely change his offense to Fit Cam's skill set.

I like Cam but he's the next Vince Young.

The skins would have to change everything he does well to fit into the offense the redskins run. The skins run A LOT of play action and Cam barely if ever took a snap from under center.

Look at QBs like Luck, Locker, Christian Ponder, and Pat Devlin as the type of QB the skins are looking for, IF they go after a QB.

I think Kellen Moore is the best QB in all of College, the guy is amazing but he's the next Colt Brennan. Hype doesn't transfer over well to the NFL.

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So, everyone hates when colleges use the spread offense because it makes it difficult to evaluate how a QB will play in the NFL. How different is the spread than what we see in the NFL and why couldn't a team who drafts someone like Newton look to implement parts of it or switch over to it? I guess my question is...why couldn't that offense work in the NFL? You would think that, if you spend a top-5 pick on a QB who has dominated the college level in a certain offense, you'd want to cater your offense to him for the next 10-12 years. So, what would prevent an NFL team from doing so?

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So, everyone hates when colleges use the spread offense because it makes it difficult to evaluate how a QB will play in the NFL. How different is the spread than what we see in the NFL and why couldn't a team who drafts someone like Newton look to implement parts of it or switch over to it? I guess my question is...why couldn't that offense work in the NFL? You would think that, if you spend a top-5 pick on a QB who has dominated the college level in a certain offense, you'd want to cater your offense to him for the next 10-12 years. So, what would prevent an NFL team from doing so?

NFL defenses would destroy the pocket. The only team I've seen run the spread well in the NFL was the 2007 Pats. Sure if you have a QB like brady and 5 amazing oline players to protect him the spread will work. Most of the time you would see teams in their nickel packages defending the pass and barely put any pressure on Brady. But that failed in the superbowl because the giants front four pressured Brady the entire game.

The spread works in college because most of the defensive players stink. There is probably a handful of starting NFL quality players on each team. In the NFL the spread offense will face teams like the jets, steelers, the giants pass rush, etc....

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So, everyone hates when colleges use the spread offense because it makes it difficult to evaluate how a QB will play in the NFL. How different is the spread than what we see in the NFL and why couldn't a team who drafts someone like Newton look to implement parts of it or switch over to it? I guess my question is...why couldn't that offense work in the NFL? You would think that, if you spend a top-5 pick on a QB who has dominated the college level in a certain offense, you'd want to cater your offense to him for the next 10-12 years. So, what would prevent an NFL team from doing so?

Don't worry TD, the NFL people that know how to evaluate QBs can evaluate a QB regardless of the style of offense they ran in college.

Last year 3 spread QBs (Bradford, Tebow, McCoy) were drafted and 1 pro-style (Jimmy Clausen) the spread QBs are having more success then the pro-style.

So this whole spread QB can't play in the pros is very over blown.

It should be noted that Cam runs more of a spread-option offense like Tebow which is different from a passing focused spread like Oklahoma/Texas w/ McCoy.

But, either way spread-option or passing-spread either style QB can translate to the NFL.

One knock is that the reads in a passing spread sometimes come from the QB coach/playcaller on the sideline who reads the defense for the QB.

Another knock is the reads a spread QB makes are different from a the NFL b/c they're reading different things a spread-option QB might focus on reading a DE and an OLB or a spread QB might read the CB and LB.

But, they're still making reads in the NFL they'll be taught to make different reads.

Also, many the creative teams add spread option, zone read and passing spread concepts into their offenses and passing games. The Wildcat is a spread/zone read concept, the 2007 Pats were basically a spread offense, the Titans have added many zone read elements to their offense so have the Bronco's, the Rams and Browns have added many spread concepts to their passing attacks, and the 49ers did some of that for Alex Smith.

Chan Gailey designed a entire spread option offense on the fly for Tyler Thigpen (a marginally talented NFL QB) after their 2 top QBs were injured, 2 years ago in KC:

It was the most creative and exciting offense i've ever seen in the pros, but then again Chan Gailey always seems to finds a way to have success w/ all his QBs:



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Cams not coming to Washington. Good/great college player that will struggle in the pro game. Cams skillset is not even close to what the shanahans envision at the qb position.

I said earlier that i doubt the Shanahan's would draft Cam Newton even if he was available.

But, i'm curious what makes you say with certainity that he'll struggle in the pro game?

Also, what about Cam's skillset doesn't fit with Shanahan's vision of a QB?

The great arm strength and mobility?

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