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Why not Cam Newton? An argument, and a comparison with Josh Freeman


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maybe he is then. but he STILL gets it done on the field, as Cam can too. I'm not for or against Cam at this point but i'd most definately consider him. And if he plays lights out against Oregon even with the heisman curse.............

He has the tools to be great. Hopefully with dedication, the right coach, no injuries, and a salary cap he can make it happen. We'd seriously have to take a look if he falls to us.

Im not for or against Cam either, i like him, he will probably be good in the NFL. I just think the Redskins are at a point that they cant take anymore risks...McNabb has to be the last one.

and i agree with you, the point i was making is that being a douche isn't really the point here, it's lack of effort, cutting corners, cheating...etc things that can make a young gifted athlete not work hard enough to become the player they are meant to be.

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I also wanted to point out that both Wes Bunting and Greg Gabriel were not in support of Cam Newton. They said he'll be a first round pick. They said he was an intriguing talent. But they both said they wouldn't be the ones to draft him (read: he's not worth the risk). That's coming from the mouths of a guy who has received GM training and a guy who was a former director of college scouting for an NFL franchise.

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It would also hurt their ability to pull in recruits like Newton down the line if they hang him out to dry once he leaves.

I'm with you, those cheating allegations are pretty specific. I don't know why anyone would pull them out of the blue. And his response and his father's response were those of guilty men. I think he definitely did it.

The Newton's lawyer said in an interview after the SEC Championship game that the cheating accusations are inaccurate. He didn't say non-existant, just inaccurate. He also said there will be a lawsuit against the person who leaked the information. I have a feeling that's not the U. of Fl. Probably the coaching assistant who went from MSU to Bama.

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The Newton's lawyer said in an interview after the SEC Championship game that the cheating accusations are inaccurate. He didn't say non-existant, just inaccurate. He also said there will be a lawsuit against the person who leaked the information. I have a feeling that's not the U. of Fl. Probably the coaching assistant who went from MSU to Bama.

Meh. How many times do you hear that from a lawyer? Muddling about in semantics and talking about lawsuits filed against the person who "slandered' their client or whatever. I wouldn't be surprised if nothing happens and all of that sort of talk dies down after Newton gets a huge NFL contract. Its a smart move on their part; keep everything nebulous so it will raise doubts about how or why this mystery person(s) leaked the information and make it look like there was some agenda or conspiracy (like, say, it was some coaching assistent that went to Bama)...at least long enough for the draft to happen and contracts to be signed. Because after that what is the point of continuing a lawsuit? If they just wanted to clear his name why not come back and fight it now instead of using obviously ambiguous language ("inaccurate" as opposed to "look, he didn't cheat in any way, period") and vague suggestions of a lawsuit at some undetermined time in the future? It will just disappear and they will, when asked about it after that, probably say "its in the past, we're moving forward now."

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why is it the only people defending him are from his town, his school, on an Auburn message board, or on a skins site with Auburn in their name? thats my only question.

I would say that's because it's only Auburn people who have kept up with the entire story from every angle on a day to day basis. Whereas, other people take the word of one writer who was fired from the N.Y. Times, stalked his ex-wife until she obtained a restraining order and claimed to have ONE unnamed source for his information just because BSPN said so.

Auburn's coach has had the same two things to say about Cam in every interview when asked about Cam's character. 1. He's solid as a rock. 2. He's done everything the coaching staff has asked him to do. I've seen several interviews with Cam where he talked about the year he spent at Blinn College and painting the bleachers all summer in the hot sun. He said it made him take a long look at what he wanted to do with the rest of his life and what steps he needed to take to make it happen. (Mainly playing in the NFL.) Being that it has been over 2 years without any incident of legal problems or academic problems, Auburn fans believe there is more evidence that Cam matured a lot at Blinn College than that he is the same person he was at Florida.

Now, does all this translate into a successful NFL career. I have no idea. I will say he gets the most joy out of playing the game and is the most competitive player I've ever watched.

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BLC, you getting another Jason campbell vibe from this one too.....I know I am......It's not his fault....it's the people with "agendas", people whot hate "black" people succeeding...it goes on and on

---------- Post added December-31st-2010 at 06:23 PM ----------

P. Manning allegedly put his balls on a chicks head in college. He didn't grow up to be a douch.

How is that a character flaw......did she say no? What happens between 2 consenting adults in the bedroom isn't any of our business...unless you like feet!!!!! ewwwwwwww

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The Newton's lawyer said in an interview after the SEC Championship game that the cheating accusations are inaccurate. He didn't say non-existant, just inaccurate. He also said there will be a lawsuit against the person who leaked the information. I have a feeling that's not the U. of Fl. Probably the coaching assistant who went from MSU to Bama.

That gif is ridiculous, man. Let's see: Landry gives up a huge play, then acts like a douche. Pretty much defines his career.

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let's just get Jack Locker

Who the hell is this? If you're going to want the team to get a player, at least research the player....and, oh yeah, get his name right. It's Jake.

---------- Post added January-1st-2011 at 05:26 PM ----------

A hell of a post there, The Tris. Hell of a post.

I agree. ONE HELL of a post. I'll cry if we draft him.

---------- Post added January-1st-2011 at 05:32 PM ----------

Finally, the only knocks people seem to have on him are about his lack of experience and character. Well, it seems to me that AuburnSkinsFan discredited a lot of the character "issues". It seems like his only mistake was buying a laptop for $150. I'm sorry, but many of us would've gotten caught up in that. So that leaves the concern about his playing experience. If that's the only knock, then that should not stop us from taking him. He's had a year of playing JUCO, a year in the SEC, and give him a year studying with Kyle Shanahan. He has 2 years of playing experience like Andrew Luck, its just we didn't see him for the first season.

Point to all this is that people are coming up with all the reasons in the world to doubt Cam Newton because he's an unbelievable prospect. Mallet, Gabbert, Locker, Devlin are all just if not more as flawed as prospects. Andrew Luck is the only prospect than Newton, but he's really just safer. Cam's ceiling is waaaay higher than anyone in this draft and Shanny is one of a handful of coaches that can help him maximize it. He is a player that can make our offense elite and make us Super Bowl contenders for the next decade.

Really? So 99 out of 100 people try laptop scams in college? Bullcrap. He knew what he was doing, knew it was wrong and did it anyway. The other QB's you mentioned didn't have a laptop scam. Most people know right from wrong and would not have been involved in that.

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For sure Cam Newton is a fantastic college quarterback.

Personally I love to watch him make defensive college players look slow.

He will get KILLED n the NFL because he going to do the Michael Vick thing and run. Vick got a good lick by the Redskins this year and missed a few games true enough he came back and killed us but he had some support and we had a pitiful offense and mediocre defense. Had he not gone to jail a few years ago he would have missed a lot more games because NFL defenses LOVES running QB's.

Newtons career will be short unless he gets rid of the run mentality which is hard to do when you have his speed and size. The Ray Lewis's, Matthews, and Urlacher's of the NFL are licking their chops.

I'll come out of the closet and admit if we're gonna take a QB lets get Mallet.


If we are going to try and get a QB at least try to get a pure passer.

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---------- Post added January-1st-2011 at 05:32 PM ----------

Really? So 99 out of 100 people try laptop scams in college? Bullcrap. He knew what he was doing, knew it was wrong and did it anyway. The other QB's you mentioned didn't have a laptop scam. Most people know right from wrong and would not have been involved in that.

Just wondering..What makes you think he did take money? From the way he talks he definitely dosn't sound completely innocent but mabye thats because he entertained discussions of taking money but never took the money. I say this because the ncaa did check the newton's bank statements going back a long time and they didn't find anything to suggest any money was given

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Cam throws off his back foot on almost every highlight play I've seen. Unless he plays WR too...pass.

If you watch games from earlier in the season and then watch the last 3 or 4 games, you can see an improvement with him stepping into his passes. Jay Cutler was the worse quarterback I've watched so far as throwing off his back foot in college so it's not something that can't be fixed.

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Newton is no Vick. More like Big Ben in that most defenders will not have an easy time getting him down. I fear that we pass on the Ali of QB's making us look like the team who drafted Sam Bowie. On another note, what has happened to Mike Vick could benefit Cam in a way. He took a laptop for the low-low. What 17-18 year old wouldn't??

Didn't Shanahan say he'll be looking for a young Steve Young?? I'll trust whatever decision Shanahan makes and if he decides that a QB who dominated the dominating conference in college football is worthy.................

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Newtons career will be short unless he gets rid of the run mentality which is hard to do when you have his speed and size. The Ray Lewis's, Matthews, and Urlacher's of the NFL are licking their chops.

Except that Newton is the size of Urlacher, Lewis and Matthews, and faster than them. I don't see how you can pass on Newton if you need a QB; the potential is just way too much to let him go. This guy isn't Michael Vick. This is some scary cross between Tebow and Daunte Culpepper.

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