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Good ol' days: Cowboys at Redskins 2005 (35-7) full game on Youtube


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"Good ol' days" is a bit tongue in cheek, but I was at this game and it was still one of the best experiences I've had at fedex. A total beating from start to finish.

Came across this gem on youtube today and it didn't have too many views. Has the whole game with the Redskins broadcast (Larry Michael). Amazing how much better we were then.

Couple of my favorite segments, right before and right after the half when we went from 14-0 to 35-0.:



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When was 05 good ol days?? Its memorable but simply another year of mediocrity to me. Can't wait for this new era to begin.

I wouldn't call this mediocre - this was probably our best team since 2000.... won a playoff game and could have made it to the NFC championship if not for John Hall botching that FG in Seattle.

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I wouldn't call this mediocre - this was probably our best team since 2000.... won a playoff game and could have made it to the NFC championship if not for John Hall botching that FG in Seattle.

I'm actually pretty sure the game was lost when Rogers dropped a pick that would've easily been a pick 6, and made the game 10-0. I was in that stadium, and it was dead for over a quarter, if we had been up 10-0...well...

As for this game it was terrible for all but the end. What an end...but I don't think I need to rewatch 3/4's of it.

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I'm actually pretty sure the game was lost when Rogers dropped a pick that would've easily been a pick 6, and made the game 10-0. I was in that stadium, and it was dead for over a quarter, if we had been up 10-0...well...

As for this game it was terrible for all but the end. What an end...but I don't think I need to rewatch 3/4's of it.

The game I posted is the 35-7 win.

I remember the 'Los drop. That was a killer.

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When was 05 good ol days?? Its memorable but simply another year of mediocrity to me. Can't wait for this new era to begin.

The franchise receiving record was broken. The franchise rushing record was broken. We witnessed an incredible come-from-behind win against the Cowboys in prime time. We witnessed an absolute demolition of the Cowboys with a playoff spot on the line. A 5-game winning streak was achieved with a playoff spot on the line. Sean Taylor played his ever-loving ass off down the stretch with a playoff birth and a wildcard win on the line. We went 10-2 in the conference. We beat all three division rivals in the last three games of the season...again, with the playoffs on the line. And all of this was with the legendary Joe Gibbs on the sidelines directing the whole thing.

I'm not sure how that translates to "mediocre". Disappointed that we couldn't go further in the playoffs? Definitely.

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The franchise receiving record was broken. The franchise rushing record was broken. We witnessed an incredible come-from-behind win against the Cowboys in prime time. We witnessed an absolute demolition of the Cowboys with a playoff spot on the line. A 5-game winning streak was achieved with a playoff spot on the line. Sean Taylor played his ever-loving ass off down the stretch with a playoff birth and a wildcard win on the line. We went 10-2 in the conference. We beat all three division rivals in the last three games of the season...again, with the playoffs on the line. And all of this was with the legendary Joe Gibbs on the sidelines directing the whole thing.

I'm not sure how that translates to "mediocre". Disappointed that we couldn't go further in the playoffs? Definitely.

Dont forget, that because of that screw job in the Tampa Bay game, we finished 10-6. If the refs made the correct call that day or in the Denver game we would have finished 11-5, which was good enough that season for the NFC East crown and a first round bye as the #2 seed. (since our record was the same as the Bears and the Skins beat them on week 1) I have always wondered if the team could have made it further if they had that first round bye cause that team was hurting bad during that push.

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I remember this game it was my first game at fed ex, best experience of my life, I remember the "hey you suck chant", singing our fight song, I remeber being close to the field it was like row 13 which was sooo sweet, I remember jaring with some cowboy fans, I remember screaming so hard my head would hurt everyone around was so pumped. I love the experence I just wish we got there earlier so I could have checked out a reskins shop or something it was crazy packed. I hope to go again one day its just hard living in New Mexico.

P.S. oh yea the riding the subway that underground station at night was super scary, I was almost certain me and my girl were gonna get robbed glad it didn't happen we looked like total tourist that night with all our redskins gear on and shopping bags

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There is no way you can say 2005 wasn't a great season. I think what was disappointing was the fact that it didn't end up being a building block towards another championship.

2005 was really Brunell's last hurrah, and we haven't had a solid QB at the position since. I mean yeah we have McNabb who's resume is solid....but, well...lets save that discussion for another thread.

2007's quick exit from the playoffs was a sign to rebuild, but this franchise has seemingly been trying to win with what is left from the Gibbs 2.0 era.

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