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1991 Skins vs. Falcons playoff game on Youtube

Spaceman Spiff

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that pocket is unbelievable. Forgot what that looked like.

Holy smokes at 440 yards and SIX TOUCHDOWNS in one game vs. ATL earlier in the season.

Ryp actually benched himself because it was too easy. ATL didn't have Deion that day.

Brett Favre took his first NFL snap that day.

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yeah we used to be good, hell we used to be great. a generation ago. since that time we have suffered through the universes longest hangover. so drunk on our on greatness then shocked by the following ineptitude that we became mentally addicted to the "hair of the dog". always looking to the past when searching for the cure to current ailment. we even trotted out our hall of fame architect of the glory years in an attempt to reclaim them. most of us were bitterly disappointed when that effort failed, although we now know just how much was truly accomplished based on the personnel at the time. it was easy to believe that the dirtbags could emulate the hogs etc because hey, theyre all blue collar guys and thats our style. and failure followed as we all know.

they said the game had passed Coach Gibbs by but in a way it had passed us all by. yes we knew the league had changed due to free agency/parity and the game itself due to the popularity of the WCO and the up and coming 3-4 defense. yet somehow the power of our former greatness should have made all of this irrelevant. how did that turn out for us?

now at the end of another losing season the fanbase is miserable and some are calling for the Coach to be fired. i mean doesnt he realize THATS not how its done in DC? were diffferent, were savvy. doesnt Shanahan realize he must bend to our will by way of telling the regional media everything because this is the way its always been? everyone will tell you the definition of insanity is doing the same things over and over but expecting different results. doesnt this also apply to the fans and the media as well as the team?

our last SB title was 20 years ago and in the timespan from then to now we tighten our grip on our storied past with every failure. not only are we guilty of this but so are the local beat reporters, so is Dan Snyder. he was and presumably still is a fan after all. we all need to let it go and embrace the suck of now and recent history. the longer we look to our past for solutions to current woes or even as a mental security blanket the longer it will be before we return to greatness. Redskins Nation, team and fans alike, need to move on from the past entirely and look only to the future, because that is truly all we have.

its like the man said "it aint where youre from, its where youre at"

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Notice the announcers mentioned Monk as a guy bound for the HOF. It was a foregone conclusion in those days. It was talked about in nearly every broadcast late in his career that he was headed to Canton. I think everyone assumed he'd just retire and waltz on in there. I still can't believe how hard it was for him to actually be voted in.

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I still have my ticket stub and program from that game! My uncle had season tickets forever but that was the only playoff I ever got to attend! I can also remember my dad being furious that I threw my seat cushion but I didn't care!

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