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I'm so tired of the Washington media blaming Snyder for the McNabb trade.


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Listening to the sportsfix right now and hearing high pitch Eric go on and on about Snyder had to be behind the trade. Here's an idea...how bout bring a few facts to your rant? We get it, you don't like Snyder and there's plenty of reasons to not like him but just inventing stuff hate is so tiresome. I'm sure they'd be giving Dan credit if the Skins were in 1st place and McNabb was a probowler.

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he IS behind the trade... he signs the check. Dan S. will always get blamed regardless becuase of the Snyderrato era that was so infamous for big name trades and FA acquisitions

See, it's this irrational hate for Snyder that bothers me. Like I said, there are PLENTY of legitimate things to criticize him for...why do we need to blame him for EVERYTHING that goes wrong with the Skins? He hired a real GM and a super bowl winning coach. THEY make the football decisions but people will believe whatever they want to believe, I guess.

---------- Post added December-20th-2010 at 12:56 PM ----------

high pitched voice? I'm sure you are referring to Thom Lovero


Yeah, I was making a joke. I guess you've never listened to Howard Stern.

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The sad thing is, high pitch Eric was probably probably happy when they first traded for McNabb in the offseason. So many fans thought it was a great move and now they all blame the front office because McNabb didn't do the things everyone was excited to see him come in and do. It turned out to be a bad investment. Can't change it now, all you can do is move forward with what you have and try to make it better this offseason.

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Meh, the local media is nothing but a bunch of ratings whore, they do what they do just to work people up and have people call in. Its gonna be a great day when the team gets this thing turned around and all the negative nancies have to try and actually talk football.

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he IS behind the trade... he signs the check. Dan S. will always get blamed regardless becuase of the Snyderrato era that was so infamous for big name trades and FA acquisitions

As well he should. Thusfar, he's been a horrible owner and a major reason for the embarrassing state of our beloved franchise. Until he demonstrates LONG TERM changes in the way he runs the team, he rightly should be held accountable.

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The sad thing is, high pitch Eric was probably probably happy when they first traded for McNabb in the offseason. So many fans thought it was a great move and now they all blame the front office because McNabb didn't do the things everyone was excited to see him come in and do. It turned out to be a bad investment. Can't change it now, all you can do is move forward with what you have and try to make it better this offseason.

No doubt. I remember how the talking heads we talking about how shrewd a move it was for Allen to pull of this trade. Get a real GM. Get a real coach. Get a real franchise QB. Fastforward 8 months, McNabb is on the bench, Allen is a puppet, Shanahan is lost and Snyder is running the show again. So typical.

---------- Post added December-20th-2010 at 01:48 PM ----------

As well he should. Thusfar, he's been a horrible owner and a major reason for the embarrassing state of our beloved franchise. Until he demonstrates LONG TERM changes in the way he runs the team, he rightly should be held accountable.

That's fine. You don't have to like him. Blame him for hiring Shanny & Allen but you can't blame him for every personnel move that goes bad.

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When so many amongst the fan base refuse to forgive Snyder for the sins of his past, whatever good he's now doing, what chance do we have, media or not?


A decade of chaos is hard to forgive, until the Redskins win the big one he will remain the dark lord I guess.

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it was all snyder. about money, wanted to sell tix.

This kind of thinking is just crazy to me. Snyder goes out and hires a legit GM. A football dictator like Shanahan and then makes a decision like this for them? I'm sorry, I just don't buy that. I don't believe that Shanahan took a headcoaching job without absolute authority over football decisions.

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i think its possible that what Lovero is saying is true, but i also accept any criticism about wearing a tin foil hat, or blindly trusting in shanahan that comes with it :)

now, if you want to talke about the actual probability of it, i'm not as convinced as Lovero is.

In either case, I'm happy the organization seems to be moving on from what appears to be a bad move.

---------- Post added December-20th-2010 at 01:58 PM ----------

This kind of thinking is just crazy to me. Snyder goes out and hires a legit GM. A football dictator like Shanahan and then makes a decision like this for them? I'm sorry, I just don't buy that. I don't believe that Shanahan took a headcoaching job without absolute authority over football decisions.

the thing about that, is that that believing whole heartedly that shanahan was 100% the move maker flies in the face of the notion that coaches don't like to give up on 'their guys'.

i think thats kind of the strongest argument for the idea... either shanny didn't want him, and went along with it anyways, or he's recognizing a mistake and trying to fix it quicker than i've ever seen done by a coach (not necesarily a bad thing :) )

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i think its possible that what Lovero is saying is true, but i also accept any criticism about wearing a tin foil hat, or blindly trusting in shanahan that comes with it :)

now, if you want to talke about the actual probability of it, i'm not as convinced as Lovero is.

In either case, I'm happy the organization seems to be moving on from what appears to be a bad move.

---------- Post added December-20th-2010 at 01:58 PM ----------

the thing about that, is that that believing whole heartedly that shanahan was 100% the move maker flies in the face of the notion that coaches don't like to give up on 'their guys'.

i think thats kind of the strongest argument for the idea... either shanny didn't want him, and went along with it anyways, or he's recognizing a mistake and trying to fix it quicker than i've ever seen done by a coach (not necesarily a bad thing :) )

If Snyder had anything to do with, I'd love to see the evidence. Until then, it just comes off as irrational hate to me.

Maybe the trade had more to do with Allen? You know, the general manager? Or maybe it's just Shanahan makes his mind up quick when it comes to his football team. He's even stated in the past about how he feels about draft picks. He knows when to cut his losses.

---------- Post added December-20th-2010 at 02:04 PM ----------

Outraged at Snyder bashing? Really??

Snyder might be innocent in this whole mess, but I'll reserve my sympathy for people more deserving. Like Pol Pot.


Not sure I ever used the word outraged. Fatigued is a better word.

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If Snyder had anything to do with, I'd love to see the evidence. Until then, it just comes off as irrational hate to me.

Maybe the trade had more to do with Allen? You know, the general manager? Or maybe it's just Shanahan makes his mind up quick when it comes to his football team. He's even stated in the past about how he feels about draft picks. He knows when to cut his losses

I'm not dismissing Allen as a role, or that it was all Shanahan and he made a mistake.

I was just pointing out the idea.

i'm well aware of how far fetched it may be :)

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If Snyder had anything to do with, I'd love to see the evidence. Until then, it just comes off as irrational hate to me.

Shanahan made him sign a contract clearly saying you're on the trade block and not our answer at QB. Then he benched him for the rest of the season downgrading him to 3rd stringer after 13 games (I've never seen that before). A lot of people say that Shanahan want to find another "Elway", and I never heard that McNabb have ever questioned his decisions. I can be wrong but all those facts make me think that McNabb was not a Shanahan pick. I have a hard time believing he can make this kind of mistake, turn around so fast and being so disrespectful to McNabb.:whoknows:

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No doubt. I remember how the talking heads we talking about how shrewd a move it was for Allen to pull of this trade. Get a real GM. Get a real coach. Get a real franchise QB. Fastforward 8 months, McNabb is on the bench, Allen is a puppet, Shanahan is lost and Snyder is running the show again. So typical.

That's fine. You don't have to like him. Blame him for hiring Shanny & Allen but you can't blame him for every personnel move that goes bad.

Actually, a lot of people (perhaps not the majority) on this board brought up the fact that the McNabb acquisition seemed out of character with the rest of the low-risk, low-cost moves the team was making in the offseason. The team was making low-key, reasonable, discreet moves to bolster the overall roster and help ease the transition to the new schemes on both sides of the ball. Consider:

Larry Johnson and Willie Parker (virtually no risk in bringing them in)

Ryan Torain and Kory Lichtensteiger (young players discarded by other teams)

Adam Carriker (very reasonable trade that involved swapping 5th round picks)

Maake Kemoeatu, Anthony Bryant, Vonnie Holiday (low-cost free agents familiar with the 3-4)

Joey Galloway and Roydell Williams (the absolute, extreme example of bargain-basement shopping -- sometimes you get what you pay for, but nevertheless, low-profile moves)

Artis HIcks (reasonably priced free agent brought in to compete for a guard spot -- don't forget, he was signed before Mike Williams' health problems emerged)

Jammal Brown (even this trade was somewhat reasonable because they recovered a pick in next year's draft)

Now, contrast those moves with the trade for a 34-year-old QB. This on a 4-12 team full of holes in the roster. It was curious at the time, and a lot of people said so.

Obviously, no one can prove Snyder was behind the trade but to state that everyone was on board with the trade when it happens is simply not correct. In addition, the move seems incongruent with the rest of the offseason strategy, as does their handling of McNabb all season long. At the very least, there was some sort of disconnect or dysfunction in the front office regarding McNabb. Whether that was between Snyder and Shanahan, or Allen and Shanahan, or between MIke and Kyle or just between two disparate parts of MIke's brain, the move, coupled with the handling of McNabb, makes virtually no sense at all.

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Can anybody that believes that Snyder was behind the McNabb trade explain to me why Shanahan stayed?

And let's be clear. Shanahan knew the job was his to say no to as DURING least season when Snyder brought Allen in as the GM so he could start preparing for the job before he even took it.

Then he takes the job, and then owner pushes him to trade for McNabb, to boost ticket sales even though he thinks its a bad move.

Why stay? He's already still being paid from Denver.

If he's here for another 3 years and things fail, at his age, he's not going to get another shot in the NFL. If they struggle, his son is going to AT BEST take a step back in his career.

Call a press conference, announce your resigning because you are being pressured to make football decisions based on selling tickets, and wait a year and take another job.

There's ABSOLUTELY no upside for him in to stay. It isn't like he his Zorn or somebody else that no matter what happens he isn't going to get another headcoaching job.

Before the McNabb trade, Shanahan could have absolutely resigned and announced he was doing so because he was getting pressure from ownership with respect to making football decisions, and he'd be a serious candidate for every open job this season.

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