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A proposed solution to the redskins name and logo dilemma

Fischer fan

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The point of this thread is not to take sides on whether one considers that the Redskins name and helmet logo is or isn't offensive. I don't believe there is an absolute answer to this question.

I do believe however the CONTEXT of how a word or image is used is what ultimately defines whether or not it is perceived as offensive.

1. Build a new stadium within the boundaries of the District of Colombia while at the same time moving the Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian to the same grounds(currently located on the National Mall between the Air and Space Museum and the National Capital Building). Build the first ever national Native American monument there as well. This proposed monument/museum/stadium complex would be built in the same grand fashion befitting of all the great memorials of Washington D.C.

2. Move the Redskins' summer training back to Carlisle PA., the place where coach"Pop" Warner's American Indian teams first learned the sport. Native Americans such as Jim Thorpe, Gus Welch and Alex Arcasa played on these storied teams. The relationship between American Indians and American Football originates in Carlisle. A facility here could also be established in such a way to accentuate this epoch-making bond to the National Football League(for a nice read see: The Real All Americans by Sally Jenkins).

By embracing Native American culture,

paying homage to the the legacy of the tribes and

recognizing the Native American contribution to American football in such a way as proposed; I believe that

the Redskins name and logo may be realized as a small part of a larger TRIBUTE to

the Native Americans.

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Playind Devils Advocate here, when it's only a VERY small minority of Native American Indians that are offended by the name and image, why should it be our responsibility to placate the minority?

Heck, the darn Redskin name came around as I understand it in honor of the HC way back when who was a member of the Sioux nation. I just don't see why we should be bullied into placating an extremist minority for the sake of being PC.


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While this wasn't your main point, I do believe it would be awesome of the Redskins embraced their native American heritage.

The stadium should look like a teepee, or at least designed to look wooden. Outside we should have a ton of Native American themed stuff in the parking lots to make it feel like a pow-ow.

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Seems a little outlandish if you ask me. I'm not sure you would be doing anything other than bringing way too much attention to the dilemma in the first place. People who probably don't care one way or another would be drawn into the discussion once you brought the Smithsonian into it.

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While this wasn't your main point, I do believe it would be awesome of the Redskins embraced their native American heritage.

The stadium should look like a teepee, or at least designed to look wooden. Outside we should have a ton of Native American themed stuff in the parking lots to make it feel like a pow-ow.

Really? That would be like a Native-American themed theme-park. No thanks.

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While this wasn't your main point, I do believe it would be awesome of the Redskins embraced their native American heritage.

The stadium should look like a teepee, or at least designed to look wooden. Outside we should have a ton of Native American themed stuff in the parking lots to make it feel like a pow-ow.

You will not be selected for the committee. :)

Edit- Oh, and fantastic ideas, Fischer fan. :point2sky

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Our government is bankrupt, with Trillions in debt. I don't think we should spend any taxpayer money on a new museum, in fact, we need to cut spending for all unnecessary government agencies. Museums, worthless liberal arts and humanities programs, public broadcasting and ridiculous public union benefits should be at the top of the list.

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While this wasn't your main point, I do believe it would be awesome of the Redskins embraced their native American heritage.

The stadium should look like a teepee, or at least designed to look wooden. Outside we should have a ton of Native American themed stuff in the parking lots to make it feel like a pow-ow.

You can't be serious.

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I have heard that the nickname came from the Bostonians that raided the ships at the Boston Tea Party who were dressed up like indians which would mean it is not a slight on native Americans. Does anybody know if this is true?

just a little history lesson here.....

"after the 1932 season, the baseball braves threatened to raise the rent for marshall's use of the braves field. he decided to move the team to fenway park, home of the red sox, and renamed it the redskins, to suggest kinship with the red sox. he also wanted to connect with an indian theme similar to the braves."

--as per the redskins encyclopedia by micheal richman

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PS with my current health situation i will have A LOT of free time in bed recovering. it is my intention, which i have already begun work on, to do a series of posts about the history of this great franchise and the people who created that history.

i will not be posting any of them until after our season is finished so they dont get buried in post game mania. i thought it would be a nice addition to the board for the offseason. look for them weekly!

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I'm also tired of the Redskins being remembered as the last team to integrate after it took an act of congress. That ugly blemish in our history book would also be more easily looked over after a name change. I'm tired of Cowboy fans dangling that one in my face.

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just a little history lesson here.....

"after the 1932 season, the baseball braves threatened to raise the rent for marshall's use of the braves field. he decided to move the team to fenway park, home of the red sox, and renamed it the redskins, to suggest kinship with the red sox. he also wanted to connect with an indian theme similar to the braves."

--as per the redskins encyclopedia by micheal richman

thanks, makes sense

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