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I Don't Have A Problem With Benching McNabb The QB. I Have A Problem With The Way It Has Been Handled and The Possible Free Agency Ramifications.


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Does anyone really know if McNabb signing was a Shanahan decision? I think thats a huge mystery here and may say a lot about why things are the way they are. We do know Bruce was working with Snyder all of last year although was only officially announced as GM the remaining 4 games or so after the Vinny hack. However, what if Shanahan was not all in on the McNabb signing and this was a Bruce Allen move that started last season with Snyder in his ear. Not that Donovan was available then but I can see Snyder saying I will give you control however, JC17 must go. We also know Snyder was not a fan of JC. With Jason gone, McNabb was by far the best available option. Anyone else wonder what the real answer is to my first question here?

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if you've seen the injury report..

Daniels and Golston may not play. And we've already been told that Jarmon is going to get his chance Sunday. We also signed a PS squad DE to the roster.

so why are they singling out Donovan? How about Rabach? Or Gano? Moss had some drops?

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What will everyone say if Grossman comes in and does well? Think about why McNabb has not succeeded.....he can not make the quick reads with enough accuracy to run this offense. If Grossman see's the field better than D-Mac and is more accurate, he will be the better QB. It seems like the Shanahan's waited as long as they could before pulling the trigger on the McNabb benching. I have no problem with this move. Lets find out what Rex can do and see if there's any future in him. We've seen what D-Mac can do.

If they both don't work out, guess what we're drafting in the first round?

I'm sorry but there is no way in hell that Grossman does well. He stinks and can't escape the rush. I'm really confused as to what is going on with my beloved Redskins.

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What will everyone say if Grossman comes in and does well?

What if Grossman plays well?!?!

Death. Taxes. Rex Grossman sucks.

Playing Grossman instead of a healthy McNabb was the ONE thing I would not stand for this year and Shanahan is going to do it for the SECOND time.

I can put up with Lorenzo Alexander at LB, with Gano at kicker, with Armstrong as our #2 reciever, with Heyer at RT, with Ryan "no jukes" Torain at RB, virtually anything BUT THIS.

It's the demarcation b/w struggling through a retooling/rebuilding year and complete lunacy.

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so why are they singling out Donovan? How about Rabach? Or Gano? Moss had some drops?

I don't think they are singling him out.. they cut galloway, suspended Albert, IR'ed Portis, sat Dockery, put Barnes in over Buchanon

all that's left is giving Austin, Jarmon (which they are doing), Young (instead of Sellers), and Riley a chance to play.

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No matter how you slice it, this won't end well for the Redskins (save for a giant **** up by the media, which is unlikely).

I disagree. Devils Advocate here says that if the coaches are right and Grossman is actually playing better right now and goes out and beats up Dallas then we are better off with him under center this year and possibly next season. I say DA because I don't think that actually happens but the coaches obviously do. This is a gamble for them. If Grossman performs this could turn out very well for the teams goals

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I disagree. Devils Advocate here says that if the coaches are right and Grossman is actually playing better right now and goes out and beats up Dallas then we are better off with him under center this year and possibly next season. I say DA because I don't think that actually happens but the coaches obviously do. This is a gamble for them. If Grossman performs this could turn out very well for the teams goals

Nah. It's not like there's not enough tape on Grossman. You know what you've got. He's not next year's starter. He's not 2012's starter. He's not starting then even if he plays well for all of three games.

You gain NOTHING by benching McNabb with three games except bad press and mud on your face. Do they really think McNabb is slowing down everyone else's ability to learn their system?

I guess, re: OP, I'll say I do have a problem with benching McNabb now. Hope you enjoy your short-lived power, Kyle.

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The only logical explanation that makes one bit of sense is that the team is nearing the end of the season, and Shanahan just wants to see what his 2nd string QB has with the team out of playoff contention. If there was really a problem with McNabb's play. Shanahan would have addressed it earlier this week or after the Tampa Bay game. But there were no indications that McNabb played poorly because he didn't. He had over a 100.0 QB rating against the Bucs, and for the first time this year, through two TDs with no INTs during a game. Maybe everyone is jumping to conclusions. Maybe Mike Shanahan just wants to evaluate Grossman in particular, and this may not have anything to do with McNabb.

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What will everyone say if Grossman comes in and does well? Think about why McNabb has not succeeded.....he can not make the quick reads with enough accuracy to run this offense. If Grossman see's the field better than D-Mac and is more accurate, he will be the better QB. It seems like the Shanahan's waited as long as they could before pulling the trigger on the McNabb benching. I have no problem with this move. Lets find out what Rex can do and see if there's any future in him. We've seen what D-Mac can do.

If they both don't work out, guess what we're drafting in the first round?

I think that with the season gone, why not see Grossman if he really does know the offense better? What if he does win this game? So many what ifs and what could be or should be. I just think this team was gearing up for Dallas after the loss to the Bucs and was definetly going to give it their all in this game in trying to beat the Cowboys. I think with the right motivation, this team could still have pulled off the sweep of the Cowboys giving us mad bragging rights till next year. I just hate to see us not get this win, even if it were the last. Now the air is being sucked out of the tires and this team may go into this game divided and with flat tires. If that is the case, how are we going to see what Grossman has if the team goes into this game half *** because they are split on the decision.

You can make the argument that they will be gone if they go into this game and lay an egg, but maybe they are thinking, where is the door with the treatment of McNabb right now. I just think this entire situation is handled poorly. If McNabb is sucking in the Cowboys game, pull him and then bench him. Shanny tries to play the guessing game at the beggining of the week then pulls the trigger on the QB situation now. I just think that this is not one of Shanny's best decisions. I would hope the team goes out and knocks one out of the park regardless of who is behind center and gets this team on the right track going into the offseason, but I just don't see it now.

With all that said, this team needs an overhaul and I still trust what Shanny and Bruce Allen are doing and I still feel that they have a master plan in place to get us back on top in the next couple years. If McNabb is gone after the season, I hope the Skins do what they can to go get Andrew Luck. McNabb has been top class his year in Washington and I thank him for doing what he could this season. I wish him further success where ever he goes. (aka.. Vikings or Cardinals) HAIL!!!

---------- Post added December-17th-2010 at 06:02 PM ----------

The only logical explanation that makes one bit of sense is that the team is nearing the end of the season, and Shanahan just wants to see what his 2nd string QB has with the team out of playoff contention. If there was really a problem with McNabb's play. Shanahan would have addressed it earlier this week or after the Tampa Bay game. But there were no indications that McNabb played poorly because he didn't. He had over a 100.0 QB rating against the Bucs, and for the first time this year, through two TDs with no INTs during a game. Maybe everyone is jumping to conclusions. Maybe Mike Shanahan just wants to evaluate Grossman in particular, and this may not have anything to do with McNabb.

But why do it before we play our biggest rival?

---------- Post added December-17th-2010 at 06:05 PM ----------

I don't think they are singling him out.. they cut galloway, suspended Albert, IR'ed Portis, sat Dockery, put Barnes in over Buchanon

all that's left is giving Austin, Jarmon (which they are doing), Young (instead of Sellers), and Riley a chance to play.

I still keep Cooley and Sellers. Other than a couple dropped passes, Sellers is playing great this year. Cooley is way too good to trade and he stays as well. We are set at Tight End, Don't fix what is not broken.

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1.Once again our organization gave up a high draft pick(s) and while at the time I was not

against it, giving up those picks for what very well may a one-year rental shows the more things change the more thing stay the same.

How could Shanahan know how poorly McNabb would play? And that McNabb's accuracy and play would decline as the season progressed?

2.Donovan's trade value as of today has dropped and maybe significantly.

Not necessarily. If 'Zona and Minnesota are half as interested in him as the media says then we could come out on top with a decent bidding war.

3.This is by far my biggest concern. DMac is a well-respected player in this league. The ramifications of this move could have a domino effect. It is reported that the players are upset and the locker room is divided. Never good. What will free agents think? Why should I go there the way they mistreated DMac? I know money talks, but there is a line that eventually gets drawn in the sand.

Locker rooms rise and fall with winning. Make changes that can bring victories and the locker room will forget McNabb faster than anyone.

Also, let's not act like money isn't the main factor in signing FA's 99.9% of the time. And our owner will have no problem winning bidding wars for players that Allen/Shanny decide are needed to help this team.

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I support Coach Shanahan and this move 100%. McNabb is a below-average, aging quarterback who can't make a five-yard throw. With the season mathematically over, Shanahan needs to get a look at Rex Grossman in a game situation. He is the coach, it is his decision, and McNabb's agent and D.C. talk radio simply can't deal with it. They're so used to having coaches, other than Gibbs, who roll over and let popular opinion dictate their decisions. Those who practice and play the best start for Mike Shanahan. If you don't like it, root for another team.

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I support Coach Shanahan and this move 100%. McNabb is a below-average, aging quarterback who can't make a five-yard throw. With the season mathematically over, Shanahan needs to get a look at Rex Grossman in a game situation. He is the coach, it is his decision, and McNabb's agent and D.C. talk radio simply can't deal with it. They're so used to having coaches, other than Gibbs, who roll over and let popular opinion dictate their decisions. Those who practice and play the best start for Mike Shanahan. If you don't like it, root for another team.

How about those two draft picks we gave up?

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2.Donovan's trade value as of today has dropped and maybe significantly.

How do you figure that? McNabb could get injured playing in three pointless games. What would his trade value be if he tore an ACL? Now is the time to look at other players. We need to evaluate our other QBs now.

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So... unless we forgot that these are grown men who get paid to play, I see no problem with this.

McNabb has underperformed this season. Granted, he played like a decent QB against Tampa, I hardly see that as a redeeming factor considering under him we missed the playoffs. Since we ARE out of the playoffs, what does it matter if McNabb is playing? The only reason to really go out and try to be world beaters is to play spoiler. Guess what.. we can't spoil the Cowboys because they suck just as bad as we do. So in the final games you let people play to see what they have, like a real time pre-season.

No one in this organization owes McNabb a damn thing. He has no real ties, no real reason to be cranky about anything. If he wanted to start he would make it so he is the starter... just like everyone else on this roster.

I enjoy the culture change. People on this team need to start playing like they belong on the field week in and week out in order to hold their jobs.

So no, it is not "singling out McNabb". Tons of change on the o-line. Change in the defense. Change at running back. ****ing suspending the potentially best player on the defense because *gasp* hes a dick and plays half assed. Why does McNabb get a free pass? It isn't like he is some big baby incapable of handling the defeat and humiliation of being benched.

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How do you figure that? McNabb could get injured playing in three pointless games. What would his trade value be if he tore an ACL? Now is the time to look at other players. We need to evaluate our other QBs now.

Because we just announced to the world that there was NO way we're going to keep him. We're either going to trade him or cut him, so other teams knowing that he's going to be cut anyway can just wait. The only reason to trade for him is if you're concerned that you can't sign him as a free agent.

When you tell the other side in a negotiation that if they don't buy something you're going to just throw it away, they're not exactly going to up their offer are they?

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I support Coach Shanahan and this move 100%. McNabb is a below-average, aging quarterback who can't make a five-yard throw. With the season mathematically over, Shanahan needs to get a look at Rex Grossman in a game situation. He is the coach, it is his decision, and McNabb's agent and D.C. talk radio simply can't deal with it. They're so used to having coaches, other than Gibbs, who roll over and let popular opinion dictate their decisions. Those who practice and play the best start for Mike Shanahan. If you don't like it, root for another team.

I think the whole league has seen enough of Rex to know that he totally SUCKS!!! Anyone that would support replacing a healthy McNabb with Rex doesnt know a football from a badminton birdie!! Name me one GOOd decision Shanny has made since coming to the Skins!? If his name wasnt Shanahan I think he would've already been shown the door!! My beloved Skins are officially the laughing stock of the NFL, with good reason!! I could go down the list of idiotic decisions made by Shanny since coming to DC but I dont have the couple days spare time it would take to compile a complete list. This has been a total disaster and I now fully understand why Rat Boy was FIRED by Denver! his best coaching days died when Elway and Terrell Davis stopped playing! He hasnt done squat since then and Danny shoulda left him sitting at home collecting Social Security! Shanahan SUCKS big time!!! Senior and JR for that matter!!

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I feel a merge coming on...

FA's look for the best deal...period.

There is absolutely no period on the end of that incorrect sentence. There are plenty of teams that players will take LESS money to play for.

That is a truism across all sports including football, and there is evidence of this happening all the time. The fact of the matter is that many elite well-established players who still want to play at their best and be the best would like to go to well-managed teams.

We aren't going anywhere while we look like a poorly run team... period.

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Because we just announced to the world that there was NO way we're going to keep him. We're either going to trade him or cut him, so other teams knowing that he's going to be cut anyway can just wait. The only reason to trade for him is if you're concerned that you can't sign him as a free agent.

When you tell the other side in a negotiation that if they don't buy something you're going to just throw it away, they're not exactly going to up their offer are they?

Well, anytime you want to trade a player, you are letting everyone know you don't want to keep him. McNabb still has respect around the league and there would be several teams who would like to scoop him up, Cards, Vikes, maybe the 49ers, maybe the Panthers, maybe the Bills...there should be some competition between some teams that should drive up his value. When you have multiple teams that may want him, do you think they are going to risk losing out on him by just hoping he gets cut? I'm not saying we are going to get a 2nd round pick or anything, but I could see a team trade a mid round pick to ensure they get him.

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