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I Don't Have A Problem With Benching McNabb The QB. I Have A Problem With The Way It Has Been Handled and The Possible Free Agency Ramifications.


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I realized when Shanny was hgired that he was taking over a roster that needed to be evaluated and over-hauled. I completely supported him with the Haynesworth debacle, but the way he has handled McNabb is one that could lead to some serious ramifications.

1.Once again our organization gave up a high draft pick(s) and while at the time I was not

against it, giving up those picks for what very well may a one-year rental shows the more things change the more thing stay the same.

2.Donovan's trade value as of today has dropped and maybe significantly.

3.This is by far my biggest concern. DMac is a well-respected player in this league. The ramifications of this move could have a domino effect. It is reported that the players are upset and the locker room is divided. Never good. What will free agents think? Why should I go there the way they mistreated DMac? I know money talks, but there is a line that eventually gets drawn in the sand.

4.Nothing good can come out of this and you will see that in the body language on Sunday and possibly in free agency IMO.

I don't see any light at the end of the proverbial tunnel. It wasn't bad enough that we had enough holes to fill now we may be back to having to fill the most important spot on the field. One setback after the other. ****!

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At least the doctor on the Walking Dead let them get out of the CDC before he incinerated it.


I remember him leaning back in his seat, cracking a smile on draft day and saying they "just drafted Donovan McNabb in the second round"

Then all he proceeds to do is **** all over him and stab him in the back against Detroit and now this.....He's insane.

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I realized when Shanny was hgired that he was taking over a roster that needed to be evaluated and over-hauled. I completely supported him with the Haynesworth debacle, but the way he has handled McNabb is one that could lead to some serious ramifications.

1.Once again our organization gave up a high draft pick(s) and while at the time I was not

against it, giving up those picks for what very well may a one-year rental shows the more things change the more thing stay the same.

2.Donovan's trade value as of today has dropped and maybe significantly.

3.This is by far my biggest concern. DMac is a well-respected player in this league. The ramifications of this move could have a domino effect. It is reported that the players are upset and the locker room is divided. Never good. What will free agents think? Why should I go there the way they mistreated DMac? I know money talks, but there is a line that eventually gets drawn in the sand.

4.Nothing good can come out of this and you will see that in the body language on Sunday and possibly in free agency IMO.

I don't see any light at the end of the proverbial tunnel. It wasn't bad enough that we had enough holes to fill now we may be back to having to fill the most important spot on the field. One setback after the other. ****!

No matter how you slice it, this won't end well for the Redskins (save for a giant **** up by the media, which is unlikely).

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Did we need to bench McNabb to do that?

that depends on whether they were truly running a vanilla version of Kyles offense for McNabb or if that is just a baseless rumor.

If they have been.. i can see the value in Grossman knowing the entire offense and being able to evaluate what players we do have in the full offense for these last 3 games before basically blowing up half the team in the offseason.

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I just wonder why did we get McNabb ? Knowing that we can't protect him the best way, and that he doesn't have (beside Santana) a reliable receiving corp. I know he has a part of reponsabilities but he looks like the scapegoat for the team failures.

That's a good one SMOSS89 :)

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What will everyone say if Grossman comes in and does well? Think about why McNabb has not succeeded.....he can not make the quick reads with enough accuracy to run this offense. If Grossman see's the field better than D-Mac and is more accurate, he will be the better QB. It seems like the Shanahan's waited as long as they could before pulling the trigger on the McNabb benching. I have no problem with this move. Lets find out what Rex can do and see if there's any future in him. We've seen what D-Mac can do.

If they both don't work out, guess what we're drafting in the first round?

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What will everyone say if Grossman comes in and does well? Think about why McNabb has not succeeded.....he can not make the quick reads with enough accuracy to run this offense. If Grossman see's the field better than D-Mac and is more accurate, he will be the better QB. It seems like the Shanahan's waited as long as they could before pulling the trigger on the McNabb benching. I have no problem with this move. Lets find out what Rex can do and see if there's any future in him. We've seen what D-Mac can do.

If they both don't work out, guess what we're drafting in the first round?

Did you not read the first part of my title?

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What will everyone say if Grossman comes in and does well? Think about why McNabb has not succeeded.....he can not make the quick reads with enough accuracy to run this offense. If Grossman see's the field better than D-Mac and is more accurate, he will be the better QB. It seems like the Shanahan's waited as long as they could before pulling the trigger on the McNabb benching. I have no problem with this move. Lets find out what Rex can do and see if there's any future in him. We've seen what D-Mac can do.

If they both don't work out, guess what we're drafting in the first round?

I can't imagine Rex doing what McNabb couldn't, but we will see on Sunday. The problem with Shanahan is his communication, now we've got a divided locker room added to an unhappy Cooley and a pissed off Moss.

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This is the most bone-headed coaching move of all. McNabb has a heck of alot more success against the pukes than RG. I don't have a problem if Shanny made this move next week but NOT against Dallas. I want the best scenario to win and Grossman isn't it. I expect at a minimum 2 fumbles, 2 INT's, and several sacks. Thanks for nothing. I will celebrate the win if we get it but I will not acknowledge little hitler's move.

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2.Donovan's trade value as of today has dropped and maybe significantly.

Yeah, this part doesn't make much sense. The only reason to "sign" McNabb they way they did with the contract they did is...

1.) To keep your franchise tag to use on somebody else.

2.) To have the rights to trade McNabb.

Now 2.'s somewhat blown.

Unrelated, that McNabb's agent let himself get talked into 1.) was absolutely idiotic.

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What will everyone say if Grossman comes in and does well?

I tell you what... the Shanahan's are PRAYING that's what happens. If we start off slow, you're going to see a total implosion of epic proportions. What are we going to do then? This going to look like the end of Zorn and Spurrier's tenures.

Even if Rex plays well, we'll still have blown two picks. We can't.... stop.... throwing away draft picks.

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