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I Don't Have A Problem With Benching McNabb The QB. I Have A Problem With The Way It Has Been Handled and The Possible Free Agency Ramifications.


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Well, anytime you want to trade a player, you are letting everyone know you don't want to keep him. McNabb still has respect around the league and there would be several teams who would like to scoop him up, Cards, Vikes, maybe the 49ers, maybe the Panthers, maybe the Bills...there should be some competition between some teams that should drive up his value. When you have multiple teams that may want him, do you think they are going to risk losing out on him by just hoping he gets cut? I'm not saying we are going to get a 2nd round pick or anything, but I could see a team trade a mid round pick to ensure they get him.

You're crazy if you think the Panthers would be interested in McNabb. They are a stupid franchise. But even they aren't stupid enough to pass on Andrew Luck with the first pick.

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According to an article on Redskins.com Shannahan spoke with DMAC and told him that he could not guarantee that he would be brought back next year but guaranteed that he would be honest with him. If a QB was available he will take him. Shannahan is thinking QB 1st round in this draft.

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You're crazy if you think the Panthers would be interested in McNabb. They are a stupid franchise. But even they aren't stupid enough to pass on Andrew Luck with the first pick.

Obviously you don't know much about the Panthers. They are a team that would do something like this. However, that may change since Fox will most likely be gone so it's hard to say what the new HC is going to do. The Panthers just drafted Jimmy Clausen. They are actually a good candidate for a proven vet QB. But like I said, a new HC might not want to work with Jimmy Clausen. Yes, Clausen has been bad, but he was a projected 1st round pick last year. I'm not sold that the Panthers are going for Luck.

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Obviously you don't know much about the Panthers. They are a team that would do something like this. However, that may change since Fox will most likely be gone so it's hard to say what the new HC is going to do. The Panthers just drafted Jimmy Clausen. They are actually a good candidate for a proven vet QB. But like I said, a new HC might not want to work with Jimmy Clausen. Yes, Clausen has been bad, but he was a projected 1st round pick last year. I'm not sold that the Panthers are going for Luck.

Dude, I LIVE here! I know everything there is to know about that sad, pathetic franchise (unfortunately). They will never be interested in McNabb as long as they have the top pick in the draft. Period. Doesn't matter WHO the next head coach is. Like I said, even the Panthers aren't dumb enough to pass on Luck. They may have a knew head coach, but Marty Hurney (their GM) is still running the show. The Panthers definitely wouldn't take on McNabb's contract. So you can squelch any notion of a trade. And McNabb will have several suitors. Do you seriously think he will want to go there when he can go to a place like Minnesota? Hell, even Arizona would be more of an option, as he already owns a home there.

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Dude, I LIVE here! I know everything there is to know about that sad, pathetic franchise (unfortunately). They will never be interested in McNabb as long as they have the top pick in the draft. Period. Doesn't matter WHO the next head coach is. Like I said, even the Panthers aren't dumb enough to pass on Luck. They may have a knew head coach, but Marty Hurney (their GM) is still running the show. The Panthers definitely wouldn't take on McNabb's contract. So you can squelch any notion of a trade. And McNabb will have several suitors. Do you seriously think he will want to go there when he can go to a place like Minnesota? Hell, even Arizona would be more of an option, as he already owns a home there.

I live here too. I can see the Panthers doing this. They drafted two QBs just last year. I also said "Maybe" the Panthers. McNabb's contract isn't that lucrative.

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This move tells me two things:

1. Shanahan wasn't onboard bringing in McNabb to begin with. Snyder hand-picked him.

2. McNabb will be released this offseason. There will be no trading of McNabb, as some have speculated.

If we were able to move Campbell, we'll be able to move McNabb. It won't be what we paid for him, but it will be something. I'm also thinking this is put up or shut up time for Young Shanahan; he has been campaigning for this for some time. The season is lost. There's nothing to gain by leaving McNabb in there.

And while I like McNabb, the fact that he's classy and a leader doesn't count much in my book when you just don't play very well. There's a lot of excuses to be made for him...line sucks...running game is non-existent, receivers have no talent...I've heard them all. None of that changes the fact that McNabb is wildly inconsistent, could and should probably have ten more interceptions this season from carelessly throwing the ball around, and misses too many easy, open throws. When you throw a 5-yard out to the tight end two yards short....and no one is in your face....you've got problems.

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I live here too. I can see the Panthers doing this. They drafted two QBs just last year. I also said "Maybe" the Panthers. McNabb's contract isn't that lucrative.

They will never do this. And how many times has Jerry Richardson paid someone that kind of money? They will draft Luck. Period. And you must not have read the other part of my last post: McNabb will have MUCH better options than Carolina, dude.

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They will never do this. And how many times has Jerry Richardson paid someone that kind of money? They will draft Luck. Period. And you must not have read the other part of my last post: McNabb will have MUCH better options than Carolina, dude.

Who's talking about McNabb's options? We're talking about the Redskins options. They have his rights. They can trade him to any team that has interest they want. It really depends on who the Panthers get for HC. If it's some coordinator from somewhere, I can see them drafting Luck and starting him on day 1. If it's a retread HC like Cowher, most likely the new HC might not want to totally rebuild from scratch. Even if they draft Luck, the new HC may want a vet QB. Not every HC that drafts a QB throws them into the fire at the very start.

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he's blowing up the team.

he thought he coudl win now.. and found out he was wrong.

so he's blowing it up.

The time to blow up the team is not during the season.

I'm really disappointed with Mike's decision making. He seems to lack lack the point of view from a business perspective. He's managed to damage/lessen the value of the two most valuable players on the team, McNabb and Worthless. If you don't like them, fine, don't like them, but find a way to make them look as good as you possibly can to help the team, and then during the off season trade em and get best deal you can.

---------- Post added December-17th-2010 at 02:34 PM ----------

I swear Redskins fans are worse than pregnant women. Suck it up!!!!!! Everything will be just fine.

Everything will be fine? Hahaha,...

So all the other times when I sucked it up,.....yeah,.....things weren't fine. In fact, it's gotten worse.

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The way it was handled? How else are you supposed to bench a guy? Is there a handbook that includes cushioned seats and tissues?

Some things in life are negative no matter how they're approached. Need to pick up dog poop? At the end of the day, you're still grabbing dog poop, and at the end of the day getting benched is getting benched. It happens in sports. Build a bridge and get over it.

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At least the doctor on the Walking Dead let them get out of the CDC before he incinerated it.


I remember him leaning back in his seat, cracking a smile on draft day and saying they "just drafted Donovan McNabb in the second round"

Then all he proceeds to do is **** all over him and stab him in the back against Detroit and now this.....He's insane.

He's done. All that's left now is the formality.

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What will everyone say if Grossman comes in and does well? Think about why McNabb has not succeeded.....he can not make the quick reads with enough accuracy to run this offense. If Grossman see's the field better than D-Mac and is more accurate, he will be the better QB. It seems like the Shanahan's waited as long as they could before pulling the trigger on the McNabb benching. I have no problem with this move. Lets find out what Rex can do and see if there's any future in him. We've seen what D-Mac can do.

If they both don't work out, guess what we're drafting in the first round?

McNabb is leaving a lot on the field. Against Detroit, McNabb threw to the wrong WR. Other WR's were wide open. Film doesn't lie. Shanny doesn't say much, but this is the end of the road for McNabb.

---------- Post added December-17th-2010 at 02:54 PM ----------

The time to blow up the team is not during the season.

I'm really disappointed with Mike's decision making. He seems to lack lack the point of view from a business perspective. He's managed to damage/lessen the value of the two most valuable players on the team, McNabb and Worthless. If you don't like them, fine, don't like them, but find a way to make them look as good as you possibly can to help the team, and then during the off season trade em and get best deal you can.

---------- Post added December-17th-2010 at 02:34 PM ----------

Everything will be fine? Hahaha,...

So all the other times when I sucked it up,.....yeah,.....things weren't fine. In fact, it's gotten worse.

Shanny is trying too fix Vinnys F UPS. Not easy. Better shape now than with Vinny around here.

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I agree, the way it has been handled turns out to be a way of disrespecting your own players. I dont think this bode well for attracting people. Of course if you pay someone enough they'll come but I think thats exactly the situation we want to avoid. Don't want people coming here simply for the money.

And also if we can bench mcnabb, cant we bench some of the other guys as well. Like some other people mentioned, casey rabach.

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People always complain when coaches are incapable of ackowledging their mistakes and correcting. In essence, that is what shanahan did today. He acknowledged. He corrected.

He didn't really correct it though. We are out two draft picks and he seriously hurt McNabb's trade value. We are out our starting QB after this season with only a hope that two scrubs might show something in the last three games. He has pissed off the fanbase and the locker room. We may have entered rebuild mode but we're going to be ****ed once we use our first rounder on a QB bust and the only other position we fill is center.

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Forget for a second that it was Allen and Shannahan than have up the draft picks to bring in McNabb for these few games this year, bench him, cut him and take us from 4-12 tp 5-11. Imagine it was Vinny making these calls.

How would you react?

Throwing away picks is the same whether it's Vinny doing it for Jason Taylor or Allen/Shannahan doing it for McNabb. I feel like we're back at the end of 2009. Any optimism I felt has been washed away.

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I would not be shocked if the Redskins wait till the very last moment to release him. Incredibly, they can wait till August to release him and not pay him a dime.

Now that would be an incredibly mean spirited thing to do - basically preventing him from being a starting quarterback elsewhere even though you have no intention of keeping him or paying him. But considering how the Shannys have treated him - basically turning him into the team's scapegoat - I could see them doing it. They could claim they waited until the last minute for a trade deal to materialize or simply say they didn't want their NFL competition to sign him.

Perhaps it is just me but I get the feeling that for whatever reason, Shanny just does not like him at all. You saw hints of it in the aftermath of the Detroit benching and now it is starting to smell again. I really genuinely feel bad for McNabb - he did not ask to be traded here and it seems like his NFL career has just imploded. He seems like a genuinely nice guy who always tries to take the high road.

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