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I Don't Have A Problem With Benching McNabb The QB. I Have A Problem With The Way It Has Been Handled and The Possible Free Agency Ramifications.


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At least the doctor on the Walking Dead let them get out of the CDC before he incinerated it.


I remember him leaning back in his seat, cracking a smile on draft day and saying they "just drafted Donovan McNabb in the second round"

Then all he proceeds to do is **** all over him and stab him in the back against Detroit and now this.....He's insane.

So it's 100% Shanny's fault? Donovan obviously didn't pick up the system. He was missing open guys, and driving us all crazy with fastballs in the dirt. I like Donovan, but he just wasn't playing well. His projected 4,000yd season is pretty cosmetic, I suppose. Shanny didn't **** all over anything, his QB was sucking so he benched him at Detroit. In the meantime, he's evaluating the team, and at this point wants to see Rex. I'm sure he's upset that it didn't work out, but he can't make coaching decisions with Donovan/the fan's feelings in mind.

I've was very surprised and disappointed at how ugly Donovan looked all season. The offense has been a mess, and much of that is on him. I didn't see that coming, and neither did Shanny. People need to stop demonizing Mike Shannahan so much. Pretty soon, we'll start calling him Hitler or something else stupid like that.

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I disagree. Devils Advocate here says that if the coaches are right and Grossman is actually playing better right now and goes out and beats up Dallas then we are better off with him under center this year and possibly next season. I say DA because I don't think that actually happens but the coaches obviously do.

My advocate thinks this will just be another example of Shanny's practice team hero's getting in the game and doing a whole lotta squat.. I still dont get why Rabach continues to be the starting center, after we saw Mongomery come in vs Tennesee and play the best game at C the teams had in 2 years? I guess it's just more coaching genious from the 2 time super bowl winner.. lol

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Who's talking about McNabb's options? We're talking about the Redskins options. They have his rights. They can trade him to any team that has interest they want. It really depends on who the Panthers get for HC. If it's some coordinator from somewhere, I can see them drafting Luck and starting him on day 1. If it's a retread HC like Cowher, most likely the new HC might not want to totally rebuild from scratch. Even if they draft Luck, the new HC may want a vet QB. Not every HC that drafts a QB throws them into the fire at the very start.

Dude, the Redskins have McNabb's contract structured so that they can outright release him this offseason and owe him no further money. That's what will end up happening, more than likely. Teams KNOW the Redskins want no part of bringing McNabb back. We'r not gonna get jack **** for McNabb, dude. And I'll repeat, the Panthers will won't no part of McNabb. They will draft Luck. The best teams in the NFL have franchise QBs. The Panthers have the chance to get their franchise QB this April. You're nuts if you think they're gonna pass on him. And you're also nuts if you think Cowher is going to Carolina. That's not happening. And yes, I'm aware that he owns a home in NC. And I'm aware that he and his deceased wife both went to NC State. Cowher won't go there. Richardson isn't known to spend alot of money on players, and he's not going to unload a bunch of money on Cowher either. More importantly, Cowher will won't total control in Carolina. Richardson doesn't play that. Why do you think Polian is no longer there? You obviously don't know as much about the Panthers as you think you do.

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Good!! While Shanny is blowing up the team why don't he go ahead and bench Rabach, deactivate Daniels etc... so some of our younger guys can play.

QFT. It'll help McNabb save face too. I take it a step further though, and bench all the stars. You know what Cooley, Moss, Hall, Orakpo, Rogers and all bring to the table. Play them a half, and put in the backups, treat this like a preseason game.

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If we cut DM then I believe the cap hit is way less than if we traded him to another team and the return will be a mid round pick. I believe he will be cut and we will, a) not get a draft pick and B) will not get compensated for it. This would be a big blow but one has to think that Shanahan is eyeing either Luck or Newton. I hope it's Luck as Newton has the talent but is really a one year wonder.

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If we cut DM then I believe the cap hit is way less than if we traded him to another team and the return will be a mid round pick. I believe he will be cut and we will, a) not get a draft pick and B) will not get compensated for it. This would be a big blow but one has to think that Shanahan is eyeing either Luck or Newton. I hope it's Luck as Newton has the talent but is really a one year wonder.

It definitely won't be Newton. He's considered a project. And we won't be able to move up to get Luck.

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Dude, the Redskins have McNabb's contract structured so that they can outright release him this offseason and owe him no further money. That's what will end up happening, more than likely. Teams KNOW the Redskins want no part of bringing McNabb back. We'r not gonna get jack **** for McNabb, dude. And I'll repeat, the Panthers will won't no part of McNabb. They will draft Luck. The best teams in the NFL have franchise QBs. The Panthers have the chance to get their franchise QB this April. You're nuts if you think they're gonna pass on him. And you're also nuts if you think Cowher is going to Carolina. That's not happening. And yes, I'm aware that he owns a home in NC. And I'm aware that he and his deceased wife both went to NC State. Cowher won't go there. Richardson isn't known to spend alot of money on players, and he's not going to unload a bunch of money on Cowher either. More importantly, Cowher will won't total control in Carolina. Richardson doesn't play that. Why do you think Polian is no longer there? You obviously don't know as much about the Panthers as you think you do.

Whatever man. All the analysts I've seen on ESPN and NFL Network listed Carolina as a possible destination, just like I said. There is a thread over at the Carolina Panther forums that's five pages long talking about signing McNabb.


So for you to call me crazy and nuts because I said "maybe" the Panthers would be interested, is a typical example of someone overstating themselves on the internet. I never said "McNabb is going to the Panthers". I said there might be some interest there. I also didn't say "The Panthers won't draft Luck". I also never said Cowher is going to Carolina. I said "if they hire a retread like Cowher". Notice I said if? Notice I said "maybe"? Man, some people......

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Whatever man. All the analysts I've seen on ESPN and NFL Network listed Carolina as a possible destination, just like I said. There is a thread over at the Carolina Panther forums that's five pages long talking about signing McNabb.


So for you to call me crazy and nuts because I said "maybe" the Panthers would be interested, is a typical example of someone overstating themselves on the internet. I never said "McNabb is going to the Panthers". I said there might be some interest there.

You're right. And let's face it -- if McNabb would rather go to the 'Phins or Minnesota or somewhere else, the Panthers might very well trade with the Skins. That's the advantage of having McNabb sign that crappy, seemingly meaningless extension. The Skins can give the same amount of control over McNabb to anyone who's interested.

Panthers via trade makes some sense.

Alert: I'm not saying it will happen, but this is one that wouldn't surprise me either.

Honestly, I have no idea why McNabb signed that contract. All it did was award the Skins first right of refusal -- and even first right to determine where he plays next season. That's worth $3 million? Maybe, but sheesh.

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I realized when Shanny was hgired that he was taking over a roster that needed to be evaluated and over-hauled. I completely supported him with the Haynesworth debacle, but the way he has handled McNabb is one that could lead to some serious ramifications.

3.This is by far my biggest concern. DMac is a well-respected player in this league. The ramifications of this move could have a domino effect. It is reported that the players are upset and the locker room is divided. Never good. What will free agents think? Why should I go there the way they mistreated DMac? I know money talks, but there is a line that eventually gets drawn in the sand.

4.Nothing good can come out of this and you will see that in the body language on Sunday and possibly in free agency IMO.

I don't see any light at the end of the proverbial tunnel. It wasn't bad enough that we had enough holes to fill now we may be back to having to fill the most important spot on the field. One setback after the other. ****!

#3. Dude, our 10 year running hard-on for free-agents is what got us into this mess in the 1st place. Besides Flethc, name the last free-agent signing that actually worked out well for us? If another free agent never comes to Washington again, it will be too soon. Build through the draft, or bust.

#4. Ooo noo, the poor underachieving overly-paid bunch that is the washington redskins might not like it? O noooo. What will we ever do, the losers might have their feelings hurt?? I hope those idiots are dumb enough to tank it on Sunday, I want them all gone, and thatll give Shanny the excuse to cut them. Believe it, everybody on this squad better fight for their careers on Sunday and any of them that has an IQ of above 80 will realize that NOW is NOT THE TIME to piss Shanny off!

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