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Could you deal with no Redskins football for a full year?


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If it meant getting rid of Dan Snyder. Hear me out on this one.

Would you care if Dan Snyder packed up the team and moved the franchise to LA. Leaving the name and history in DC but taking the team to LA like Rooney did with the Browns.

This would mean that we would be without the Redskins for one year at least, then we would get an expansion team with new ownership and an excuse for being bad for the first few years. We'd still be the Redskins and we'd still have our team history, we would simply lose out on a year of football.

This is purely hypothetical and won't ever happen, but could you deal with no Redskins football for a full year if it meant getting rid of Dan Snyder?

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It doesn't feel like the same franchise to me. In time it will be forgotten, sure, but as an example the Browns don't seem like the Browns to me, still. In time I'd come to accept it and be fine with it, but that feeling would be pretty hard to get over.

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We've been dealing with no "Redskins Football" hard hitting and running people over for a bunch of years now. I could prob deal with it but it would be hard not to root for the team in LA with most of my fav players on it. And i would def want some type of guarantee that the Skins would be back the year after. Or i would have to start looking for a new team.

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To me we've gone 18 years without Redskin football. 1992 was the last time that the Redskins went to the playoffs two years in a row. What we have now is the salary cap era, and free agency. All this franchise has done since 1993 is lose, lose, lose. And from 1993-present, the Redskins have only been to the playoffs three times(1999, 2005, 2007) with a bunch of non winning seasons in between.

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To me we've gone 18 years without Redskin football. 1992 was the last time that the Redskins went to the playoffs two years in a row. What we have now is the salary cap era, and free agency. All this franchise has done since 1993 is lose, lose, lose. And from 1993-present, the Redskins have only been to the playoffs three times(1999, 2005, 2007) with a bunch of non winning seasons in between.

Beat me to it...However, I give the 'Gibbs2' years the props they deserve. He came back here and returned us to contention with the same approach he always had; good running, tough defense and quaterback that really was only 'just good enough' (take your pick which name to fill in there..)

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If Dan Synder continues to be hands off as he is now then...no. I like the direction this franchise is going. Alot of people won't have the patience. But I'm ready to watch this house building process takes place for another 3-4 years if success is inevitable....which it will be if the correct moves are continued to be made.

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If someone came to me and proposed that exact scenario, I think I'd do it assuming we'd only be football-less for 2 years, max. To me, it's not really about getting rid of Snyder (I know, I'm an apologist and homer) as much as it would be a great RESET button for the franchise. To literally be an expansion team would be very exciting and give this team so many advantages that it doesn't have right now since the proverbial cat is so far out of the bag.

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If Dan Synder continues to be hands off as he is now then...no. I like the direction this franchise is going. Alot of people won't have the patience. But I'm ready to watch this house building process takes place for another 3-4 years if success is inevitable....which it will be if the correct moves are continued to be made.


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If the Skins moved to any other city I would follow them to that city (as in I would keep rooting and watching that team). Hard to root for a "new" team.

And yeah it would be hard but I could maybe deal with no Skins for a whole year. If they sucked it would be much easier. I actually might be moving overseas in the next year or two, so that might become a reality. :(

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Worst. Idea. Ever.

Thanks for your input.

I simply posed this scenario to have a serious discussion. I mean, what else do we have to talk about? This Skins are bad and there is a glimmer of hope which is fading with every game that McNabb gets pummeled.

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I'm all for it. Take this entire franchise and move it. Tear down FedEx field, get rid of Snyder and the culture, and start all over.

I'm over it.

I'm over watching this crap, I'm over going to games at that dump, and I'm over the unwaivering feeling that nothing will change and year after year we put a loser out there on the field.

Anything, ANYTHING would be better than what we've been subjected to over the last 20 years.


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I would prefer to watch replacement players over the current situation. A lockout year wouldn't phase me a bit but I'm sure the Redskins would find a way to lose ground anyway.

I am also a Wizards fan. I went ahead an canceled my cable because there's no point in following them anymore. I don't miss them and I wouldn't miss the Redskins either. I torture myself every Sunday watching this team play.

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I would have said no a few weeks ago, but with the way the team has been playing maybe a nice hiatus would be good. It would give the team more time to evaluate players, acquire players, and study film. Maybe they will learn better play calling after watching the games. Maybe they can get players in better positions to achieve like Cooley. Who knows. Right now, I could use a break from Redskins football though. I'm not even excited about playing Dallas and I know I'll hear all about it when/if they lose.

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