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Redskins.com: Shanahan Says Success Will Take Time

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Shanahan Says Success Will Take Time

By Gary Fitzgerald


Posted: December 13, 2010


Mike Shanahan admits that he is not used to being patient.

He is, after all, a two-time Super Bowl champion as a head coach.

Success is an expectation for Shanahan.

Patience is required for the Redskins, though. They have lost four of their last five games to fall to 5-8 on the season.

“It’s always disappointing when you don’t win,” Shanahan said. “With all the time that you put in and all the effort in the offseason – not only the coaches but the players – it’s really hard to lose.”

From bouts of inconsistency to major mistakes at critical times, it has been evident all season long that the Redskins are a work in progress on both sides of the ball.

Shanahan declined to suggest the Redskins are in a rebuilding phase, but he did say that success would take time.

“Going from four wins to a chance to win the Super Bowl takes some time,” Shanahan said. “It doesn’t happen overnight. It’s a day-by-day process. There’s a lot to do in the offseason, relative to the draft and free agency. And we still have three games of evaluation against three pretty good and talented football teams.

“We’ll get a good feel of who will be with us after we take a look at the last three games of how our players play.”

He acknowledged that the team was limited last offseason in the type of free agents they could acquire due to the uncertainty of the Collective Bargaining Agreement. Dozens of players expected to be unrestricted free agents were instead classified as restricted free agents.

Presuming a new CBA is ironed out between the league and the player’s union, free agency should be more bountiful in 2011.

“Next year there should be a normal free agency and a normal draft,” Shanahan said. “We’ll get a chance to evaluate our players from this season and hopefully we can head in the right direction.”

As the season has progressed, Shanahan has gradually moved away from veterans and started to rely on younger players in key roles.

He pointed to offensive linemen Kory Lichtensteiger and Will Montgomery, running backs Ryan Torain and Keiland Williams, wide receiver Anthony Armstrong and kick returner Brandon Banks.

Each of those players have experienced ups and downs this season, but it’s hoped that they are gaining valuable experience.

“What you have to do is evaluate these players,” Shanahan said. “If players keep on making mistakes like they’re making, then you make a decision to go a different direction. You’re hoping that these players grow and at the end of the season are playing pretty good football.

“They’ve made mistakes, but they’re made full-speed and you see potential in what they can do. It’s all part of the process of evaluating these players.”


I thought this would give some depth and perspective on Shanahan's comments earlier, being discussed a few threads down (or up depending on when you entered the thread).

I think this year was a very tough year to evaluate Shanahan's effect on the team when you consider the limits faced during the offseason.

I think we'll really get a chance to see how Bruce and Mike really want to handle this team this offseason. Personally I think Shanahan has done a solid job with what little this team has. It could always be better, but this isn't an easy fix, this is fixing bad management and organizational culture since 2000, there should be no shock to see us struggling the way we are right now. This is an exorcism he and BA are performing.

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Interesting to hear that the Skins were limited in their moves based on the CBA. I think they made great decisions in regards to the contracts they offered. I'm eager to see what happens next year if there is football. Either way the off season will be exciting, as usual for the Skins. Lots of hype and hopefully some better results. The key is consistency and we finally have some stability. That makes me a little less pissed about the way the season has gone.

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Good, we need to keep preaching baby steps before the angry mobs storm Ashburn. Next year, the best we should hope for is 9-7 while not being too surprised with something like 7-9 depending on injuries and such. Year three though, that should be when we really start seeing progress. Look to teams like the Rams, Lions, Raiders and Chiefs to see how this is done. They are still going to be picking in the top ten of next year's draft even though they are on at least year two of their rebuilds. Detroit is going to be thrilled to go from 0-16 to 2-14, to possibly 5-11 this year. The Rams are even better example at 3-13, 2-14, and then just 1-15 when they brought in a new regime, now they have a shot at their division. The Chiefs had three straight awful seasons but are now at the top of their division at 8-5. For Oakland, six wins is the best they have done since they lost the super bowl in 2003 and they still have no idea who their QB should be.

We were 4-12, now we are looking at 5-11 and most likely one more bad year before you will see us at the top of the NFC East for the first time in ten years. Looking at the Rams and Cheifs as division leaders, you also need a little bit of luck like the surprising collapse of the Chargers or the fact that the entire NFC West is rebuilding all at once.

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Tell this to the mentally challenged people that are calling for his head. There's no reasoning with an angry mob I guess. Anybody who is that upset and surprised this depth-deprived team has performed poorly since the injuries started mounting , that they would want Shanahan and co. "fired" is just plain stupid. The man inherited a team, that was deficient and old in just about every area. You can count on one hand any game changing "play-makers" on this team, and at least 2 were brought in by Allen and Shanahan. Armstrong and Banks. The reality is, with everybody healthy this team was maybe an 8-8, 9-7 team at BEST. As it is, we are probably going to drop at least 2 of these last 3, with a surprise win in there somewhere.

Patience is a virtue, but hard to come by in Redskins Nation. I'm not saying to not be upset that the team is performing poorly. I'm not saying you shouldn't be disappointed. I am saying that knee-jerk reactions like "fire this person" "fire that person" :"cut this person" is EXACTLY what brought this organization to it's knees to begin with. If you can't deal with the fact this team is a few years away from making a run, seriously, root for another team. The constant negativity in this area is overwhelming.

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I think some of the blame for the angry mob mentality of Skins fans these days goes to the media. They push the bull**** any chance they get. Countless times I've heard them say something to the effect of "If Shanahan would just say we're rebuilding, we could deal with that. But he's not!!!" I switch to NPR whenever they start talking Skins (which is 2 1/2 hours out of a 3 hour show.) Of course the fans that eat it up should know better. It's easier to have someone think for you and they're letting emotions turn them stupid though. It should have been clear from day one that we were rebuilding. That we had no other choice. That it was going to take time. Shanahan's not stupid. He's been around the game a LONG time.

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In case the stats I posted earlier didn't sink in for some people, here is the absolute best example of rebuilding + luck that I can think of, again from the St Louis Rams. In 1989 they lost the NFC Championship, after that they went through seven straight losing seasons under three different head coaches. Then they hired Dick Vermiel to rebuild and right the ship. His first season they went 5-11, his second they went 4-12 but the owners gave him a third year and he went 13-3 and won the super bowl. They went on to make the playoffs four of the next five years including a 2nd NFC title before collapsing again under mismanagement.

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This team should learn how to defeat the teams they should defeat. Period. When it learns to beat teams like the Rams, Lions, and Vikings, then let's talk about progress. Beating teams with winning records don't count for much if they are losing to teams with losing records. If the Redskins can learn to do that then they;ll undoubtedly be a 12-4 team.

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I think some of the blame for the angry mob mentality of Skins fans these days goes to the media. They push the bull**** any chance they get. Countless times I've heard them say something to the effect of "If Shanahan would just say we're rebuilding, we could deal with that. But he's not!!!" I switch to NPR whenever they start talking Skins (which is 2 1/2 hours out of a 3 hour show.) Of course the fans that eat it up should know better. It's easier to have someone think for you and they're letting emotions turn them stupid though. It should have been clear from day one that we were rebuilding. That we had no other choice. That it was going to take time. Shanahan's not stupid. He's been around the game a LONG time.

Yeah, the media definitely spouts typically knee-jerk reactions and feeds the fan anger. When what is needed is for ONE at least one media member using reasoning and logic giving at least some balance to the discussion. I don't care that Lavar Arrington doesn't like Dan Snyder and has a grudge against him, look at the full picture of the team and give an well rounded view. I know, that doesn't sell, but damn it's annoying to listening to people saying, "Shanahan sucks, Kyle was a nepotism hire by his daddy, Bruce Allen beat my mother and touch my sister!" while the hosts yell, "GET EM!" or Brian Mitchell has roid rage.

---------- Post added December-14th-2010 at 04:03 AM ----------

This team should learn how to defeat the teams they should defeat. Period. When it learns to beat teams like the Rams, Lions, and Vikings, then let's talk about progress. Beating teams with winning records don't count for much if they are losing to teams with losing records. If the Redskins can learn to do that then they;ll undoubtedly be a 12-4 team.

No, we need to learn how to WIN, period. Why should we beat those teams? Because we're good? I'm pretty sure Rams fans were saying, "If we lose to the Redskins we're a bunch of bums!" Part of what we need is to get rid of the attitude that we're automatically better than the Rams, Lions and Vikings of the world. Because last I checked we haven't been much better than any of those teams over the past 10 years.

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...........................but the owners gave him a third year and he went 13-3 and won the super bowl. They went on to make the playoffs four of the next five years including a 2nd NFC title before collapsing again under mismanagement.

Agreed, but, I believe that's the year he "discovered" Kurt Warner because of the Trent Green injury. That kinda helped.

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Maybe this will stop the ****ing from the "same ol' Redskins/ no long term plan/ win now etc ad naseum" crowd.
As unofficial spokesperson for the Ad Nauseum Crowd, I have to ask: What specifically did Mike say that would make you think that, GHH?
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I think one of the big differences this year with fa's will be the way the contracts will be done.The numbers may be just as high but it will be set up in a way that will only pay if they meet certain perameters, more incentive ladend deals instead of just backin up the money truck. Good for the team and player and great for the cap.Nothing in payin players what they want if you can offord it but paying guys to under achieve can no longer be tolerated and Allen's trade mark is a contract that pays the player according to his production.We will dive into the fa pool this next off season and the amount will depend on the contract between players and the NFl as well as the players themselves that are available.then comes the draft.we could see this team get even better next year.Perfect world in 2012 this team could very well be a post season possibility, i think next year will take more perfect alignment of the stars for any post season stuff but if they are able to get the lines or at least the oline taken care of then things will improve dramaticaly.Question to everyone,Sanatana Moss's contract is up next year.Does he resign or move on to play for a winner ? i think the Skins try to do a sign and trade if he is willing and wanting to move on.I would like to keep him but i can understand if he wants to go to a team that can play in the post season and possibly a superbowl shot.

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More what he didn't say Of. Reading between the lines, the best your ever gona' get from someone as guarded to the press as Shanahan, he did everything but just stopping short of saying we're rebuilding.


Except we aren't. Talk is cheap at this point. Show it.

This is a step in the right direction, but it's nothing but words at this point.

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More what he didn't say Of. Reading between the lines, the best your ever gona' get from someone as guarded to the press as Shanahan, he did everything but just stopping short of saying we're rebuilding.


You're reading what you want to hear between the lines. We're 5-8 and about to face three teams who will be favored to beat us. He states the obvious: we aren't going to win this year, success will take time. Stop the presses!
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I certainly hope he is referring to young and veteran players alike. There are a few veterans I'd like shown the door when it's all said and done.

Where did he indicate that any player would not be evaluated?

I think who comes and goes is going to surprise us fans as we really don't know what Mike is looking at or for in terms of commitment and scheme.

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What did we expect him to say? I expect the best product you can put out on the field no matter who the personnel are. They are all highly paid professional athletes that have been trained to play this game their whole life. Anything short of us not winning is unacceptable. Now that's more like it! However, I said that not Shanny. He probably doesn't want to hurt any fragile egos.

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You're reading what you want to hear between the lines. We're 5-8 and about to face three teams who will be favored to beat us. He states the obvious: we aren't going to win this year, success will take time. Stop the presses!

Exactly. This is just a fluff piece put out by the Redskins designed to make the fans feel better.

Having said that, I am starting to think that Shanny realizes he blew it trading picks for McNabb. I won't be convinced we're actual going to do a real rebuild though until I see what kind of moves we make this off-season.

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I think some of the blame for the angry mob mentality of Skins fans these days goes to the media. They push the bull**** any chance they get. Countless times I've heard them say something to the effect of "If Shanahan would just say we're rebuilding, we could deal with that. But he's not!!!" I switch to NPR whenever they start talking Skins (which is 2 1/2 hours out of a 3 hour show.) Of course the fans that eat it up should know better. It's easier to have someone think for you and they're letting emotions turn them stupid though. It should have been clear from day one that we were rebuilding. That we had no other choice. That it was going to take time. Shanahan's not stupid. He's been around the game a LONG time.

ES being part of that media, IMO it's a mistake having ES linked to the actual Team website. This place is negativity central, if I was a player and read the crap posted on this board, it would be very difficult to have a positive attitude going into the games. Look at the it's Dallas Week thread in ATN, there are so many posters saying, "who cares about this game", "it's meaningless", "the Cowboys are going to kill us 48 to 10" blah blah blah. we as fans should hope the players on this team don't share such a pathetic loser ass attitudes.

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In case the stats I posted earlier didn't sink in for some people, here is the absolute best example of rebuilding + luck that I can think of, again from the St Louis Rams. In 1989 they lost the NFC Championship, after that they went through seven straight losing seasons under three different head coaches. Then they hired Dick Vermiel to rebuild and right the ship. His first season they went 5-11, his second they went 4-12 but the owners gave him a third year and he went 13-3 and won the super bowl. They went on to make the playoffs four of the next five years including a 2nd NFC title before collapsing again under mismanagement.

And just to piggy back on this, the St Louis media and a few players were complaining about Vermiels practices and rules about practicing. Sounds familiar to the cry babies we have around here.

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