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The Top 5 things YOU would change to this Organization


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I like all those things, but one that gets me...

Am I crazy, or am I the only one that remembers Shanny pretty much DID tell us to be patient, it's a rebuilding process. He said that. I don't know how some of you would like him to word it, but you certainly can't call him dishonest with the fans.

I guess the signing of McNabb made you think otherwise, or the signing of anyone near 30...but you have to fill the holes from somewhere, you can't just have ALL undrafted 20 year olds going into this season...you'd be asking for 0-16.

As has been said before, if Shanny says to everyone "we're NOT winning a superbowl this year so forget about it" that doesn't help anything. There's is absolutely NOTHING this team can say that will make the fans 100% happy. Oh, we will find something. And if he said that, we would be wanting our ******* coach outta here. He said "it's a process. A long process" more times than I can remember in the offseason. People know it's rebuilding, don't act like the way Shanny words it will really make a difference.

I'm with you on this. I don't believe I've heard anything from the organization except that it would take time. Now maybe season ticket holders are getting a different message with every piece of literature they are getting, but down here in NC, I certainly don't get the impression they promised even the playoffs this year.

DC Sports Bog had something on this months ago -


So I got a look at the package of information and brochures that the Redskins are mailing out to season ticket holders this week. It's an interesting array of documents, with perhaps nothing more interesting than the bold all-caps letters on the outside of the envelope, reading THE FUTURE IS NOW! So much for the gradual rebuild, although, in theory, I'm all about offseason optimism.

I think branding the team as "THE FUTURE IS NOW" gives fans a sense that we will be successful. I think it is silly marketing campaigns like that, by the ticket office, that just add to the anger felt now by many. I blame marketing people for this, not Bruce Allen or Mike Shanahan.

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5) Begin plans on a 70,000 - 75,000 seat stadium on the lot of RFK. Small-ish, loud, intimate. Give us a true home field advantage. 100,000+ is stupid.

D.C. Councilman Jack Evans wants FedEx Field replaced

A Redskins spokesperson told WTOP that the team plans to remain at FedEx, its home for 13 years, at least until its lease expires in 2027.


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Of course it doesn't. But older has NEVER meant better since Snyder took over. The Skins are always average (or worse) and always old.

Clearly this needs to change.

I'd be all for a youth movement...there is one happening right now! Armstrong, Orakpo, Banks, Torrain, Williams, a few other dudes...these are the bright spots. It needs to continue.

Everyone on this team 29 or older needs to be on the trading block. They all need to be aggressively shopped for draft picks.

I remember we had a youth movement under Spurrier. That worked out well....I mean as long as you are going to argue going older = "never better", you might as well take a look at the flip side.

You need a mix of young and old. To say "cut anyone 29 or older" is a great way to ensure you have no veteran leadership.

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1 - Brand new uniforms. We need to let go of the past. The glory days are far behind us. It's time to move on.

2 - Get rid of (almost) everyone over the age of 30.

3 - Give Bruce Allen the keys. Tell Shanahan that he is the coach and Allen is the personnel guy.

4 - Move us back to DC. The 70-80k seat stadium at the RFK site would be amazing.

5 - New broadcast team. Thanks for the many years to Sonny and Sam, and Larry can just disappear for all I care. Mike Patrick with Riggo and Theismann would be great at this point. Of course we all want Herzog back, but it goes against my number 1 and we all know it will never happen.






6 - Let Beninati and Buckhantz do a game...together...please.

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Stop trying to win now, realize we must get younger and rebuild.

Trade what we can; Fred Davis or Cooley must go, others as possible, not Landry, Orakpo,

Cut Portis, Moss, Rabach, Sellers, dockery,

Donovan is the big question, depends on draft position and what we can get but it would be better to get rid of him.

Don't fire any of the staff, continuity is a key there.

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There are a few good ideas on realistic changes now. I especially like the idea of reducing ticket prices by 10% as a token of thanks for all the fans who show up to watch a sucky football team.

The root problem with the Skins, however, is nobody on the field or the sidelines. They are all a byproduct of the owner. And until the owner is changed, we're going to be treated to mediocre football. Face it fans, Snyder has had 10+ years to show us his stuff, and we've had 10+ years of crap football.

I'm a diehard at heart, dating back to the '72 Superbowl, and we all know that, in it's current configuration, this team isn't going anywhere but Mediocre-ville.

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1 - Develop a team identity above the head coach of the team. I don't need or want big name former super bowl winning head coaches (none of which have ever duplicated their success in their second iteration with a different club). Coaches will be selected the same way players are chosen, to fit the general identity of the club. I wouldn't bring in coaches preaching a offense or defense that doesn't fit the personnel decisions and general direction of the franchise. This way the coach ceases to be a reset button. The Colts and Steelers did this and their clubs didn't have a down decade trying to find the next formula.

Well said.

This is all that needs to be done.

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Wow, so many good posts from knowledgeable fans. Not sure I can improve, but here's a try:

1 thru 5: Stop running the team by fiat and capricious whim. Realize, Mr. Snyder, that football really isn't that fundamentally different from running any other business. Namely, it requires a specialized knowledge developed via hard work, discipline and time in the game. As such, it is really a bit much to ask someone whose only experience with football was as a fan of the team for many years to come in and make sound personnel and organization decisions.

And it really is as simple as that: be wise enough to know what you do not know, and put the right people in place to help you. While I, and many others, appreciate your enthusiasm, understand that many of the fans in DC are old enough to remember what a well run football team feels, looks and acts like. We were here when the Skins were not only winning consistently, but, from an organizational standpoint, were the envy of the league.

Come to the understanding, also, that this team is more than your personal toy. In many ways, it represents the hopes and aspirations of thousands of fans who are emotionally invested in this team. It is more than *your* team. It is *our* team. Leave it better than you found it, much as the owners who came before you have done.

The Redskins are an institution, and for now it is failing, both on and off the field. Do the right thing by this team and its fans - you owe them nothing less.

---------- Post added December-15th-2010 at 03:43 AM ----------

Oh yeah, also: try charging less than ten bucks for a lousy hot dog. That might help, too.

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65,000-70,000 seat stadium at the RFK site with homages to RFK and the actually successful teams of the past.

#2 on my list, number 1 above...

Stop the RFK revisionist history madness and blaming our record on the stadium.

Petitbon was 4-12 at RFK.

There was no magic.

The team stunk, and has so ever since. I watched many games at RFK, including being dripped on by a leak during the Petitbon season. The crowd was anemic. Winning teams bring winning fans....winning stadiums, not so much.

A stadium doesn't make a franchise.

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Ugh where to start? Can this be a dream list?

5) Move the stadium back to the old RFK spot and build a quality stadium.

4) Remove Danny from any part of the organization except check signing and bankrolling (maybe marketing.)

3) Outlaw trading draft picks, especially for players over 29

2) Commit to stockpiling draft picks

1) Fix the lines.

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Some of these ideas are pretty ridiculous. This is basically what I'm gathering:

1. Have the owner be Scrooge McDuck since obviously you want a person with unlimited funds and no capacity for revenue (someone actually suggested paying FedEx back the naming rights). Free food and drinks for everyone! No advertising! 1981 level ticket prices! High school stadium seating capacity (still with the very best amenities and modern technology... and more police to kick out people who dare drink at a game). Oh.. don't forget the owner with unlimited funds still needs to build a brand new state-of-the-art practice facility and pay out player/coach salaries worthy of a franchise that competes for Super Bowls every year (because if we don't win every game, that same owner better fire the entire franchise top to bottom and start over with more 22 year olds).

Winning = happy times again. Winning = the fan base comes back to 1980 levels. Winning = FedEx suddenly becomes magical... even if it's completely outdated.... and how dare anyone want to see us move to that shiny, new abomination in DC with no tradition and a Pepsi banner adorning the top of the retractable roof.

I'm as frustrated as anyone with the franchise, but Synder made a great decision to bring in Shanahan and Bruce. Hopefully they are actually given plenty of time to turn the ship around.

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Some of these ideas are pretty ridiculous. This is basically what I'm gathering:

1. Have the owner be Scrooge McDuck since obviously you want a person with unlimited funds and no capacity for revenue (someone actually suggested paying FedEx back the naming rights). Free food and drinks for everyone! No advertising! 1981 level ticket prices! High school stadium seating capacity (still with the very best amenities and modern technology... and more police to kick out people who dare drink at a game). Oh.. don't forget the owner with unlimited funds still needs to build a brand new state-of-the-art practice facility and pay out player/coach salaries worthy of a franchise that competes for Super Bowls every year (because if we don't win every game, that same owner better fire the entire franchise top to bottom and start over with more 22 year olds).

Winning = happy times again. Winning = the fan base comes back to 1980 levels. Winning = FedEx suddenly becomes magical... even if it's completely outdated.... and how dare anyone want to see us move to that shiny, new abomination in DC with no tradition and a Pepsi banner adorning the top of the retractable roof.

I'm as frustrated as anyone with the franchise, but Synder made a great decision to bring in Shanahan and Bruce. Hopefully they are actually given plenty of time to turn the ship around.

Dude. This is awesome. Exactly how I feel. Well done!

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#2 on my list, number 1 above...

Stop the RFK revisionist history madness and blaming our record on the stadium.

Petitbon was 4-12 at RFK.

There was no magic.

The team stunk, and has so ever since. I watched many games at RFK, including being dripped on by a leak during the Petitbon season. The crowd was anemic. Winning teams bring winning fans....winning stadiums, not so much.

A stadium doesn't make a franchise.

To add to that, 2005 was a definite home field advatage for us. We made the Bears false start a bnuch of times in a row and basically kill a drive. The stadium was so loud at the end of the season against all 3 NFC East rivals.

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Ok, I know this is a wish list but some people need to be careful what they wish for. Before i get to my top 5 i want to address some of the common wishes i see.

Common wish: Smaller stadium.

----Supply and Demand. If there are less seats, its going to be more expensive and less of us are going to get to go to the same. You cannot remove 20-30k seats and not see prices go up a lot. I understand we want crowd noise to create a home field advantage, but the way to do that would be to somehow put up noise trapping structures at the top of the decks.

Common wish: Less Ads in the stadium/give back naming rights.

----I cannot believe this one. Advertising allows everything to be cheaper for the fans. As long as Ads dont go on the actual field or our jerseys, i say bring on the Ads. Anything that gives revenue to the team and doesnt come out of the fans pocket, is a big big big positive. The ad money can go to keeping prices where they are (already very high) and/or paying the scouting department, players, ect.

Common wish: Better game day experience.

---I am all for this one and I am willing to pay for it. I know tickets are expensive as is, but thats life and until we the fans stop demanding seats, the prices will stay high. However I do agree that Fedex could be made to be a much better experience, though it will cost money, but thats okay with me. Im not exactly sure what id like though. Fedex is one of THE BEST TAILGATE stadiums in the NFL. There are a lot of NFL stadiums where tailgating is not really possible due to limited city space/no on site parking. We cannot just cast aside how much fun fedex is pregame.

But postgame they need to build more ways out of the stadium. Thats number 1. That would improve gameday 10x by itself. We got HD jumbo screens this year, that was something that had been lacking. Now its time to upgrade the food and somehow make the stadium louder.

After that its really on the fans to make fedex a good experience. People complain about folks standing up and screaming. I am sorry but thats what makes a good home field experience. Go to any big time college stadium and look at the student section. No one sits. We need 100k strong standing during the game if we want to create a good atmosphere. Some organized cheers as well would be helpful besides the wave (which is horrible).

Half the stadium could wear burgundy, half gold. Or do it by bowls. Or a White out when we wear all white. Some kind of distracting chant at the opposing QB as well. Just watch a Big 10 or SEC football game. You will get the picture.

Ok now my top 5 wish list:

5. For the team to act like one cohesive unit ala the patriots. I dont care if we lose while doing so. But its time the team somehow bonds. All these players constantly talking about how they dont know each other (cooley on mcnabb this week). It is mind boggling. McNabb has been here since what March? How in the world are players not bonding at least in a professional way. Danny Woodhead Joins the Pats like the day before the season starts and everyone just gels. I could care less how PD plays, but he is one of the only guys on this team who gives 100 and seemingly attempts to get everyone on the same page. I also dont like how the players seem out of the loop on all decisions. I really liked the Shanny hire and have liked Shanny for his entire carear. I think given time he should do well here, but I hate hearing about how players and him are not on the same page/communication issues.

4. Stop cutting/signing guys in week 7, 8, 9, etc., that are going to play significant time/start. This just means our roster was not created efficiently in the pre-season. Yes I know all teams bring guys in when they have injuries, but most teams bring guys that were in their camp and know the are doing. Like SD had to bring Ajaritutu back. But you have the redskins cutting RB 2 and 3 on the depth cart almost instantly. Why keep them around for all of campp if they werent working out? We cut our opening day starting WR. Cut him! I know Joey wasnt playing well, but we all knew that from day 1. Why have him as your starter (for a decent amount of time too) if you are just going to cut him. Is he not capable of being a backup? Or helping the guys who fill in for him understanding the system... Macho Harris from a flag football team is not a guy who here for camp or minicamp. Maybe he will be ok, though i find it hard to believe we didnt have any body here at any time that could come in and been up to speed faster.

3. On the same type of note, stop accepting/being ok with marginal players, especially on the OL and Special teams. I dont want superstars I want guys who have a role and play that role well. But the redskins for as long as I can remember continue to allow marginal players to play significant roles. Look at New England, as soon as they identify a player who is marginal at best, they upgrade. How many years are we going to not have a legit place kicker? Its mind boggling (just as mind boggling as why it took 3 games to play Brandon Banks). Or when are we going to realize Reed Doughty does not have the skills to be a starting safety in the league? Great guy, but he has started entirely too many games for this team. The same can be said for almost the entire offensive line.

2. Build an indoor practice facility!! I believe its something like only the Redskins and Bengals do not have an indoor facility. We are a top 2 most profitable and valuable franchise. There is no reason not to have a state of the art indoor facility so the team can chose to avoid the elements when they want. I think an indoor facility could go a long way.

1. Some easy way out of fedex after a game. Sitting in traffic for 2 hours to leave the stadium is worst thing in sports history.

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Naturally this idea would be frowned upon by most players, but;

I would like to see the NFL teams around the league start signing players on a "performance" salary. If you play well, you will be rewarded with a good or great bonus, depending on the quality. If you go out on the field and drop passes often, get flagged for holding, or any other goof-ups on a constant basis, you don't deserve a 50 mil contract.

Yes, if I were in charge, I would have a hard time finding players who would play under those circumstances, BUT, the ones that did would be actual football players, who show a desire to play at their best the entire game. No more smiling or laughing on the sidelines after they dropped a sure game winning touchdown or interception, they would care because it would affect their pocketbook...

Oh yes, I'd do away with the NFLPA...

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Some of these ideas are pretty ridiculous. This is basically what I'm gathering:

1. Have the owner be Scrooge McDuck since obviously you want a person with unlimited funds and no capacity for revenue (someone actually suggested paying FedEx back the naming rights). Free food and drinks for everyone! No advertising! 1981 level ticket prices!

You don't think the game day experience could stand some improvement? Let me guess...not a season ticket holder?

The fans are being bled dry financially and are not receiving much for their investment. Are you aware of what their home win/loss record is during the Snyder years?

The Redskins have the second highest revenue base in the league.


If it weren't for the fans getting butt raped in Big D, the Redskins would be #1 at gouging the fan base. Others see a problem with this. Apparently you aren't one of them.

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