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Is anyone else following the Wikileaks "hacktivism" that took out MasterCard and Visa today?


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4chan is a lot more than silly kids flooding a message board. If that's what you think then you don't know much about what they've done in the past. Just look what they did to mastercard
A bunch of techno-savvy douchebags?
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Dutch Police Arrest Suspect in Pro-WikiLeaks Hacking

Dutch authorities said they arrested a 16-year-old boy suspected of being involved in attacks on the websites of MasterCard and Visa that were allegedly mounted by sympathizers of document-leaking website WikiLeaks.

Police arrested the suspect at his home in The Hague late Wednesday night and said he had acknowledged being involved in the attacks on the websites of the two credit-card companies, according to Wim de Bruin, a spokesman for the Dutch prosecution office.

Police also seized computers and data-storage devices.

The boy, whom authorities didn't name but confirmed is Dutch, remains in custody and is due to appear before a judge on Friday. A lawyer for the boy couldn't be reached.

Dutch police believe he is part of a larger group of WikiLeaks sympathizers behind the so-called denial-of-service attacks, in which computers flood a server to prevent it from displaying a Web page, Mr. de Bruin said. Dutch authorities say the group conducting the attacks are doing so under an effort called Operation Payback. The police are continuing their investigation, including exploring the potential involvement of others in the Netherlands.

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4chan is a lot more than silly kids flooding a message board. If that's what you think then you don't know much about what they've done in the past. Just look what they did to mastercard

I have known about these kids for years. They tried to take out a neo nazi website, the owner ened up crashing their site so they decided to leave him alone

They like using Tor and flashget and other such apps to flood servers. They are not hackers they are flooders DOS attacks are easy when you have a few thousand hitting a site at once. They campaign on free speech yet they do not hesitate to deny ohters their own free speech

Last i heard they were in trouble for Kiddie Porn in their adult section

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