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The Daily Caller:GM-selling-at-a-loss-should-tell-you-something


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once again, you are an absolute idiot.

I swear, some people..... tsk.

Some people, indeed. Since your user notes and previous bans show you struggle with certain matters, we'll just see you in 3 months when you'll get one more try if you want it.

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Some people, indeed. Since your user notes and previous bans show you struggle with certain matters, we'll just see you in 3 months when you'll get one more try if you want it.

I'm pretty sure he was being sarcastic. Him and JMS were arguing the same side.

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I'm pretty sure he was being sarcastic. Him and JMS were arguing the same side.

I appreciate the input and will PM JMS. I'l check it out (though his record isn't helping him). And just a note to ask folks to please use a PM for this kind of exchange. We ask in the rules for members to use PMs to discuss a moderator action and not do it in the thread (usually). :)

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Since it became discussed in the thread, I will go ahead and note that upon further review and JMS' input (thanks again PeterMP) I will be undoing mcsluggo's ban. Reading his posts I think he's still coming down on the lucky side and will hope his luck holds out. :)

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Anyway, is there a car nut out there who can tell me what GM plans to unveil over the next couple of years in terms of models and/or brands? Anything new? Right now it seems like the Volt is their Next Big Thing, but that was true two years ago. (Obviously I don't pay much attention to cars. I actually pay more attention to car batteries, because there's a lot of interesting business going on in that industry right now.)

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The Cruze and a higher MPG line is about it(but then GM already had a fairly high MPG line)


GM spoke about future product broadly in relation to how the new metal will boost the company's bottom line, but was short on specifics, saying mainly that GM plans to launch 70 new or refreshed models around the globe by 2014. And perhaps unfortunately for us, a lot of those will be in markets outside the U.S., where GM projects most of its growth in the next four years.

In the U.S., though, expect GM to devote less to trucks ("We cannot rely on the large truck business to carry us in the future," said vice chairman Steven Girksy) and put on a major push to make mid-cycle refreshes (the term "facelift" is falling out of fashion) more "impactful," according to product-development boss Tom Stephens.

And are low-volume, strange-brew cars like the now-defunct Pontiac Solstice in danger at the new GM? Stephens said 80 percent of all GM vehicles will be based on global platforms by 2014. Whether that means for the development of niche cars -- or low-volume, dedicated-platform stuff like the Corvette -- remains to be seen.

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The administration threw 100 years of bankruptcy law out the window, shafted the bond holders of GM and gave unions a huge pension fund bailout. Sounds like a huge success if you are a leftist.

I forget - are we allowed to mention Fox Talking Points anymore in this thread? :)

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The auto bailouts were so convoluted, confusing, and mis-directional. The whole TARP was. It makes me sad.

From my perspective as a citizen it looks like this. Maybe some lawyers can correct me on this:

- A long time ago, but not too long (1950s) there was a case called "Youngstown Tube & Steel" where the government seized a steel making factory and claimed it did so under emergency powers.

- Youngstown Tube filed a lawsuit claiming the action was an unconstitutional taking

- The Supreme Court ruled that the taking was unconstitutional and the Executive Branch can't do what it wanted to do, even in times of "emergency", without a bill from Congress.

So what does that have to do with TARP?

- Congress passed a bill to bailout the financial industry, this is so clear that it should not be disputed by anyone. The bill was clearly aimed only at financial institutions.

- The President used the bill to bailout the auto industry, this was right after Congress refused to give them authority to do so.

- Here's the difference between Youngstown Tube, GM and Chrysler can't complain about an "unconstitutional taking", their only option was bankruptcy.

The Indiana Pension Funds brought a case in Federal court, but I don't think they properly posed the question to the Courts. They used the unconstituional takings foundation, but they had no standing to bring it up since there was essentially an administrator who was to make the decision.

I'd like to point out that the same banks that were just bailed out also happened to be the ones who controlled the bondholder stock. Good luck on them complaining about that as well, (hey they got a bailout).

Whether you agree with the end result or not, which, I guess things weren't too bad... a bunch of people didn't lose their jobs, and the whole auto industry may have been saved (good luck proving otherwise because the PR from that time was so thick they would have us believe the financial world was going to collapse within 24 hours, I don't believe it!)... regardless of the result, the whole thing was shady, it was worse than shady and we should all feel dirty by what happened.

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Whether you agree with the end result or not, which, I guess things weren't too bad... a bunch of people didn't lose their jobs, and the whole auto industry may have been saved (good luck proving otherwise because the PR from that time was so thick they would have us believe the financial world was going to collapse within 24 hours, I don't believe it!)... regardless of the result, the whole thing was shady, it was worse than shady and we should all feel dirty by what happened.


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