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DB: The 39 Most dangerous breeds of Dogs..


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Here is the ranking


Here is the article


Wow these guys are idiots... Old English Sheepdog is #13... based upon two incidents out of 1400 registared dogs?

Old English Sheepdogs have the AKC's highest rating with little kids....

Brittany Spaniel is # 33.... wow... who did it attack? they are the size of a large squirel and about as agressive as a gerble.

Chihuahua #34 ???? 1 death???

Pomeranian #35

Beagle #37.... Kind of feel sorry for beagle owners..

They only thing this list got correct is they didn't Include the Newfoundland breed. The marshmellow of the large dog species. One of my favorite breeds.

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how in the hell can a Chihuahua and a Pomeranian kill someone?

Clearly you don't know anything about dogs.

  • Their fur could clog up somebody’s tracheotomy tube if that person was a quadriplegic.
  • Their urine could make bathroom tiles very slippery causing severe head trauma.
  • One could tie either breed to the trigger of a shot gun and engineer a system of pullies to discharge the gun and fataly wound a grown man..
  • Both breeds terminal velocity when pitched off a large building could easily be fatal to an unsuspecting person walking below.
  • An individual of either breed could stuff himself in a drain pipe of a bath tub or toilet and cause severe flooding and property damage... perhaps killing hundreds of people..

Glad I could clear that up for you. Come to me with all your canine questions.

The obvious question is how did Chihuahua and a Pomeranian get on the list... the less obvious but equally alarming question is why is a beagle ranked lower than these two other breeds for danger. That's an insult to the beagle breed right there... Some beagle owner is going to have to take one for the team to liff the prestege of their breed bellow the cellar.

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:ols: This is going to be 50 page thread. Man, we have had some battles over this in the past. . . . .and I won't get into it this time (love pit mixes, love my pit mix PitBull - Border Collie).

One question - what does "Registered dogs (U.S.)" on the list mean? 2,683 register pit-bulls? What does that mean?

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I don't think it's right to rank a dog high just because there are few registered and one of them happened to injure someone. Using ratio doesn't really make sense when Huskies killed 17 people while some lone Greyhound maimed a child and ranks the entire breed higher.

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I don't think it's right to rank a dog high just because there are few registered and one of them happened to injure someone. Using ratio doesn't really make sense when Huskies killed 17 people and some lone Greyhound maimed someone.

Yea - it is stupid. Why does anyone care about the registered dog number? That is .000000000000000001% of the dogs in the country.

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:ols: This is going to be 50 page thread. Man, we have had some battles over this in the past. . . . .and I won't get into it this time (love pit mixes, love my pit mix PitBull - Border Collie).

One question - what does "Registered dogs (U.S.)" on the list mean? 2,683 register pit-bulls? What does that mean?

Registered with the American Kennel Club. AKC.... not representative of the entire population but it's a national organization which keeps records on dog breeds. That's the big problem with any such survey... Their is no good comprehensive data on breeds and not many good sources for attacks by breed.

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Yea - it is stupid. Why does anyone care about the registered dog number? That is .000000000000000001% of the dogs in the country.

I'd assume that anyone that takes the time to register with the AKC probably takes fairly good care of the dog. Of course that's probably a false assumption but one that I can sleep with. So lets say that if you register your Pitt with the AKC chances of you training it to fight are smaller. Thus, perhaps the dogs registered with the AKC are "typical" and not extreme in either sense? Make sense? Just a guess.

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I don't agree with Rotty being number 3. I've had 2 rotts and they are the sweetest dog ever. My 2 year old little girl climbs all over my rotty and I would never have a second thought about her hurting my daughter.

Years ago I had a job digitalizing SMECOs inventory and line maps. I went to every meter they have and have my fair share of dog stories. I found a very high percentage of dogs left outside in that region were Rotts. I had one jump out at me once, it was tied to an F150 on blocks. It came at me with such force it actually moved the truck a bit. A 4 year old boy came out smacking the dog in the head to calm down. The dog, at the time, was in full on kill me mode barking and very angry. That vision of the four year old smacking that huge fully grown Rott while it was in kill mode sticks with me to this day. Crazy.

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Registered with the American Kennel Club. AKC.... not representative of the entire population but it's a national organization which keeps records on dog breeds. That's the big problem with any such survey... Their is no good comprehensive data on breeds and not many good sources for attacks by breed.

Yea, so the survey is 100% pointless. I have posted the statistics before, but if you look at the # of pitbulls in the county and the number of attacks it is .0000001% of pit bulls that attack people. Not saying there are not bad pitbulls. Absolutely, and too many. I 100% support putting down any dog that is aggressive. It is a shame that it has become a "gansta dog" and not properly taken care of.

But that still does not change the fact that 99.99999% of pit bulls have never, and will never attack anyone. The bad .0000001% are horrible, horrible creatures.

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