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Please help me with something.


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Because you are sweating a girl that isn't even thinking about you.

Um... yeah, that's kind of the point? I think I can get her to think about me again. You might say that's crazy, but you've never changed your mind in your life? Really? I kind of doubt that. And if not, well, you might wanna start. It helps.

(By the way, I would guess that she still thinks about me from time to time. I gave her a present once, and I've been informed that she still keeps it where she kept it when we were dating - locked away in a very, very safe place, someplace even I don't know the location of. I'd guess that's because we dated for 2 years, and, well, if you cared enough back then to lock the present away...

I still lock her presents away, too.)

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Then go for it. Period. Stop hemming and hawing, grab your nuts and say, "I am a man" and do whatever it is you need to do to make it happen. :)
That's what I'm doing. I'm just getting what I need in order to do it.

And that was at 8:30ish this morning. Find them yet?

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When you 2 broke up, was it a really bad situation? Like a horrible breakup? I'm asking b/c if it wasn't, and you're sincere, odds are she will at least listen to you. If on the other hand the breakup was a disaster, prepare yourself b/c she may not want to see you.

I know you said she had a problem w/ the drinking (which you've fixed), but you mentioned her having a problem w/ her work as well. What exactly was the problem you had with it? Or, should I say, why did she think/assume you didn't like her work? Were those the ONLY issues she had? I'm asking b/c breaking up over alcohol or her feeling unappreciated is one thing, but if she wanted to change any other part of who you are, ie: your personality, etc, you should NOT try to change those things just to satisfy someone else.

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Jesus, TK, a little harsh, don't you think?

Think about it Hubbs. You've now spent another 12 hours worrying yourself about even talking to her about talking to her. Reality isn't always sunshine & lollipops. Sometimes it's harsh. This is one of those times. You're a smart guy, but damn, you're not acting like it.

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When you 2 broke up, was it a really bad situation? Like a horrible breakup? I'm asking b/c if it wasn't, and you're sincere, odds are she will at least listen to you. If on the other hand the breakup was a disaster, prepare yourself b/c she may not want to see you.

I know you said she had a problem w/ the drinking (which you've fixed), but you mentioned her having a problem w/ her work as well. What exactly was the problem you had with it? Or, should I say, why did she think/assume you didn't like her work? Were those the ONLY issues she had? I'm asking b/c breaking up over alcohol or her feeling unappreciated is one thing, but if she wanted to change any other part of who you are, ie: your personality, etc, you should NOT try to change those things just to satisfy someone else.

Because I thought I didn't like her work. I hadn't figured out yet that I actually love it and just didn't know how to express that. She's a violinist. I told her I don't like classical music, which is ****ing retarded, because I do. I love the 1812 Overture, Ode to Joy, Ride of the Valkyries, damn near anything composed by Hans Zimmer... just to name a few examples. There are a lot more.

I'm not changing anything except the words I say. I just didn't know I was going to do that.

Think about it Hubbs. You've now spent another 12 hours worrying yourself about even talking to her about talking to her. Reality isn't always sunshine & lollipops. Sometimes it's harsh. This is one of those times. You're a smart guy, but damn, you're not acting like it.

Huh? I'm not worrying over that, I'm worrying over the process of getting to her. I have to make sure it'll work. If you want to say that makes me not have any balls, well, okay, go ahead. But I'm standing up to a mod, aren't I? That would seem to take balls. (Now I'm probably gonna get the banhammer. Goddamnit. :ols:)

Are you sure it isn't the sleeping thing? (kidding even though I still think you're nuts LOL)

Anyway, I agree with most here. Be direct and sincere. If it works it works. Good luck

Haha, yes, like I said, she agreed with me on that one. Hell, usually after we were done with whatever we wanted to be doing, including sex, and wanted to go to sleep, she would kick me out to go to my own place. :ols:

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No, standing up to TK doesn't prove you have balls. It's an internet message board. What proves you have balls is to just do it.

I don't get it. The perfect plan doesn't matter if she's into you. You're spending entirely too much time on this. Just do it. You're going to drive your stress levels through the roof, that's not good. I know it sounds like I'm being an ass, but I really can't stand seeing someone as sarcastic and bullheaded (I fit in that group too, don't worry) as you acting like a sissy.

Man Up.

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No, standing up to TK doesn't prove you have balls. It's an internet message board. What proves you have balls is to just do it.

I don't get it. The perfect plan doesn't matter if she's into you. You're spending entirely too much time on this. Just do it. You're going to drive your stress levels through the roof, that's not good. I know it sounds like I'm being an ass, but I really can't stand seeing someone as sarcastic and bullheaded (I fit in that group too, don't worry) as you acting like a sissy.

Man Up.

That's okay, I'm an ass too sometimes. :ols:

You don't think I should try to make sure what I'll do will, you know, actually work? That seems a little important.

......so she broke up with you because you said you didn't like classic music, even though you really did? Seriously?


Yep. Ridiculousness, huh? She really cares about what she does. I don't blame her. I care about what I do, too.

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I care about what I do, too.

Doesn't seem like you are doing anything, :ols:

You know the girl but you are asking us what will work. That is not even logical. Personally, I don't think anything will work. Best case scenario is she strings you along for a while until Mr. Right comes along...or you could just fall in the friend zone. Both of those options seem to make your quest a waste of time.

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Doesn't seem like you are doing anything, :ols:

You know the girl but you are asking us what will work. That is not even logical. Personally, I don't think anything will work. Best case scenario is she strings you along for a while until Mr. Right comes along...or you could just fall in the friend zone. Both of those options seem to make your quest a waste of time.

I know her, but I want to make sure I'll approach her in the best way. Is that so wrong? Getting other peoples' opinions? Then yes, I apologize. TK is right, I have no balls, I should never ask anyone about anything ever, I should just do it, like Nike tells me to.

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In all seriousness, I wish you luck.

Thank you. I wish you luck, too, in whatever you do. I might be wrong about everything regarding her, and if I am, well, I'll do like I say and move on. Only thing I can do.

I can only hope that I'm right.

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Thank you. I wish you luck, too, in whatever you do. I might be wrong about everything regarding her, and if I am, well, I'll do like I say and move on. Only thing I can do.

I can only hope that I'm right.

Hopefully the first time you see her/speak to her, it'll be a lot less awkward than my situation was. :ols:

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