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What you have Sir is called "bravado". That is not confidence.

Oooookay, buddy. Whatever you say. Guess you've come up with some crazy, convoluted way to call me unconfident. Thanks for that, by the way. Very charming.

By the way, here's what dictionary.com says about bravado:

"See courage."

You're gonna try to tell me that courage doesn't have to do with confidence? Riiiight.

NO, when you called!!!!!!! Call her NOW LOL!!!!!

Haha, not yet. Sorry. :)

No she is asking about what she said NOW. Not then. Seriously ? ? ?

Jeez, sorry, I misunderstood.

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Right. Back to the convolution. Goodie. Exactly why is it that you think I don't have confidence?

Are you making this...this easy ?

Ready for it ? ? ?

Because you still haven't shown the stones to call her yet after all of this.

Man up. And if you are so confident than this thread would have been updated with results about your phone call, or encounter. Obviously NEITHER has happened.

I don't have to convolute anything, you are putting it out there for all of us to see.

Have you ever read a "Die Hard" (board member) response to a thread like this ?

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Hubbs, first off, congrats for straitening up your life. I don't care what the reasons were. Good job.

I think you should not try to get this chick back. (I know, who am I to give advice?) Listen anyway.

When I was your age, I was hung up on a girl for a long time. It was totally the wrong thing to do. She had moved on and I hadn't. I wasted my youth trying to recapture a glorious past. The best part of my relationship was as dead as Ulysses S. Grant anyway. Save yourself more heartache and move on. It will never be as good as it was.

Women are like street cars....another one will be along in 5 minutes, but not if you don't have your change ready (work with me).

Damn it, I wish I was 22 again. I'm not. I'm almost 50. No one want's to see some 50 year old guy hitting on chicks. Don't waste what you have on some girl who you yous to date, another better one is coming.

Forget about confidence....that comes with practice. There is no substitute for youth anyway. Youth is to sex, what cubic inches are to a combustion engine.


Bravado is acting confident or with courage. Not actually being confident (basically: fake). Sorry you had to look it up.

Kosher, are you trying to help?

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Well this has been an interesting read. Hubbs man, I'm going to be straight with you, these sorts of things rarely work out, but I understand your need for closure on the subject. That being said, I have to pile on here. You can argue with Peter about gold, or with everyone about the future of foreclosures, or any other thread you've embroiled yourself in. You've shown yourself to be knowledgable on a wide variety of subjects. That's wonderful. Knowledge doesn't equal confidence, and despite what you're saying here, you are missing a ton of it.

Honestly, you remind me of a close friend of mine that I've grown up with since we were in middle school. We're now 30. Nice guy, charismatic, decent looking. He won't ask women out unless he's close to 100% sure they'll say yes; he fears rejection. He missed so many opportunities in his early 20's, and no matter how much we ragged on him, he didn't change. He's gotten better about it now, but still.

That's what's going on here. You are afraid she'll say no. You are laying this intricate web of "personal improvements" and "how to say things" all in an effort to mitigate the potential of her telling you no, because you're not confident enough to believe she'll say yes based on whatever natural conversation you two might have. That isn't going to work buddy. Even if you have the perfect script, you'll forget it part way through (happens to everyone) and have to rely on what you've been ignoring, your everyday ability to talk to her.

While you're busy hemming and hawing over this, she is one day further removed from the breakup, one day closer to finding someone else she cares about, and you are one day further into psyching yourself out of the whole thing, or trying to tweak your approach so it's perfect. You said you were working on one last thing...what, are you learning to play the violin or something? You can not change so much about yourself in an effort to win back one person. Supposing your best possible outcome occurs, and you do get her back...you will eventually have a twinge inside of wanting to do something you gave up, whether it's have a beer, or hang out with a friend she doesn't like, or not having to pretend to like her music. And you'll resent her for it inside. It happens all the time.

On the one hand, you can continue to stall, risk letting her find someone else, change yourself when you shouldn't have to (or at least not for another person) and get no closure on the subject...which leads to things like lack of sleep, I'll bet you've been tossing and turning a lot the past few nights. And you can continue to tell yourself you're full of confidence despite what everyone else is seeing from your posts.

Or you can go route two, stop planning, just call her up, tell her what's on your mind and ask her to meet you somewhere. Lay it out for her. Then you get your answer, you get your closure, and maybe you get your girl. Or you don't, but at least you know for sure. And best of all, you stop having your virtual friends from ES hammering on you about the whole thing.

Good luck.

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  • 5 weeks later...
I did. Remember the alcoholism? Yeah, that tends to drive people away. :doh:

I actually think that's ultimately why she broke up with me, which would have been a pretty damn good reason. She just couldn't tell me because she thought it would be too harsh. Well, now I've fixed it. Now I can get to sleep without alcohol, thank God.

Ok it's very simple then, just show her your AA graduation card. If that was the ONLY reason, that will work.

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