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Shannahan is getting ripped a new one...

Touch of Class 17

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This is the first time I have been truly disappointed in the 2010 coaching staff. That was the worst-called game this season, ending in an absolutely catastrophic benching of the QB they gave up a lot for so we'd have him on the field in times like that.

Having said that, everyone or any group of professionals can have a terrible day. I'm going to suck it up and move on. I like what Shanny's done here. I think he's doing pretty well with what we've got. I called 7-9 in preseason and was ready for an improvement even if it wouldn't mean playoffs. I stand by it and still think it will translate to better play next season.

(Horrible day in Detroit for the entire coaching staff though. Awful.)

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The only ones making a big deal of this is the fans and the media

Well I generally agree and know that McNabb is a professional and a big boy, but...

McNabb respects Shanahan and it has to be disappointing to him to have someone you respect basically say they don't trust you to lead the team with the game on the line. If he honestly didn't care about being pulled then it means he probably doesn't respect Shanahan and that is even worse. I personally think he has a lot of respect for Shanny so he has to be upset to a degree about it.

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That benching definitely makes me question some of the "incidents" thus far and points to them being some kind of over-the-top power trip...

* Haynesworth conditioning tests

* Devin Thomas

* Portis benching after the slide vs Rams

* McNabb benching

I didnt notice if McNabb and either Shanahan had words on the sideline. (PURE SPECULATION ALERT)

Based on what I've seen from Shanny so far, I wouldn't be surprised if McNabb mentioned something about the offensive line or even having a little injury from all the hits he took and he was benched.

It's like, "Oh you're hurt enough to mention it to me... you're out then."

Shanahan seems like Red Foreman from that 70's show. lol.

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I was with Shanahan every step of the way until he yanked Donovan McNabb for Rex Grossman. Is he ****ing high? Seriously, what the hell were you thinking, coach?

At least McNabb has some game winning drives to his credit. Grossman is a QB that has a better record when the ball is kept out of his hands.

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Ha! Obviously not, but if literally NO ONE agrees with him, you have to assume one of two things is going on...

1) He made an extremely bad decision that even most bad coaches would avoid, so yes, he's capable of other very bad decisions.

2) Something very unfortunate is unfolding behind the scenes between Shanny and McNabb.

Both of those options suck... hence the panic.

How do we know that something wasn't exchanged between #5 and MS or KS when he came back to the sideline after throwing the pick? Or how do we know that #5 didn't say something about his O-line playing like ****, and MS took it personally and put #8 in? Or how do we know that MS recognized that the O-line was playing like ****, and told #5 "you've been beaten up enough today, i'm putting in #8"?

Granted these are all just speculation on my part, but it goes to show that a million and one things could've transpired on that sideline in that brief moment of time, that none of us, or the media, or possibly even anyone other than a few people standing there at that exact moment, know about. So any judgement that any of us are gonna place on MS, KS, #5, #8, or anyone else, is based on nothing more than pure speculation. And its very possible that it does go deeper than what it simply appears as on the surface (most things do), and its also very possible with how tightlipped the FO is, we'll never know about. So i'd expect a ton of drama to continue for the next days/weeks, or at least until the next new shiny object pops up and everyone forgets about this and scrambles to go talk about that one. :2cents:

EDIT: I see that JoeJGibbs beat me to it. Everything is speculation. Of course most of time it's like that anyway, but that doesn't stop the knee-jerk-cliff-jumping.

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I don't think this is the end of the world. He just mad a bad move in my opinion. The benching part wasn't that bad, alot of qb's have been banched for not playing up to par, but the timing was bad, he should have just rode with McNabb til the end, but I guess he had to send a message and then The explanation to me was the worst part. Like who did he think he was running that on? Coach Shannahan is a human being and he is entitled to make mistakes, but just man up to them. Man up to what you do, don't try and cover it with some academic explanation of the termonology of the 2-min offense, etc....We're are not stupid fans.

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That benching definitely makes me question some of the "incidents" thus far and points to them being some kind of over-the-top power trip...

* Haynesworth conditioning tests Fully on board with that. AH was in terrible shape. If he's getting that money, he's gonna be in athletic condition.

* Devin Thomas Has he done anything since to show you he belongs in the league?

* Portis benching after the slide vs Rams I'm with you on this.

* McNabb benching Almost unforgiveable. I also think Mike was mistakenly punishing McNabb for Kyle's tremendous failures as a play caller yesterday.

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BULL.... This has nothing to do with those other decisions. Fans are starting all over again with the babying od the players. Whatever reason he had for pulling Mcnabb ( which wasn't what he claimed) I think he pulled him cause he threw into triple coverage, and that was to make a point. I don't agree with all of coaches desisions but I say let him coach and see what happens. The only ones making a big deal of this is the fans and the media

That's exactly why he was pulled. That's cool and all but you don't try to prove a point with such a short amount of time of a game that you are within points of taking the lead.

RE: Chachie's point. That's something else that has been lost in all of this. The play of the O can be blamed on the poor play of the line, McNabb's inaccuracy, and the recievers inability to make plays for the ball but you also have to factor in how horrid the play calling has been. I can almost tell when Mike and Kyle are calling the plays. Then they also brought up the point about how McNabb has to do his reads now. I'm sorry but I was under the impression that it was the coaches job to adjust their systems and schemes to best fit their personnel and not vice versa.

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The whole world will be tuned in and he still won't say much, if anything at all. Everything will be kept behind closed doors ;)

Well, he was certainly defensive enough to double and more his previous post game mettings with the scribes yesterday afternoon. I hope against hope he holds his hands up and admits it was a boneheaded mistake on his part that failed misserably and we can move on; as opposed top the excuse filled B/S he tried to justify the move with last night.

Sadly, being his stubborn side and the corner he's backed himself into, I fear more of the same.


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Well, he was certainly defensive enough to double and more his previous post game mettings with the scribes yesterday afternoon. I hope against hope he holds his hands up and admits it was a boneheaded mistake on his part that failed misserably and we can move on; as opposed top the excuse filled B/S he tried to justify the move with last night.

Sadly, being his stubborn side and the corner he's backed himself into, I fear more of the same.


Why would a coach do that... it shows incompetence and a lack of total judgement on their part.

Think about it?!

What if there was more to this benching that we all don't know about and what if MS just used the Two-Minute line as a BS cover-up.

Mind you, McNabb's play had been very average all due to the drive-in service our line was offering to the Lions. He was not particularly comfortable back there and not been all season long. Add to that the near int-7 and the triple-coverage interception and that said it all to why he was probably benched.

It was an uneven game for everyone and I expect there to be asses on the hotseat for the next two weeks... not just Mike Shanahan's.

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i was thinking more that we'd use the picks for the people at the position.

instead of burning picks on one player, like they've been doing for the past 15 years.

i wanted to see some practicle use in the draft.

we could really use some more offensivelinemen, but they don't grow on trees, and you can't get good ones when you don't have any picks in the first 4 rounds.

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Grow up. He's coached 8 games here and the sky is falling. This is the reason our franchise has become a joke. Every time we lose a supposedly easy game, the whole team needs to be blown up and everyone wants to run our new superstar head coach out of town. No wonder there aren't many people who want to coach. The ownership, until now, hadn't put faith in the coaches, and the fans have never put faith in the coaches. I wonder who knows more about football, Shanny or some random internet posters.

Coaching the Redskins is not the same as coaching the Raiders. We want INSTANCE success!!!

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