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Shannahan is getting ripped a new one...

Touch of Class 17

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Yea just my personal thought on it...... I agree 100% with B Mitch. (per his Redskins Post Game comments)... It added uneccesary drama. McNabb is not performing. That's no mystery. That wasn't the way to go about putting a spark in your QB though. I'm sure underneath the pride, Shanny "knows he done f... up" (see Bill Duke in Menace II Society). Is all lost. No indeed. I just feel like if any change should be made, it's at Center and the right Tackle on O. GREAT DAY IN THE MORNING! O line is looking like they drank a gallon of sissy. Pathetic. On the flip, that does not excuse the fact that DMC5 keeps throwing the ball on the ground and missing open receivers.

Come on Don...we got your back around here, but you not helping your own case.

Let's hope the fellas dig deep and soul search while they are on break. Let's also hope Shanahan realizes that Lichtenloser can't block and suit up Big Dock. Enough is enough.


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If you would have told me the Redskins would be 4-4 at the halfway point, I definitely would have taken it. Though he screwed up royally yesterday, I still have faith in Shanahan.

Would you have taken 4-4 with the way they got there? Blowing a lead to the Texans, losing to the Lions and Rams? I get the idea of 4-4 being a decent record for this team but I can't except the way we reached it.

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This is exactly where my head is on this matter. Shanahan has been a coach for a very long time. He's also a bright dude. There's not a snowball chance in hell his mind frame is,

"1:45 left, with a chance to win the game, 0 timeouts, and I need to drive 70 yards... I'm brining Sexxxxxxy back!"

It defies all coaching logic not just within the NFL but within the dynamic of all sports outlets that exist.

He's not stupid or some rube that gives in to the status quo. This was not some coaching "boo-boo" or a lack in better judgement.

He's a hard-ass that seems intent on doing things his way and he's not afraid to go against the grain or take heat for it either.

He's not telling the truth -- plain and simple.

Something went down, we won't know what it was..

Very Very well put. It is amazing how many people have listening devices on the sidelines and know EXACTLY what is going on every given second. haha

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1)Okay so where is your resume that backs your stance? Mike has one..... 2)Are you perfect? Do you go day to day without one single mistake? 3)When was the last time you donned the headset as the HC of an NFL team? Now do I agree with his decision to pull McNabb? I have said it all day....NNNNOOOOOO. I was ticked when he did it. But I am a sane enough person to realize I am a fan, he is a head coach with a resume that is pretty extensive. He made the decision, he has to and will live with it. Does he deserve the negativity? Yes he made a mistake,he is in a high profile position, give it to him. But people on here are wanting to throw him under the bus, that is ridiculous. We are fans, and I do believe we have the right (and it is one I enjoy) to speak our minds, complain about stupid mistakes like this one and cheer the good ones. But I will bet a months worth of paychecks that 98% of people throwing mud would have been calling him the greatest coach ever if Rex would of won the game. Too many people are resounding what others say instead of speaking for themselves. Mike is a great coach, he is human and will make mistakes, but he is 200% better then what we had last year.

For your info, I am the Offensive Coordinator of the St. Charles Bears 75lbs team 3 years running. LOL

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Why would a coach do that... it shows incompetence and a lack of total judgement on their part.

Think about it?!

I don't give a flying **** what the perception of him Nationally would be if he stood up and admitted that.

I'd respect him way more for his honesty with this fan base than have him insulting our inelegance like he did with his post game comments yesterday in some ridiculous face saving exercise.


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Very Very well put. It is amazing how many people have listening devices on the sidelines and know EXACTLY what is going on every given second. haha

I just refuse to believe that a successful NFL head coach thought on his own that bringing in the backup QB that hasn't thrown a pass in a real game with the chips on the line is a good idea.

It defies Shanahan's entire resume and body of work thus far for being a successful coach.

However the underlying issue goes along with a lot of common themes so far with the Redskins.

I choose to read between the lines on this one...

I think it's the same reason that Devin Thomas isn't here, and the same reason Portis was benched during the game vs the Rams.

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First- Being the coach of Redskins means always being dumped on. he knew that when he took the job

second- There really isn't any explanation for taking out your pro bowl QB but he's the coach and he made the decision.

Third-The guy has had only 8 games here. You had expect him to pull some questionable calls the first season with the personnel he has.

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pretty sure thats not the reason we lost the game.... you know letting up 24 points in the 4th quarter may have had something to do with that. Donovan leading directly to 7 of those points, and Suh being a beast.

Either way people need to stop acting like we are some great team, 9-7 or 8-8 is my opinion. Not terrible/Great but improvement

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pretty sure thats not the reason we lost the game.... you know letting up 24 points in the 4th quarter may have had something to do with that. Donovan leading directly to 7 of those points, and Suh being a beast.

Either way people need to stop acting like we are some great team, 9-7 or 8-8 is my opinion. Not terrible/Great but improvement

7 of those points came from the sack-fumble from Grossman.

I dont think it's so much of resinging yourself to knowing what kind of team you are... As a fan, I don't realistically expect to win every game; but when there's a chance to win ANY game, I want them to win.

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First- Being the coach of Redskins means always being dumped on. he knew that when he took the job

second- There really isn't any explanation for taking out your pro bowl QB but he's the coach and he made the decision.

Third-The guy has had only 8 games here. You had expect him to pull some questionable calls the first season with the personnel he has.

Finally someone today with some real thinking going on inside their brain

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7 of those points came from the sack-fumble from Grossman.

I dont think it's so much of resinging yourself to knowing what kind of team you are... As a fan, I don't realistically expect to win every game; but when there's a chance to win ANY game, I want them to win.

Yes you are right, but Shanny did not give up the other 30 points they scored on us during the game. If you think leaving McNabb in the game would counter act that fact, you are insane. You CAN NOT blame a coach for a loss for pulling his All pro QB out (which I still say was stupid) when the DEFENSE gave up that many points. Look at reality, how many games has a team given up 30+ points and won????? Come on now.

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"You do know that the Minnesota Vikings and the Arizona Cardinals will be looking for an upgrade at the quarterback position once this season is over right?"

That move by Shanny did not help No5 wanting to stay here.

# Rex Grossman "Donovan does a great job with it as well (2-min). I guess they just felt more comfortable with me at that situation."#Redskins half a minute ago via web

Just talked to Rex Grossman for a while, he was told to be on high alert during the week to play, so appears that Shanahan was thinking this about 2 hours ago via Twitter for Android

Per Chris Russell twitter


I think its safe to say we will need another QB next year..


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7 of those points came from the sack-fumble from Grossman.

I dont think it's so much of resinging yourself to knowing what kind of team you are... As a fan, I don't realistically expect to win every game; but when there's a chance to win ANY game, I want them to win.

Hey no one is perfect, but Mcnabb sucked the whole game, brandon banks was the offense, and he only played on special teams. Baseball sometimes the ace doesn't have it and you have to take him out even if its for less talent.

Either way if your going to blame every loss on him then you have to credit him with every win. Thinking like that he is even, and on pace to double last years win total, hey that is fine by me.

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on every sports media outlet. I have not heard one expert/analysis side with his decision or explanation of his decision. In 1 play he went from the 2-time super bowl winning source of hope, to a locker room destroying, ego-maniac.

You have to now question all of his decisions. All of the Haynseworth stuff, could Devin Thomas have helped this team, benching Dockery (he has to be better than Hicks), Keeping Galloway and Roydell but cutting Terrance Austin? The list goes on. My confidence in him has been severely damaged.

To be honest you should always question his decisions. I don't care that he won two SBs. He did that with another team. He shouldn't be getting any kind of free pass. Why Dockery isn't playing is beyond me. Dockery has to be better than Kory L.

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Yes you are right, but Shanny did not give up the other 30 points they scored on us during the game. If you think leaving McNabb in the game would counter act that fact, you are insane. You CAN NOT blame a coach for a loss for pulling his All pro QB out (which I still say was stupid) when the DEFENSE gave up that many points. Look at reality, how many games has a team given up 30+ points and won????? Come on now.

Yea, the defense isn't high on my list, giving up tons of yardage each week, BUT, at the end, Grossman is the LAST person to put in there;by doing that, it lets what little air the team has out and sends the message that "we're gonna try this and see what happens". They were down by a t.d., and if every player in the league were polled and asked who to put in, well lets just say it wouldn't be a poll because everyone KNOWS what Grossman is, and what he CANNOT DO, which is play at this level...

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