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Teacher and Student: Coach Shanahan's Haynesworth approach is working

NorthEast Skin

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Absolutely Shanahans approach has worked! But it took basically 5 games. Other stops it seems to have taken zero games, those great years he had in Tennessee to compare. I largely choose to ignore his year under Blache, its no secret he wasnt used properly. even then, maybe he was our best DT out of shape and used wrong. Ask Andre Carter, he knows Al was a factor last year.

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I don't understand why anyone was questioning Shanahan's methods in the first place. As soon as I heard people siding with Albert, and bashing Shanahan, I just stayed out of it.

Some of the people who backed AH did so because they identified with him. They were people who have played under coaches they didn't agree with, who felt their talents were misused, and who thought AH was being misused too.

Others thought it was not worth the effort and that we should just accede to AH's demands because we paid so much for him.

Finally, some people just like to ***** and moan and this was a convenient excuse.

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AH is a head-case. Always has been and always will be.

He got motivated to go to work because of another tragedy and played well because he was made to be in football shape before he took the field.

He is a head-case that is in shape and has talent.

It remains to be seen how long the Redskins hold onto him. I do believe that they are working to correct the perception and show that he has value in order to get a return on their money.

I'm not convinced at all that he will be a Redskin next year.

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Exactly what did Shanny have to do with Albert pushing the guy in front of him into Cutler. etc? If anything the constant questions by the fans and media calling him out about not playing him against the Colts when he has faced them twice a year the past 7 years had shanny think about putting the team in the best position to win instead of stroking his EGO.

As some of us said Albert could have easily did the same thing against the Colts, instead of that lame excuse for deactivating him.

Its not like Albert came out and said he changed his mind about not attending OTAs in 2011 here.

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I think the simple fact of the matter is conditioning. Forcing Albert to actually have to make the starting squad by audition is what has gotten him into football shape. I honestly never thought it was about ego on Shanahan's part. It was about making Haynesworth get in shape so that his great talent wouldn't be effected by his rotten shape. Whether AH will admit it or not, Mike made him a better athlete this season over last.


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its much clearer to me now. Al didnt want to play nose so he lost so much weight so as to force the coaches hand to a position change. There are no 300 pounds noses that I know about. So I have a feeling Shanny was pissed about that, and still played him at nose but only in the logical times, 3rd and longs. Our D line was atrocious without him in for most downs. It was only a matter of time before they were forced to try him at end and put him in a place to have at least one of our DL making plays out there. Not so long after, he is dominating. He just didnt want to be at nose all along, and he got his way. Was that Shanny's doing? Al got paid, and by losing weight and showing up in shape, he almost forced Shanny to use him at end, the place he wanted to be all along.

I thank Shanny for not trading him on the cheap in what would be the result of a battle of ego's few outside of the main stream media give a rats ass about.

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AH did need to get in shape but then again AH admitted as much when he went to use his own personal trainer. Keep in mind that Haslett wants his DLinemen to play 30-35 snaps so AH is not on the field as much as under Blache. Shanny wanted AH to play nose tackle and AH has played nose tackle. But, Haslett isn't having AH play the traditional NT in the 3:4 (read and react). AH is now shifted over and he's allowed to penetrate and disrupt pass and run plays. So, AH is now doing what he said he was best at. I guess that proves that Shanny's approach is working?

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I love what Shanny's done to get AH in shape.. But, I still totally disagree with alot of the on field decisions he's made reguarding AH.. Seems like every time the drama is behind us something happens to re-stir the pot, and I've not seen or heard AH doing much sturring, if ya know what I mean, since before the preseason ended.. So, it appears all is going good now, but all it's going to take is another situation like the Colts game and we'll be right back in the drama.. Here's to hoping both can act like adults from here on out!! HAIL!! :point2sky:

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Looks like Haynesworth is playing end like he wanted and not nose tackle. Perhaps Shanny is learning his Napoleon tactics dont always work when he doesn't have absolute control over a situation.

Albert actually commented that it was him playing nickel that helped him out and doing quote; "what he used to in Tennessee".

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The fact that Haynesworth was out there on Sunday, and had a great game is proof enough that the approach is working. From where this thing started, and where it has the potential to go now with Albert really contributing, that is a tribute to the approach Shanahan has taken with him. Albert had his best game, not only of the year Sunday, but during his time as a Redskin.

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We have a 100 million dollar back up and we're proclaiming that Shanahan's "approach" is working? lol no. Sorry but almost half way into the season the man has had what in essence is 1 good game. That's not success.

Have faith. It will look like success by the end of this season (barring injury).

When you have a bad employee, sometimes you have to decide whether to give up, try a quick fix, or invest time to make it really work out. With AH, Shanny obviously didn't want to give up, so that left the short term fix or the long term options.

The short term fix would have been to basically allow AH to have his way, putting him in a starting role at DT from Day one. Obviously that clashes with how Shanny does his job. Also, it would have had less payoff than the long term approach since a motivated and in-shape AH is much more dangerous than a huffing, puffing, half-ass one.

Weighing the options I think Shanny felt it was appropriate to take a bit of risk to invest in improving AH's play and his attitude. I think it's starting to pay off.

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I think one could also argue Haynesworths <Shanahan> Approach is working as well. Lose a bunch of weight and showing up in shape so he isnt stuck at NT occupying blockers on every play. Which forced Shanahan's hand about where he can play and what do you know, he is now lined up wide and dominating.

Haynesworth didn't need 3 months of OTA's to do his thing, clearly. If he was here, Shanny would be beefing him up to be an NT, away from here he obviously dieted. He just needed to be used correctly. Al had top of the league talent long before Shanny rode into town, lets be honest. Being in shape / losing weight is the biggest factor here. Al here at OTA's last year didnt get in shape, right? Al didnt want to be a NT the rest of his career, and can you blame him? They dont get paid.

"Shanahan's approach is working" sure, when you factor he put Haynesworth where he wanted to be all along, doing the things he has proven to dominate at when he became the leagues best defensive player. That's all Al wanted all along.

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"Shanahan's approach is working" sure, when you factor he put Haynesworth where he wanted to be all along, doing the things he has proven to dominate at when he became the leagues best defensive player. That's all Al wanted all along.

Not exactly. He wanted to be there ONLY, not be rotated in at NT or used at OLB, right?

From the beginning of this episode, Shanny/Haslett said he'd be used in multiple positions, right?

So, he's forced them to... use him the way they originally wanted to use him.

Does that mean he got one over on the coaches? Mmmmmm no.

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We have a 100 million dollar back up and we're proclaiming that Shanahan's "approach" is working? lol no. Sorry but almost half way into the season the man has had what in essence is 1 good game. That's not success.

I think the point is, this was the only way to get the best of the situation. You're suggesting he should have been starting most snaps since game one, but, evidently, he would have been the same old Al from last year. Especially the way he was acting before the season. Hell, everyone at ESPN was so sure he would be traded, and I'm sure most other coaches would have done just that. Then you have a 100 million dollar mistake that's gone...and thats worse than a 100 million dollar backup.

Shanahan had a way to get him on the field, in shape, and ready for a good half of the season. It's not his fault Al didn't get on board during training camp, when he was asked. Bravo Shanny, period.

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ah was a damn good player for us last year so yeah I would have taken the same old al over any other Dlineman we have on the roster at this point.

Al doesnt want to be a NT, and he isnt good at just taking up blocks, thats not his skillset ive said it all along, turn him loose to shoot gaps and attack and we have a top 5 defencive player in the NFL, force him to play against himself and we have a marginal NT at best.

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Last season... ? He didn't look a thing like the Chicago and Philly games. Also hasn't done a single belly-flop yet.

I think there are obviously multiple factors in the betterment of AH's play and I think Shanahan's handling of this entire situation has been good, at least from what I know from media reports and what I've seen on Sundays.

Basically, with the change in staff and scheme, and AH's resistance to this change, I think Shanahan is handling this well.

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as far as i know...Haslett had said that he wanted to play AH at the 3-4 DE spot most of the time (i'm actually seeing him spend most of his snaps at NT still...but anywho).

i agree that Shanny's policy in this matter has paid dividends in getting AH to realize that he won't get away with slacking off, nor will he get preferential treatment simply because of the size of his contract.

gotta say...the play where he blew the OLman up & into Cutler for the sack is the type of play that makes me wet.......THAT's how you play some G*dd-mned Defense!!! loved watching him just destroy the Chicago O-line on Sunday. now if we can get that on a regular basis we could be well on our way to having one of the more dominant D's in the league.


also...i have noticed that when he is lined up at NT in the 3-4...especially on tweener downs & running downs they're lining him up in the gap as opposed to a true NT position. that or they're even having him as the NT off to the side playing right next to the DE on either side & sending a backer or 2 through the middle. assuming this is to disrupt the blocking on one side by overloading the size to the strong & putting the speed on the weak side with the backers while AH seems to have pocket discipline whereby he can either disrupt the run play simply by blowing up the side he's on, or collapse the pocket by angling his pressure towards the middle of the pocket (see his sack).

so they're definitely moving him around on his starting position...much like they did at Tennessee. which is kinda what the plan was from Haslett to begin with, no?

finally...more to my point on Shanny's dealings with AH...

let's just say that i'm of the unwavering opinion that AH will only become better under this policy as the most immediate impact will be from the fact that he MUST practice in order to play which will make him better prepared & aware of his job on the field.

some guys can be great without practice, but a great player who is afflicted with the disease of practice is also plagued by greatness.

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