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BR: Dallas Cowboys: Wade Phillips Has Tolled the Bell


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(Senior Analyst) on August 30, 2010


You know folks, I'm not one for name calling, but Wade Phillips, you sir are a complete and total idiot. It's one thing to have little depth or NO players at the safety position, but now you cut Pat Watkins, leaving the defense totally exposed at that position. On top of that, you give praise to a few players...who you claim played well in last Saturday's loss to the Texans. At first I thought that what I read was some kind of typo and that you really didn't say that.

But having read it a second time makes me think less of you now, both as a head coach and a person. Only a complete and total moron would dare to praise players when the entire team during this preseason has not deserved praise. Only an idiot would leave a position that is vital to the teams success this season as exposed as it is.

This is a invite to teams to randomly score large amounts of points on this team this upcoming season. This, Cowboys fans, wreaks of another dismal season, thanks to the total incompetence of Wade, Jason, and of course, Jerry "the jackass" Jones.

The light at the end of the tunnel? Wade, once he shows how he can only fail us this year with the expectations being so high in Dallas, will lose his job, but then what? Who's the next puppet Jerry Jones hires?

The bell has tolled, and sadly, we are the victims of it's devastation.

Thanks for ruining the season for all of us.

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(Senior Analyst) on August 30, 2010


You know folks, I'm not one for name calling, but Wade Phillips, you sir are a complete and total idiot. It's one thing to have little depth or NO players at the safety position, but now you cut Pat Watkins, leaving the defense totally exposed at that position.

Why is he criticizing Wade here? Isn't it Jerry Jones that makes all the personnel decisions? Isn't he responsible for all this talent and moves they've made? After all, he did assemble the trade of the century and brought in the talent that won 3 super bowls. (that last part was sarcasm...thick sarcasm at that)

Can we have a confirmation from Ken on the matter? :silly:

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Romo sits to pee was, Dez Bryant was, but then again, so was Roy Williams...

Roy Williams (31) was an amazing safety for 3 years and lived up to the draft hype, and then found God became timid, and had his game neutered by rule changes.

Roy Williams (11) was supposed to be the second coming making the O unstoppable, and totally failed.

Romo sits to pee wasn't anything when the Cowboys acquired him, as he was an undrafted free agent that no one had heard of from a place no one had heard of.

Now we've Dez Bryant who's supposed to be unstoppable, but some of us are tapping the breaks a little on the hype and think he'll be a positive addition but not a game changer. Though it's hard at times when the coaching staff and players talk about how they've never seen anything like this kid before, and Ray Sherman (the WR coach) calls him the best rookie he's seen since Randy Moss.

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It's OK, Mrs. Watkins. I'm sure a good special teamer like your son will catch on with another team soon. The Cowboys felt they needed to keep Church and McCray, both of whom have been very good on special teams, and have demonstrated something called 'ball skills'. You might not know what that is from watching Pat play, but its probably something coaches have talked to him about over the years.

All the best to you and your family, and thanks for posting on Bleacher Report!

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It's too early to say if Wade has rung any bell not associated with Taco Bell. He did get a playoff win last year.

If his team implodes this year, as they have during the preseason, then his head could be on the block.

Agreed. That fan is going "Chicken Little" way too early. After all it can't be stressed enough that we're seeing preseason football. It would be silly to assume that the Cowboys are going to look just like that on Sept 12.

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Agreed. That fan is going "Chicken Little" way too early. After all it can't be stressed enough that we're seeing preseason football. It would be silly to assume that the Cowboys are going to look just like that on Sept 12.

Chicken little?


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Funny how you say that when the Cowboys are being criticized, but when Redskins fans say that the Skins will be good this year, almost every Cowboy fan points out "4-12"

Well have you seen me say that.....NO ....so dont try and loop my into something I have nothing to do with.....But wait didnt you just do the same thing you blame some Boys fans for doing?

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