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Was just having that conversation with my brother.  This is legitimately shades of Liverpool mid-season... total dominance and no finish.


She's got world class moves to get in, but her finish is nothing special at all.

she pulled a Raheem…simple pass to the box and it's a tap in. Instead she shot from an impossible angle and missed badly

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That was NEVER inside the box. 


Lucky USA again. 




Officiating on both sides has been off.  Johnson was a stone red.  Germany had two easy yellows from that gal in the first half.

she pulled a Raheem…simple pass to the box and it's a tap in. Instead she shot from an impossible angle and missed badly


She keeps shooting from the left with her left foot.  Unless she toe pokes at the right spot that ball isn't inswinging. 

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Rapinoe though, good grief she is on point. Honorable mention: Meghan Klingenberg. USMNT take note.


If you haven't seen that ball in against Brasil from 2011... immediately go to youtube.  Rapinoe has IT.

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As Chris Wilson said before we played the Saints in 2012....


"ooooooooooooooooooooo weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee"



So getting into this Woman's WC, I came across this girl in the England Ladies squad. 


She talks like me. Dead funny like. Go figure?  ;)


Stick with Bronze, brother.  She's a dime piece who can put the ball in the back of the net from 20 yards out.

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Suarez's game isn't based off him biting people... he bites people when he's frustrated.


Guastede's game us based off of him elbowing people and being dirty and him playing off of that.  Either by winning free kicks or by him hurting someone or someone giving him just a bit too much space to make a move.


I suspect that since Felaini gets one card for every 15 fouls he commits, maybe he'll have the same luck.


Admittadly I haven't seen Gestede play a whole lot with my own eyes, but as far as I know he's not a dirty player.  I know you have to support your team and all, but your impression of Gestede is based off of one game.  He was chippy against you guys, and that was a bad foul.  Sorry Skrtl got hurt in that, but things happen sometimes sadly.  Gestede should've been booked there.  Gestede has about 10 yellow cards in his entire career (and 0 red), so I guess he does have the Fellaini luck if he's that foul happy.  If he transfers to a Premiership club then maybe I'll get to see him play more and then if he truly is as dirty as you claim then I'll reascend my defense of him. 

Uh huh. 


'Bro, these dulcet tones ..... Woman ALL over the World ..... I keep telling yer.. 




I'm generally decent with understanding through accents...but...what the heck is she saying? :P

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I'm generally decent with understanding through accents...but...what the heck is she saying? :P


Oh man, if I had a nickel for every time someone in America has said 'Sir, can you please slow down and start again. And the girl in the clip wasn't even that thick of a Liverpool accent compared to what it could of been.  :lol:.



Edited by Gibbs Hog Heaven
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I'm generally decent with understanding through accents...but...what the heck is she saying? :P



Quick funny story on cultural differences:


Back in the fall of 2004, I'm in Memphis, TN. As regards this, a Sunday, at the National Civil Rights Museum. Anyways, I'm walking around, the place is deserted, and I keep hearing this familiar accent. This old dude, with a cane, with two big burley guys either side with ear pieces. Which immediately got my attention. So long story short, we get to the end where the museum is built onto the motel Dr King was murdered, and this guy is stood to one side talking and I approach. These two guys immediately step in front of me with  a 'Sir, stand back please' ..... to which I'm like 'Alright there lad. Just trying to have a word with a fellow Citizen  there whoever he is' ..... .To which I get ..... 'Sir, do you know who that is?' ..... some ol' Scouse fella' with a stick was apparently the wrong answer. 'No Sir, that's the Lord Mayor of Liverpool' ..... now I honestly didn't know who our Lord Mayor was at the time, so my initial reaction was to stride forward saying '**** off la! Lord Mayor my arse. Mate, who the **** are yers?' (The Scouse was kicking in at this point) ..... to which jackets went back and guns where shown ..... it was only the said Lord Mayor stepping in and saying it was ok and shaking my hand that they stepped down ..... and his first question, as he's looking at them ..... 'You red or blue mate?' ...... then turning to them .....' You have NO idea what I just asked do you guys?' ..... 'Red. Do I look like a frigging Welshman!' ...... 'Good answer fella'. Or else I'd of had to of gotten' one of these two to take you out back and dispose of you Kirkby style' ..... que laughter and a 10 minute convo like two guys would have in a bar. The American 'security' duty just could not believe the Lord Mayor of Liverpool and some nobody would be chatting and swearing away to each other. Swearing at a Dignitary. Pretty much a no no State side. 


Probably doesn't read half as funny as it actually was (a friend from TN I was with to this day still can't believe what she witnessed); but that's L'pool. Normal people that are never allowed to get above their station when they're among their own no matter what lofty positions they achieve. 


The Lord Mayor was in Memphis on a freebie jaunt to some Jazz festival BTW. Nice life if yers can get it lol. 



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Admittadly I haven't seen Gestede play a whole lot with my own eyes, but as far as I know he's not a dirty player.  I know you have to support your team and all, but your impression of Gestede is based off of one game.  He was chippy against you guys, and that was a bad foul.  Sorry Skrtl got hurt in that, but things happen sometimes sadly.  Gestede should've been booked there.  Gestede has about 10 yellow cards in his entire career (and 0 red), so I guess he does have the Fellaini luck if he's that foul happy.  If he transfers to a Premiership club then maybe I'll get to see him play more and then if he truly is as dirty as you claim then I'll reascend my defense of him.


He was chippy in the match before that, too.


That stuff plays in Championship, and frankly I wished it played more in the premier league... but it doesn't because no English team would ever win in Europe if it did.  That's my theory, anyway.

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Financial fairplay sanctions concerning the evil empire have been lifted.

The agreement (negotiated sanction) signed with the investigatory chamber of the ICFC, included having a maximum deficit of €30 millions at the end of the 2014-2015 season and having none at the end of the 2015-2016 season. But the good student skipped a class and was able to present, with a year early, balanced accounts. This led the ICFC to remove the sanctions.

The evil empire is good to go on a snyderesque shopping frenzy !

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