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20/20 Special Tonight 10pm EST "Skins Cheerleader & the Strange Medical Condition"


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Im posting this from my cell phone at work but just saw an ad for an upcoming special on 20/20 on channel ABC about the Redskins Cheerleader and her strange medical condition.It was a youtube phenomenon about a year or so ago. It airs at 10pm EST. I checked to see if this has been posted. Kinda hard with my ancient blackberry. I guess we will find out if she is really sick...or its a scam. Tune in to find out :-D

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For the record, Ms. Jennings was not a Cheerleader, she was a "Cheerleader Ambassador" - and a rookie at that.


And judging from the last paragraph, the disease was already starting to take hold.

However, she's no longer on the list...


...although she was on it last fall, and her photo is still there (upper left corner).

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I saw a video of this a while back. Her walking was impaired but when she ran, she was fine... something to that effect. They showed her walking regularly and it looked like she was having trouble balancing, and her motion was a little herky/jerky. Didnt she acquire this from an H1N1 vaccine? I cant open the links at my job so I cant watch any video or anything like that. The way she was getting around looked very embarressing, and Im sure she wouldn't be faking it for fun. what would her motive be?

Either way though, Id hit it like Brice Harper playing Whack a mole.

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Seems to me like it would be a complete waste of time to fake something like this. Sure you could get a big payday in a law suit, but I think that they would easily be able to dismiss some of the symptoms easily. Interesting though, should be worth a watch to see what's up.

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Seems to me like it would be a complete waste of time to fake something like this. Sure you could get a big payday in a law suit, but I think that they would easily be able to dismiss some of the symptoms easily. Interesting though, should be worth a watch to see what's up.

You don't fake it to win a lawsuit, you'd never be able to convince doctors it was real if it came down to it.

You fake it because the people who are dead set against the flu shot pay you to cast mud at the program.


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For the record, Ms. Jennings was not a Cheerleader, she was a "Cheerleader Ambassador" - and a rookie at that.

1. For the record, it's Mrs., she's married. You do understand how that works right, Mr. Redskins Family guy?

2. http://www.redskins.com/gen/articles/Desiree_59767.jsp 1st paragraph: "I moved to Ashburn, VA eight years ago and have been a die hard Redskins fan and Washingtonian ever since."

She's a Redskin! Period! All of the d-bags making jokes at her expense are only living up to their d-bag status in life.

3. Hate to burst your bubble there Mark, but Rookie or Vet she has more of a place in this Franchise than yourself. Where's your Pic and Bio on Redskins.com? You're a Mod, and a crappy one obviously. Get over yourself.

4. Until there is clear and obvious evidence that she's, "faking it". Any thread involving her should only contain best wishes and things of that nature. That is, if you're on, "The Official Message Board of the Wahington Redskins"

What should not be in a thread is an Original Post questioning the validity of a Redskins' claim of a life-altering Illness. Followed by d-bag remarks.

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1. "Ms." is a perfectly acceptable title for a woman, whether she be married or single.

2. She's not a cheerleader. Period.

3. She's no longer associated with the team, other than being a fan.

4. I personally agree with your point here, but others may have a different opinion. This is a board of debate.

When a noob is so abrasive, it makes one wonder if he's not a dupe account.

Hang on a sec...


1. Each member may own no more than one registered account.

The ExtremeSkins Staff screens and approves all new accounts. Duplicate accounts are prohibited, and the Staff employs sophisticated security measures to enforce this policy. Duplicate accounts may immediately be closed (i.e., banned). Do not create additional registered accounts to bypass an issued ban absent compelling circumstances. Any attempt to circumvent any moderating action by registering a secondary account may result in a permanent banishment of all related accounts.

I hope you enjoyed your four days.

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4. Until there is clear and obvious evidence that she's, "faking it". Any thread involving her should only contain best wishes and things of that nature. That is, if you're on, "The Official Message Board of the Wahington Redskins"

What should not be in a thread is an Original Post questioning the validity of a Redskins' claim of a life-altering Illness. Followed by d-bag remarks.

I suggest you try improving on either or both of the following: reading comprehension; anger management.

Mark did not challenge the young lady's medical condition or her Redskins fandom, let alone wish ill upon her. He simply pointed out her status (former and present) with the team.

Mark is one of the guys who puts in countless time to make this site better and is a terrific all around great guy which is more than I can say for you at the moment.

Your screen name is ironic as I didn't care that you just got banned.

To get on topic, best wishes for Desire to have a miraculous full recovery!

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