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World of Warcraft - lol wow sux, *plays Rift*, lol back 2 wow


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Cata is alright. The movies during quests are amazing.

I haven't actually run Cata content in like 2 days though. I have to level up Tailoring to 425. But, overall, Blizzard has done a decent job with Cata. I just haven't had the chance to see most of the post-85 heroics and many Cata instances because I have to level my professions from 0 to 400.

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Instances are more like they were in Vanilla WOW but I feel bad for healers. It seems they have a much harder time now.

Heroics are hard. As it was put the other day, they need to be hard as they are pre-raid instances. Gear checks, mental checks and upgrades to prepare you for raiding.

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Grats, I finally started questing in Cat yesterday, about to ding 82.

You have been on today? I was on eailer, but havent been able to log in since 5pm or so.

Yeah, I've heard of several folks having log in issues, some even from my guild, but my experience has been flawless today.

Cata is alright. The movies during quests are amazing.

I haven't actually run Cata content in like 2 days though. I have to level up Tailoring to 425. But, overall, Blizzard has done a decent job with Cata. I just haven't had the chance to see most of the post-85 heroics and many Cata instances because I have to level my professions from 0 to 400.

I haven't run a single dungeon yet, no sense until I reach 85, but I'm going to start Q'ing up tomorrow afternoon for some 85 randoms, no H's yet though. As for total Cata experience, I really like it, although it seems to be a bit more of a pc resource hog than LK was as such I have to dial back my visuals etc, but ti love the video sequences and I like how they are able to push the story ahead without having to read a ton of quest descriptions. All in all I'm very pleased with my Cata experience.

Oh and I found out tonight that there is a treaty that I think almost all the servers are working with in Tol Barad allowing the attacking team to win each time, so Horde gets a win, then Alliance gets a win. Personally, I thought it was a joke until I saw it for myself tonight, easiest 1800 honor points I've ever gotten, and even got a nice set of shoulders from it.

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Oh and I found out tonight that there is a treaty that I think almost all the servers are working with in Tol Barad allowing the attacking team to win each time, so Horde gets a win, then Alliance gets a win. Personally, I thought it was a joke until I saw it for myself tonight, easiest 1800 honor points I've ever gotten, and even got a nice set of shoulders from it.

Yeah not on my server...

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Yeah not on my server...

Truly I thought it was a joke when one of my guildies told me about it, and finally he talked me into Tol Barad, I was expecting the same exact thumping by the Horde that we've seen a million times before in WG, but there were only a handful of Hordies in there, we gained control in about 5 minutes or so. It was only afterward that there was discussion about the treaty on trade chat and someone complaining about the treaty, he didn't get too much support. My fear is that Blizz is going to find a "fix" that will encourage the fighting there, so I'm taking advantage of it while it lasts to get myself some entry level end gaming gear.

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There is also a glitch that allows those who weren't called for battle to get credit for the win anyways. For example, horde outnumbers ally on my realm, so the chances of getting called to battle are slim. The glitch is that those who weren't called for battle (the faction that outnumbers the other on the realm) go sit at the beginning of the bridge. Then as your faction takes TB, those on the bridge run across it and get the 1800 honor and win, even if they weren't called. It has to be timed right though. If you run across the bridge too soon, you won't get credit or get teleported. If you go to late, you won't get credit either. You rely on info inside TB to know when to run.

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Instances are rough

Was kicked from Grim Batol today, I kind of have no choice but to run them for better gear, I take that risk of getting kicked

The instance wait has been lower lately, but it's still pretty long. Leveling up healing would be "insta queue", or having a short wait, and then once I got into Northrend there was a bit more delay, now for Cata it's about 10 minutes

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Archaeology is an intriguing profession because it offers the potential for awesome gear, pets and mounts but is such a time sink. I will still do it though because who would not want a fossilized raptor mount?

I am 5 points away from being able to do Heroics. In all the regulars I have run so far they have all been Tol'Vir. I hate that place with a passion that burns so fierce it would melt the plates on Deathwings chest.

I truly feel sorry for healers in regulars so far. Their mana runs out so quickly. I try to convince tanks that crowd control will help but they continue to push through as if it is WOTLK again.

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Just started: In the Battlegrounds, got the comment right away.

Undead Priest, don't see those anymore... (i figured it was the ashy elbows) till it hit me there is probably a reason ...

Don't care, will keep him going anyway.

This topic is like reading another language.

edit: Fugloid(14) on the new server Muradan or however its spelled.

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I just hit 60 with my undead rogue last night...farthest I've been with a character. I had stopped playing last december because I didn't care for the straight questing with no semblance of a story whatsoever. The farthest I made it before was 34 with Blood Elf Hunter before extreme boredom set in (and I was in a really guild at the time too). Personally I love the linear quest lines as there is something to follow in each zone.

Right now I'm in Silithis and I love the alien/insect look...reminds of Alien and HR Giger. So far it's my fave zone.

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I just hit 60 with my undead rogue last night...farthest I've been with a character. I had stopped playing last december because I didn't care for the straight questing with no semblance of a story whatsoever. The farthest I made it before was 34 with Blood Elf Hunter before extreme boredom set in (and I was in a really guild at the time too). Personally I love the linear quest lines as there is something to follow in each zone.

Right now I'm in Silithis and I love the alien/insect look...reminds of Alien and HR Giger. So far it's my fave zone.

If you have The Burning Crusade installed I highly recommend moving to Outlands. The experience gain is much greater from quests and kills plus the gear is sooo much better.

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If you have The Burning Crusade installed I highly recommend moving to Outlands. The experience gain is much greater from quests and kills plus the gear is sooo much better.

Yeah I was messing around in Outland but it was such a big jump in levels coming from the Blasted Lands. I needed a little something in between. What I find frustrating about Outland is traveling...no quick way to and from...I could port back to Undercity if it was my Inn (to access the AH), but it takes like 15 minutes to take the flight path back to the Portal.

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Yeah I was messing around in Outland but it was such a big jump in levels coming from the Blasted Lands. I needed a little something in between. What I find frustrating about Outland is traveling...no quick way to and from...I could port back to Undercity if it was my Inn (to access the AH), but it takes like 15 minutes to take the flight path back to the Portal.

2 new things now. Shattrath, the city in Outlands has an AH, so no need to go back to UC. However, if you do go back there, there is a portal near the portal trainers that takes you right in front of the dark portal (entrance to Outlands). Pick up your flight training asap and head to shatt to bind. You should be good for lvling in Outland from there. I always go at 58.

I'm halfway through 84 on my main right now. I've been taking my time leveling and actually paying attention to the lore. Very cool game so far. Deepholm is probably my favorite zone in WOW now. Awesome story and questing down there (the dragon fight with the rock hopping blew me away).

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2 new things now. Shattrath, the city in Outlands has an AH, so no need to go back to UC. However, if you do go back there, there is a portal near the portal trainers that takes you right in front of the dark portal (entrance to Outlands). Pick up your flight training asap and head to shatt to bind. You should be good for lvling in Outland from there. I always go at 58.

I'm halfway through 84 on my main right now. I've been taking my time leveling and actually paying attention to the lore. Very cool game so far. Deepholm is probably my favorite zone in WOW now. Awesome story and questing down there (the dragon fight with the rock hopping blew me away).

Wow, that info will really help, thanks! I don't have Cataclysm yet, so will that be an issue for any of the portal or flight trainer stuff? I had read that I needed Cata for the trainer.

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Wow, that info will really help, thanks! I don't have Cataclysm yet, so will that be an issue for any of the portal or flight trainer stuff? I had read that I needed Cata for the trainer.

No all trainers, save for Archaeology I believe, are the same and flight training, except Azeroth Flying, are available to you.

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I am really, really, really getting pissed off at the random dungeon finder. I have been running regular dungeons for two weeks now trying to gear up for heroics.

I have had Tol'Vir every time but once. There are two pieces of DPS caster gear in there and I have them both. There is nothing else I can get! It is all I see anymore. Everytime it pops up I cry inside and express hatred outwardly. If I sign up for a specific dungeon, I miss out on the gold and the one time justice points bonus plus my queue time is doubled. I am going to cry.

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The first one's free... :ols:

Hello, my name is ASF, and I'm a WoW addict....

It all began with what Blizz calls a "10 day free trial"...ha....that was the beginning of the end for me.

---------- Post added January-5th-2011 at 09:35 AM ----------

I am really, really, really getting pissed off at the random dungeon finder. I have been running regular dungeons for two weeks now trying to gear up for heroics.

I have had Tol'Vir every time but once. There are two pieces of DPS caster gear in there and I have them both. There is nothing else I can get! It is all I see anymore. Everytime it pops up I cry inside and express hatred outwardly. If I sign up for a specific dungeon, I miss out on the gold and the one time justice points bonus plus my queue time is doubled. I am going to cry.

I get the Halls of Observation...7 bosses...one of the longest instances EVAR!!! I have three regular instances unlocked, and I need to get the other two done...and I'm only 6 points away from unlocking Heroics.

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Gnomebliteration is THE best quest in the entire game LMAO!


Today is the last day of Cata for a while, I already have one 85 and 2 83's. Too frustrated with melee ineffectiveness to go on any longer, one of the bosses isn't even beatable with my paladin

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