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World of Warcraft - lol wow sux, *plays Rift*, lol back 2 wow


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I didn't want to post about it initially, but it seems after reading the above posts that those Cata dungeons are pretty crappy. Occasionally the WoW blog I read has a post complaining about Stonecore Heroic. I haven't had a chance to try the heroics yet, but many of the dungeons are mediocre, and Halls of Origination takes forever to finish. Another complaint that is likely going to be fixed (if it hasn't already) is how the Blackrock and the underwater dungeon aren't available at 85. I didn't bother visiting them at 80-82 and then when I need to visit them at 83 I can't because they aren't in the finder.

I miss the old Lich King dungeons (except for HoR, the notorious dungeon which once had a One hour and 20 minute wait, yes, I waited that long just to get in). Maybe it's just familiarity with those instances, during my last days of my last subscription I couldn't motivate myself to run any of the random dungeons even though I needed gear.

The only one I don't like it Stonecore. It is pretty bland despite being in Deepholm, which was one of my favorite zones.

I do agree that not being able to queue for instances if you have not visited them is lame and hopefully they will fix it.

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FWIW, does EQ1 still charge people to play online? Seems pretty absurd :ols:

Yes it's funny lol.. But they are (finally) releasing a classic progression server today that the only way to progress to the next expansion is by popular vote every 90 days.. Stoked about that.

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So, I downloaded ED2 Extended... It's pretty cool. Its a basic game, but it's free... since I haven't played sub EQ2, I'm not missing anything. You're limited to four races and 8 classes, but you can unlock more by buying them with station cash. I'll probably unlock some races/classes and be good with the game. Pretty much the entire world, raids, guilds everything is eligible. Pretty cool game. If anyone checks it out, let me know. Don't wanna hijack the WoW thread. It's obviously popular and I can understand why...

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I'm going to assume you guys complaining about DPS random queues aren't in a guild. At this point I only do the random daily for Valor Points (actually I'll be done with those this week) and I just ask in guild who needs their daily and I usually get 3-4 replies and we queue up and are finished with the heroic within 25-30 minutes.

I raid weekly in WoW, but even if you aren't interested in that, it still isn't a bad idea to find a decent guild so you can at least have easy access to heroic random groups to help you skip the queue...hell you don't even need a full group, if you're a dps just queue up with a tank or a healer and you'll get in almost instantly.

As far as money goes, it's all personal preference....I don't need any gold (not a single item on AH I could use and guild pays for repairs) but I still farm and post on AH as a mini game....something to waste time with when I'm bored. I know there are some people who play the game just to farm and acquire gold for fun.

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I'm going to assume you guys complaining about DPS random queues aren't in a guild. At this point I only do the random daily for Valor Points (actually I'll be done with those this week) and I just ask in guild who needs their daily and I usually get 3-4 replies and we queue up and are finished with the heroic within 25-30 minutes.

I raid weekly in WoW, but even if you aren't interested in that, it still isn't a bad idea to find a decent guild so you can at least have easy access to heroic random groups to help you skip the queue...hell you don't even need a full group, if you're a dps just queue up with a tank or a healer and you'll get in almost instantly.

As far as money goes, it's all personal preference....I don't need any gold (not a single item on AH I could use and guild pays for repairs) but I still farm and post on AH as a mini game....something to waste time with when I'm bored. I know there are some people who play the game just to farm and acquire gold for fun.

As I have said before, I am in the largest guild horde side on my server. Our tanks only logon for raids, and rarely for heroics. People are leveling alts otherwise.

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  • 3 weeks later...

For the record Subtlety rogues with heirlooms are soooooo OP in PVP while leveling.

Many combat logs look like this over the last 2 holiday BG weekends;

*Dwyzywyck's Ambush crits for 1900*

*Dwyzywyck's Eviscerate crits for 1500*

*You die*

Even if I don't get the 2 criticals I still use my other tricks to stun you down and kill you. The only classes I have issues with are Paladins and Priests.

Having said that I love playing a rogue. Knowing which battles to pick. Irritating people with distract and sap to the point where they reach full enrage mode or blow their mana spamming AOE to find me, then destroying them when I tire from playing around with them. It is absolutely hilarious in AB or EOTS to screw around with a single defender and watch others arrive to help him.

I only worry about my PVE usefullness and resilience gear at 85. :(

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For the record Subtlety rogues with heirlooms are soooooo OP in PVP while leveling.

Many combat logs look like this over the last 2 holiday BG weekends;

*Dwyzywyck's Ambush crits for 1900*

*Dwyzywyck's Eviscerate crits for 1500*

*You die*

Even if I don't get the 2 criticals I still use my other tricks to stun you down and kill you. The only classes I have issues with are Paladins and Priests.

Having said that I love playing a rogue. Knowing which battles to pick. Irritating people with distract and sap to the point where they reach full enrage mode or blow their mana spamming AOE to find me, then destroying them when I tire from playing around with them. It is absolutely hilarious in AB or EOTS to screw around with a single defender and watch others arrive to help him.

I only worry about my PVE usefullness and resilience gear at 85. :(

That's when you dual spec to mutilate for PvE.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Still playing my hunter on the Anub'arak server. Just joined a newish guild and somehow became the one running the guild youtube channel. They want to recruit more people, so I made a video that both serves as a guild trailer and a parody of the original trailer. :silly:


As for above, my server also has long queues for dps. It was annoying until I got enough valor points for raidable gear, so I don't really queue for heroics anymore, unless it is to help someone out or for achievements.

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I'm excited for the change to your first 7 randoms will earn VP instead of just per day. I hated logging in on Friday and Saturday do do randoms, but felt like I had to or I wouldn't cap VP (of course at this point all I'm doing is selling boots, though.)

At this point all my 10man has left is Sinestra, we're 12/13 heroics with just her to go. Really excited to down her. I hope Blizzard will take a bit more time on Firelands balancing heroic 10 vs heroic 25 difficulty, 10s had it quite a bit harder this tier IMO. Normal modes were fairly well balanced. Looking forward to the 5man ZA to get some alts the bear, it's my favorite mount on my main and will use it for my alts. I'm glad that they have a similar mount available but did change the skin so the uniqueness of the original mount is still in tact. I also still want to get a Quarji mount but I hate archeology so much, I didn't play Vanilla so didn't have a chance for that mount, I love the way they look and really want to get it, but want to alt+f4 anytime I think about doing Archeology.

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I'm excited for the change to your first 7 randoms will earn VP instead of just per day. I hated logging in on Friday and Saturday do do randoms, but felt like I had to or I wouldn't cap VP (of course at this point all I'm doing is selling boots, though.)

At this point all my 10man has left is Sinestra, we're 12/13 heroics with just her to go. Really excited to down her. I hope Blizzard will take a bit more time on Firelands balancing heroic 10 vs heroic 25 difficulty, 10s had it quite a bit harder this tier IMO. Normal modes were fairly well balanced. Looking forward to the 5man ZA to get some alts the bear, it's my favorite mount on my main and will use it for my alts. I'm glad that they have a similar mount available but did change the skin so the uniqueness of the original mount is still in tact. I also still want to get a Quarji mount but I hate archeology so much, I didn't play Vanilla so didn't have a chance for that mount, I love the way they look and really want to get it, but want to alt+f4 anytime I think about doing Archeology.

Oh good, they are bringing back the Amani War Bear? Didn't know that. I had it on my old toon, but I sold that account for 350 dollars(paid for a round trip to florida!). I wanna get that now lol, even though I have the mount achievement.

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Oh good, they are bringing back the Amani War Bear? Didn't know that. I had it on my old toon, but I sold that account for 350 dollars(paid for a round trip to florida!). I wanna get that now lol, even though I have the mount achievement.

Yes and no, it's similar but not the same.


It's skin has been recolored, which I think is fine. It keeps the TBC one unique but lets new people and alts get one.

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it's obvious to me that Blizzard Activision is dedicating less time to WoW development. Encounters are more poorly designed than WotLK, and class fixes have become emergency bandages.

I still raid twice a week (6/13 hard mode), but my play time has gone down by about 60-70%. Won't be long before I'm done.

Msperception - Draenor Alliance is my current main.

Holgirl - Draenor Alliance is my TBC/WotLK main and still gets some playtime.

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They may be due to Diablo 3 development, unnamed project with Bungie and Starcraft expansions. Other than that I am not sure what else they could be doing?

I think the game is fine as it is.

---------- Post added March-23rd-2011 at 09:01 AM ----------

Been back for 2 weeks now, 3 85's, only one of them is played regularly. The priest has 4.5 k DPS even though everything is blue / purple. Something is ****ed up.

I am confused on my mage as well. I have met the +hit cap for heroics but still only pull around 5K DPS, unless it is an AOE situation. I have read multiple guides and have the rotation down to a T for fire. I really don't know what I am doing wrong.

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U mad.

The character in question.

6k isn't good enough when elitists demand 8k or more at 85.

Tanks infuriate me nowadays. Ever since LFD came out they have become total asshats. I had one last night who got mad at me for going afk for 2 minutes when my dog crapped on the carpet. He said if I went afk again he would drop group. I was on my rogue and everyone was fully BOA'd out. wtf

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Elitists who demand 8k aren't elitists. That's too low, even for heroic blue gear. It is true that, at the moment, mages are the lowest single target DPS class. Still, 5k is about 40-50% of what you should be doing assuming item level 346-ish gear.

Single target: Make sure you don't Combustion until you have Living Bomb, a big Ignite (from Pyro/Fireball crit), AND the Pyroblast dot. Wait to Combustion until all those things happen. Keep Living Bomb refreshed, that's your priority. Keep up Critical Mass, that's your next priority. Use Fire Orb on cooldown. Use Mirrors on cooldown. Spam Fireball at all other times.

AoE: Don't combustion until you have an Impact proc. Get a big Ignite on your target, cast Combustion, then impact your target >> Ignite and Combustion spread. Blast Wave on cooldown. Spam Blizzard or Flamestrike. Keep Living Bomb up on 3 targets.

Armory my mage to see my gear. In a random heroic, on single target I can probably do 11-13k dps. In a raid setting that number's up at 16k+.

Are you enchanted? Appropriate spec? Maxed on professions? If the answer to any of those questions is no, then those are easy places to start fixing your dps.

Shadow priest DPS should be even higher on single target (not AoE). Don't Mind Sear, it's worthless nowadays.

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