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World of Warcraft - lol wow sux, *plays Rift*, lol back 2 wow


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You can sprint in cat form but you don't get that until level 20.

Mages are one of the best classes in PvP when played well. They can 1v1 with anyone with CC/slows.

You get mounts at level 20 now too. 60% at 20. 100% at 40.

I have played a mage all my years in WoW. My favorite caster because we can dish out crazy DPS.

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What two professions should I pick up? Skinning and mining? I need one that will make me the most money in the game.

I'd go herbalism and mining. As of last patch, you can track both herbs and mining at the same time. Skinning doesn't really yield a bunch of gold. It depends on your server. Herbs and mining mats sell real good for good gold.

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Go to the bank in the middle

Go to the inner ring

Go to the outer ring

Then follow the map until you reach the Mage quarter, just run along the outer ring

I don't blame you, it's easy to get lost in the Horde cities (Org / Undercity)...Alliance cities are better designed

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I was thinking about starting back up with this new expansion. Had a Pally that i played half-way thru burning crusade and quit. So there is a lot of stuff i havent done. But... just can't do it. I wish there would be another MMO that was on WoW's level. I was hoping Final Fantasy 14 would be it because 11 was the first MMO i played and i liked it a lot but it just needed tweaking. The closest i think so far for me was Lord of the Rings online and i liked Vanguard. But sadly i dont think there will be an MMO as good as WoW until Blizzard releases the next MMO they have been working. Have fun people that are still playing, im sure it will be awesome. Blizzard doesn't make a bad product.

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I was thinking about starting back up with this new expansion. Had a Pally that i played half-way thru burning crusade and quit. So there is a lot of stuff i havent done. But... just can't do it. I wish there would be another MMO that was on WoW's level. I was hoping Final Fantasy 14 would be it because 11 was the first MMO i played and i liked it a lot but it just needed tweaking. The closest i think so far for me was Lord of the Rings online and i liked Vanguard. But sadly i dont think there will be an MMO as good as WoW until Blizzard releases the next MMO they have been working. Have fun people that are still playing, im sure it will be awesome. Blizzard doesn't make a bad product.

The problem I have with WoW is PvP. I prefer open free-for-all PvP, anywhere, anytime, any level etc. Looting or no looting doesn't bother me. With that said, WoW is a fantastic game and draws you in like no other game. Very well written storyline etc.

Like you, I played Vanguard online and that's been my favorite one to play since UO - pre-trammel. They just didn't have the population and never fixed anything in the game. I also loved Age of Conan when it was released, shortly after my daughter was born and got older where she didn't sit in a bouncer or play saucer thingies and could get into mischief I had to quit. I started it back right after their expansion and it was fun again, but the population on the free-for-all PvP server was dead.

In my opinion, UO pre-trammel was the best mmorpg ever to grace the online gaming world.

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Stormreaver! I'm horde on there and we're pretty damn good at most BGs. We won WG for about a month straight, which was pretty nice.

Hey rachievegas, I'm at level 12 on my Undead Mage and am in the Brill area leveling. Should I be hitting another area to level faster now? Also, any chance of getting in your guild and leveling up with some peeps? Or you if you're working on an alt.

Also, is there anyway to power level in this game (i.e. grinding on certain mobs over and over)? Or are there any safe spots where you can kill higher level creatures/monsters without getting killed to get killer XP? I know that may sound cheap to some of you and I'll grind if I have to, just limited on time with the little one running around.

If I'm not mistaken, Blizzard did a good job of keeping true power leveling out of the game.

Found this website with power leveling guides: all grinding after level 20. Will this work rachie? It looks like it was never updated to get you past level 60.


Also found this one: http://www.joanasworld.com/ Would you trust this guys guide? Says he won Blizzards contest on fastest player to level to 50 (don't recall that, but haven't played in years).

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In my opinion, UO pre-trammel was the best mmorpg ever to grace the online gaming world.

I agree with this. Just surviving in that world was an accomplishment. That was all kinds of fun.

Anyway, I took one last tour of Azeroth last night. Rode up to the EPL and ran through Undead Strat solo just for kicks (cleared it in 12 minutes with my Pally). Flew from Darnassus to Tanaris to get one last look.

I'm not sure if I'm going to keep playing. I haven't played regularly in months. But it's been a fun ride. Blizz really does know how to make a good game.

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It's outside. There is a new zepling tower beside the old one.

Cool, not that I'm even close to level 68 yet lol. Read my post about the power leveling guides, do you think that Joana's guide is legit and worth the $45? It says it's strictly questing, no grinding, but maximized and her best time was hitting level 70 in like 5 days.

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I don't think a guide to leveling is worth much. There are a lot of free ones. Check out the messageboards for the class.

If you power level, you have to go back and level up whatever trade you pick. Leveling in a normal course allows you to minimize time spentin an AH later on trying to get that second through fourth tier of mats. Worse is if you only take gathering skills, though atleast with mining you can get some skill up from the ores.

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Unfortunately, the epic mounts are still 5k gold... 4k if you get yours from Thrallmar and you're exalted, I think.

You are talking about flying. I am talking about riding.

Flying was also buffed from +60% for your base speed to +150% which is fast enough. 5K to go 280% may be worth it to some and another 5K to get to 310% is a waste of money.

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I don't think a guide to leveling is worth much. There are a lot of free ones. Check out the messageboards for the class.

If you power level, you have to go back and level up whatever trade you pick. Leveling in a normal course allows you to minimize time spentin an AH later on trying to get that second through fourth tier of mats. Worse is if you only take gathering skills, though atleast with mining you can get some skill up from the ores.

I have no idea what AH and getting through fourth tier of mats means....I have herb gathering and mining as my professions. Can you unlearn a profession and should I and if so, where do you do this and what should I take. Is my profession really necessary for PvP and making money? Or can you make more money grinding certain mobs?

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Don't buy a power leveling guide. If you must read something then look for the class guides on free forums. Generally questing now is the best way to go especially since Vanilla WoW they have decreased Xp gains for 1-60, 61-70 and now 71-80.

The questing zones are all changing as far as I know with the shattering of Azeroth that is happening today so those guides will be obsolete. Your best way to level fast is to do quests. Only do instances when you have quests for them. If you really want to save some times then don't level a profession at the same time but you will hate yourself at 85 when you have Mining still sitting at 40 and you have to revisit areas you have already been through.

I recommend reading the patch notes for today to help get a handle on what is happening. I will post them momentarily.

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