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WP: Santana Moss received HGH from accused Canadian doctor, sources say


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Santana Moss received HGH from accused Canadian doctor, sources say

By Rick Maese and Barry Svrluga

Washington Post Staff Writer

Thursday, May 20, 2010; 10:31 AM

Washington Redskins receiver Santana Moss was among the professional athletes who received human growth hormone from Canadian doctor Anthony Galea, according to two sources familiar with the investigation. On Tuesday, Galea was charged with smuggling and distributing HGH.

One source said that Moss was the player Galea's medical assistant, Mary Anne Catalano, was on her way to meet in Washington, when she was arrested at the U.S.-Canada border on Sept. 14, 2009, with banned substances, syringes and other medical equipment in her vehicle.

Moss would not discuss the matter at Redskins Park on Wednesday.

"I'll talk about football. I don't know about nothing else," Moss said. "I ain't got nothing to do with nothing that ain't about me."

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I don't know if that will actually happen. He never actually recieved or consumed any banned substance (in this particular case anyway). It never made its way to him!

Exactly. From what I understand, the doctor's assistant getting caught saved Santana from himself. Looks like Santana will have to find his HGH from another source or heal au naturel.

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I don't know if that will actually happen. He never actually recieved or consumed any banned substance (in this particular case anyway). It never made its way to him!
This time. We don't know if this is the first time for this player.

And we still don't know for certain that is was Moss. I heard we're going to make a big trade move prior to the draft too...oh wait.

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Santana Moss received HGH from accused Canadian doctor, sources say

By Rick Maese and Barry Svrluga

Washington Post Staff Writer

Thursday, May 20, 2010; 10:31 AM

Washington Redskins receiver Santana Moss was among the professional athletes who received human growth hormone from Canadian doctor Anthony Galea, according to two sources familiar with the investigation. On Tuesday, Galea was charged with smuggling and distributing HGH.

One source said that Moss was the player Galea's medical assistant, Mary Anne Catalano, was on her way to meet in Washington, when she was arrested at the U.S.-Canada border on Sept. 14, 2009, with banned substances, syringes and other medical equipment in her vehicle.

Moss would not discuss the matter at Redskins Park on Wednesday.

"I'll talk about football. I don't know about nothing else," Moss said. "I ain't got nothing to do with nothing that ain't about me."

Click the link for full article...

There is no need to rush to judgement here, based on the article there isn't a lot of evidence against Moss.

[quote name=

By Dan Herbeck

NEWS STAFF REPORTER] Santana Moss, a wide receiver for the NFL’s Washington Redskins, is one of the professional athletes who allegedly received treatment from a Toronto physician charged Tuesday with smuggling muscle-building drugs into the United States, according to sources close to the case............................................“At this juncture, any of the persons who are alleged to have used these substances are considered witnesses, and not targets, of this investigation,” Hochul told The Buffalo News.............................

But at this point, federal prosecutors do not intend to file criminal charges against Moss or any other athlete who had dealings with the doctor. ...........................................

His lawyers, including Mark J. Mahoney of Buffalo, denied the allegations of wrongdoing against the doctor. They said he treated American athletes — including golfer Tiger Woods and baseball player Alex Rodriguez — but only to help them heal from injuries. Mahoney said the doctor never provided athletes with any illegal performance-enhancing treatments.


Until more evidence comes i don't see why we would assume that Moss would be suspended.

I can see it playing out already Moss and some other athletes will testify that they received treatment but not HGH, Galea will say that he never gave them HGH.

Galea will be charged with smuggling HGH if they can prove it but will certainly get tagged for practicing medicine without the proper authority:

[quote name=

By Dan Herbeck


“Despite the absence of such authorization ... Dr. Galea entered the United States from Canada numerous times from 2007 to September 2009 and worked here as a doctor providing medical services to numerous professional athletes, billed them for services and expenses, and sold medication to them. His billings to three of [the athletes] amounted to approximately $200,000,” the affidavit says.


Considering that Brian Cushing received a 4 game suspension for a POSITIVE test and Moss is only reported to have been a client of Galea one would think they're gonna need a whole lot more evidence to suspend Moss.

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I love the quote

"I ain't got nothing to do with nothing that ain't about me."

It is just chock full of double negatives.

grammatically, doesn't it translate to "I have something to do with something about me"?

I ain't got nothing = not nothing = something

and vice versa, nothing that ain't = nothing that is not = something

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This time. We don't know if this is the first time for this player.

And we still don't know for certain that is was Moss. I heard we're going to make a big trade move prior to the draft too...oh wait.

Exactly! THIS TIME. We don't know what he did prior to this...and we don't know what he did after this scenario. He may be clean for all we know. He may even be dirty. If he DID get it from another source...I have no idea how long HGH stays in ones system. If he gets tested he may come out clean.

I don't see how the NFL can leverage suspensions against him or anyone else if he doesn't test positive.

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There is no need to rush to judgement here, based on the article there isn't a lot of evidence against Moss.


Until more evidence comes i don't see why we would assume that Moss would be suspended.

I can see it playing out already Moss and some other athletes will testify that they received treatment but not HGH, Galea will say that he never gave them HGH.

Galea will be charged with smuggling HGH if they can prove it but will certainly get tagged for practicing medicine without the proper authority:


Considering that Brian Cushing received a 4 game suspension for a POSITIVE test and Moss is only reported to have been a client of Galea one would think they're gonna need a whole lot more evidence to suspend Moss.

It doesn't need to be "proven". This looks bad for the NFL. Real bad. And if you tarnish the "shield", as they say, justice is served on you swiftly. His simple involvement with this doctor and the fact that the doc was arrested is enough grounds for a 4 game suspension.

I fully expect Goodell to drop the hammer on Moss quickly in this case.

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PvKeeper- most players in the NFL reportedly use steroids or other banned substances. Santana Moss has been a solid, if inconsistent receiver who treats his teammates extremely well. He's a nice guy with lots of talent who wants to be back on that field as quickly as possible

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Moss said. "I ain't got nothing to do with nothing that ain't about me."

This guy went to college?...lol

I'm not surprised one bit. I think there are many more that just don't get caught.

I hope it's not true. If it is true, I want this guy off my team, ASAP.

Why? I'm willing to be there are many more on the skins juicing just as much as any other NFL team.

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I hope it's not true. If it is true, I want this guy off my team, ASAP.

You think he is the only guy on this team taking PEDs? Better rearrange your thinking.

You can hate on him for allegedly cheating. That's fine. He should get suspended if it's proven.

But in no way should he be cut for this. He is just 1 fish in the sea of NFL players who are on PEDs.

If you cut everyone who is a 1st time offender of PEDs, you wouldn't have a 32 team league right now. I would say you would be lucky to have 20 teams of straight edge players.

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And here we go. Everybody's an expert and we'll see a **** load of evidence of that for awhile on this story. ESPN and the NFL network,(among others),should have all kinds of them on tv soon telling us all about the stuff. Well,at least they're not talking about big ol' what's his name for now.;)

And right about now,the folks at Google H.Q. have to be going "WTF is with all the HGH searches??????" :silly:

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It doesn't need to be "proven". This looks bad for the NFL. Real bad. And if you tarnish the "shield", as they say, justice is served on you swiftly. His simple involvement with this doctor and the fact that the doc was arrested is enough grounds for a 4 game suspension.

I fully expect Goodell to drop the hammer on Moss quickly in this case.

An as yet unproven link about a player that may have received treatment, the nature of said treatment remains unknown.

If they suspend Moss based on this alone the NFLPA will have a field day.

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