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I really need your help here, guys....


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He's just announced that he has become chemically dependent and you want him to switch chemicals?

There is no chemicals in Marijuana. I am a quality control manager for a dispensary here in California and I have all the facts on Marijuana. And I was just offering my help. Marijuana is in no way addicting and it helps millions of people with many different medical problems. We might not all have the same beliefs but I am not trying to hurt anyone in any way. If I offended anyone I am greatly sorry.

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My wife has Fibromyalgia. It is a very very serious pain disorder. She use to take Methadone and vicoins for pain and also somas for a mussel relaxer. She has not had to be on any of those for years now. She went thru serious withdrawls when getting off all that. Marijuana helps her better than anything she ever took and she wont ever get the bad withdraws and has not had any bad side affects. Marijuana has made her life better and has help give her a better life being a mother since she is not all messed up on perscription drugs.

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Im not trying to make this a Medical Marijuana thread I was just offering my help with knowledge of how Marijuana can help and "if" that is something Hubbs wanted to know more about that I would help him with sending him books and anything else I can. Like I said I didnt mean to offend or disrespect anyone and we all have different views.

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Sometimes I get the hiccups. Can I get some "medical marijuana" for that?

No need to get off topic on the thread. Yes there are people that abuse the Medical Marijuana saying they need it for medical use but really just want to smoke it for personal reasons. But it does help out in many many ways. Like I said my wife had very bad withdraws and even had to get help for how much pain pills she was taking. You guys dont have to attack me just for offering help.

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There is no chemicals in Marijuana. I am a quality control manager for a dispensary here in California and I have all the facts on Marijuana. And I was just offering my help. Marijuana is in no way addicting and it helps millions of people with many different medical problems. We might not all have the same beliefs but I am not trying to hurt anyone in any way. If I offended anyone I am greatly sorry.

"Chemical" and "additive" are not the same thing. Marijuana is full of chemicals, the most well known of which are cannabinoids. I'm sure I'm not telling you anything you don't know.

That's like saying alcohol doesn't have any chemicals in it. Just because the process for producing those substances is 100% natural doesn't mean they aren't chemicals.

Marijuana by and large does not produce a physical dependence, but any pleasurable activity can create an addictive response in the brain. This is true not just of traditional drugs like alcohol, cocaine and nicotine, but of marijuana, food, exercise, sex, etc.

If Hubbs follows your advice and then can't sleep without a nightly toke, how is he any better off?

Edit: By the way, I'm not attacking you. I don't believe your solution is likely to be a helpful one. That's not a personal attack, that's me disagreeing with you. If you think that what I've said is wrong, point out where and support it with evidence.

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"Chemical" and "additive" are not the same thing. Marijuana is full of chemicals, the most well known of which are cannabinoids. I'm sure I'm not telling you anything you don't know.

That's like saying alcohol doesn't have any chemicals in it. Just because the process for producing those substances is 100% natural doesn't mean they aren't chemicals.

Marijuana by and large does not produce a physical dependence, but any pleasurable activity can create an addictive response in the brain. This is true not just of traditional drugs like alcohol, cocaine and nicotine, but of marijuana, food, exercise, sex, etc.

If Hubbs follows your advice and then can't sleep without a nightly toke, how is he any better off?

Edit: By the way, I'm not attacking you. I don't believe your solution is likely to be a helpful one. That's not a personal attack, that's me disagreeing with you. If you think that what I've said is wrong, point out where and support it with evidence.

No I am not offended by you and we all have different beliefs. I work in the field so I know a lot about it. I will start a Medical Marijuana thread cause I dont want to post this in this thread anymore so I dont disrespect anyone by doing so. Thank you for sharing your thoughts while being respectful at the same time.

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No I am not offended by you and we all have different beliefs. I work in the field so I know a lot about it. I will start a Medical Marijuana thread cause I dont want to post this in this thread anymore so I dont disrespect anyone by doing so. Thank you for sharing your thoughts while being respectful at the same time.

That would be an interesting thread, please do start one. I take issue with some of the medical marijuana movement, though I do acknowledge there is some limited medical value in some cases.

But you're right, that's for another thread.

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No I am not offended by you and we all have different beliefs. I work in the field so I know a lot about it. I will start a Medical Marijuana thread cause I dont want to post this in this thread anymore so I dont disrespect anyone by doing so. Thank you for sharing your thoughts while being respectful at the same time.

What I worry about in threads like this is externalizing the locus of control. I worried about it years ago when I was a Special Ed teacher and people wanted to go to psychopharmocology as the first resort to teach a kid with attentional issues.

There's a range of stuff to try before getting to drugs and if you can find a way where the cure is based on what you do and not some outside substance it is easier to maintain and not fall back into the pattern of relying on substances to solve your problem. If it's necessary than those tools should be used, but it shouldn't be the choice of first resort.

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What I worry about in threads like this is externalizing the locus of control. I worried about it years ago when I was a Special Ed teacher and people wanted to go to psychopharmocology as the first resort to teach a kid with attentional issues.

There's a range of stuff to try before getting to drugs and if you can find a way where the cure is based on what you do and not some outside substance it is easier to maintain and not fall back into the pattern of relying on substances to solve your problem. If it's necessary than those tools should be used, but it shouldn't be the choice of first resort.

I agree with you 100% and I started a Medical Marijuana thread for the discussion there. I also PMed Hubbs to apologize if I offended him or disrespected him in any way with what I posted. I apologize to anyone else also if I offended them or disrespected them in any way with my posts.

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I agree with you 100% and I started a Medical Marijuana thread for the discussion there. I also PMed Hubbs to apologize if I offended him or disrespected him in any way with what I posted. I apologize to anyone else also if I offended them or disrespected them in any way with my posts.

Really I see no reason for you to apologize. You gave advice on one option. Others disagreed with your advice. But no worries. I'll bet Hubbs agrees. He's a really smart guy and I think welcomes all viewpoints.

Thanks for starting the other thread BTW.

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I agree with you 100% and I started a Medical Marijuana thread for the discussion there. I also PMed Hubbs to apologize if I offended him or disrespected him in any way with what I posted. I apologize to anyone else also if I offended them or disrespected them in any way with my posts.

I agree with Dan. No apologies necessary. We're all just throwing paint on the wall hoping to help a guy out. :cheers:

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I agree with Dan. No apologies necessary. We're all just throwing paint on the wall hoping to help a guy out. :cheers:

When you talk religion, politics, or any other beliefs sometimes people get all worked up and mad so I just wanted to apologize just in case my topic did upset anyone or if someone really had deep feelings that I was hurting Hubbs when bringing up Marijuana in a thread he was asking help in. Thank you guys for being respectful and not attacking me. My view in life is if you take everything away from us and ask what do you want in life we all just want to live life and be happy. If you are living life and happy that should take care of hunger, health and everything in between. We are all brothers and sisters and should learn to want to help others more. God Bless



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I agree with you 100% and I started a Medical Marijuana thread for the discussion there. I also PMed Hubbs to apologize if I offended him or disrespected him in any way with what I posted. I apologize to anyone else also if I offended them or disrespected them in any way with my posts.

Ha, no need to apologize, you were simply giving advice, which is what this thread is for. It's up to me to process it all.

And thanks to everyone who's taken the time to offer their own advice, or simply support. It really helps.

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Ha, no need to apologize, you were simply giving advice, which is what this thread is for. It's up to me to process it all.

And thanks to everyone who's taken the time to offer their own advice, or simply support. It really helps.

Also if you just ever need someone to talk to I am free 24 hours for you. Just PM me and I will give you my number. If you need to talk for any reason at all i would be glad to lend a ear!

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No caffiene products after 6 pm.

Go to sleep at the same time every night.

Melatonin, over the counter.

If that does not work, ask your Doc for possibly getting a perscription for Ambien LR.

If all the above doesn't work get your Doc to referr you to a sleep clinic.

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Also if you just ever need someone to talk to I am free 24 hours for you. Just PM me and I will give you my number. If you need to talk for any reason at all i would be glad to lend a ear!

24 hours? I think HoggLife has issues with sleep too! ;)

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24 hours? I think HoggLife has issues with sleep too! ;)

I sleep 6 hours a night. from 1 am to 7 am. For me 6 hours are perfect. When I sleep more then I seem more tired though the day. But I keep my phone on and willing to talk anytime. :saber: LOL

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Hubbs, I'm so sorry to hear about this. I have a lot of respect for you for admitting your problem.

I have a question, what is your typical daily schedule like? Are you active? Do you nap? What?

I've suffered with "late night owl syndrome" (as my parents call it) ever since I was a little kid...largely because I'm pretty high strung, worry about everything, and can't relax if everything isn't perfect and under my control. As you can tell, that's not really compatible with LIFE.

I have struggled with all types of different sleep remedies since high school. In grad. school, I used Ambien, but that stuff made me crazy. I recently refilled the script and used it when I returned from Africa b/c I thought it would get me on a normal sleeping pattern...but no, same old crazy crappola, so that's outta here.

After talking with my husband, he suggested I go more of a holistic approach. In the last few weeks, I've been exercising almost daily and take a hot bath before bed. I also don't watch TV about an hour before bed time. I also have a little issue that I explained before where I can't go to bed before everything is, like, bleached clean, all the laundry and dishes are done, etc. I just can't. So my husband has pitched in (more than usual) to make sure all that stuff is done at a reasonable hour. That's just an example of how people lending their support can help you.

I think you are doing the right thing by going to a sleep lab to see if there is some type of underlying medical condition. I was a research assistant at a sleep lab when I was in college and was amazed at how much they can find out through sleep tests. So yes, if you are able to afford it, I would definitely recommend getting a sleep study and start getting advice from a medical professional regarding what might be the underlying problem. I mean, it could be that you are suffering from some depression as that very much affects the sleep schedule. A medical professional can help you figure this out and possible recommend the correctly therapeutic intervention (whether behavioral, pharmacotherapy, or both).

If you have any questions about the sleep lab stuff, feel free to PM me or ask in this thread. If I have any answers, I'd be more than happy to help. Also, I don't know if you already have an appointment at the sleep lab or are looking for a sleep lab, but I still have many contacts at the Hopkins sleep lab if you would like to pursue a possible appointment there. Either way, I'll try to help with whatever I can if you want. If not, no biggie.

Most of all, I just want to wish you good luck and tell you to hang in there. :)

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Katie, I really appreciate the advice. I'll be going to a sleep lab soon, but, much like my TV idol in my sig, I'm first checking into rehab today. It's going to be really hard. I'm not looking forward to it. But it's necessary. Then I can do the sleep lab. And if I'm confused about anything, I'll be sure to keep you in mind.

To answer your questions, no, I used to really enjoy naps but haven't really been able to take them for the past couple of years because of my inability to fall asleep. And unfortunately I'm not very active - I know that helps, but on the other hand, it shouldn't create insomnia like this. It's crippled me for a long, long time now. Hopefully the docs will be able to find out what's wrong.

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I wish I had something to help you with, but other people have covered more ground than I ever can.

All I can say is stay away from using booze in this manner. Watching my father's drawn out painful death because of years of secret alcohol abuse was one of the worst experiences of my life.

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