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ABC: SEC Officials Surfing Porn During Financial Crisis, Report Finds


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SEC Officials Surfing Porn During Financial Crisis, Report Finds


April 23, 2010

The Securities and Exchange Commission is the sheriff of the financial industry, looking for crimes such as Bernard Madoff's Ponzi scheme, but a new government report obtained by ABC News has concluded that some senior employees spent hours on the agency's computers looking at sites such as naughty.com, skankwire and youporn as the financial crisis was unfolding.

"These guys in the middle of a financial crisis are spending their time looking at prurient material on the Internet," said Peter Morici, a professor at the University of Maryland and former director of the Office of Economics at the U.S. International Trade Commission.

"It's reckless, and indicates a contempt for the taxpayer and the taxpayer's interest in monitoring financial markets," Morici said.

The investigation, which was conducted by the SEC's internal watchdog at the request of Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, found 31 serious offenders during the past two and a half years. That's less than 1 percent of the agency's 3,500 employees but 17 of the alleged offenders were senior SEC officers whose salaries ranged from $100,000 to $222,000 per year.

The SEC would not comment on any specific cases, but said it takes inappropriate use of government resources seriously and deals with abuses on a case-by-case basis.

Some of the big offenders are still on the job, according to sources.

Eight Hours a Day Spent on Porn Sites

One senior attorney at SEC headquarters in Washington spent up to eight hours a day accessing Internet porn, according to the report, which has yet to be released. When he filled all the space on his government computer with pornographic images, he downloaded more to CDs and DVDs that accumulated in boxes in his offices.

Click on the link for the full article

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I personally don't care how much porn they look at, although if they're doing this at work instead of working then fire them. Finding a handful of slackers doesn't mean much other than their oversight of internet usage is horrible. And some guys need a firing.

I like how immediately I start to see stuff like "look how they operate and Obama wants THEM to regulate the financial markets? They should be stripped of all authority".

I kind of think the opposite. The regulators need more teeth and better weapons. Seeing as guys in private industry who made 10X the salary of a regulator also completely missed these problems, maybe putting more money into the agency will attract sharper people instead of porn addicts. The industry has proved it can't be left alone, and it sure ain't gonna regulate itself.

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Is there more info? Are these Goverment Desktops that are only accessed during the day?

Or were these goverment computers, that people took home at night.

I'm just saying- If I did a search of every guys work laptop - I'm thinking I'd find some porn no matter where they worked.

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Is no one in the government held accountable for their actions? If you surf porny in the private sector you usually get fired pretty quick.

True. But if recklessly run a company, make unethical decisions, lose billions of dollars and cause the collapse of the financial industry you get a bonus! :ols: I am not sure that is "accountable" either.

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This info means nothing to me. How were they able to get to the sites? What is the Internet policy at the SEC? Did anyone see them on these sites? Was anyone offended? What proof is there that they used time they should have devoted to working out this crisis surfing porn?

Pretty weak from this IT guy.

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