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WP: White House complains about CBS News blog post saying that possible Supreme Court nominee is gay


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CBS under fire for posting rumors... Déjà vu anyone? Now why do I have a feeling is Fox published this story it would have made the board a little sooner?

The White House ripped CBS News on Thursday for publishing an online column by a blogger who made assertions about the sexual orientation of Solicitor General Elena Kagan, widely viewed as a leading candidate for the Supreme Court.

Ben Domenech, a former Bush administration aide and Republican Senate staffer, wrote that President Obama would "please" much of his base by picking the "first openly gay justice." An administration official, who asked not to be identified discussing personal matters, said Kagan is not a lesbian.

CBS initially refused to pull the posting, prompting Anita Dunn, a former White House communications director who is working with the administration on the high court vacancy, to say: "The fact that they've chosen to become enablers of people posting lies on their site tells us where the journalistic standards of CBS are in 2010." She said the network was giving a platform to a blogger "with a history of plagiarism" who was "applying old stereotypes to single women with successful careers."

The network deleted the posting Thursday night after Domenech said he was merely repeating a rumor. The flare-up underscores how quickly the battle over a Supreme Court nominee -- or even a potential nominee -- can turn searingly personal. Most major news organizations have policies against "outing" gays or reporting on the sex lives of public officials unless they are related to their public duties. (i.e. Republican)

A White House spokesman, Ben LaBolt, said he complained to CBS because the column "made false charges." Domenech later added an update to the post: "I have to correct my text here to say that Kagan is apparently still closeted -- odd, because her female partner is rather well known in Harvard circles."


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Always knew CBS was a conservative shill. Rather was practically Reagan's spokesman.

(Heard about this at least a week ago. Personally, I'm not sure why it would matter one way or the other. I guess it might on a case involving gay marriage, but otherwise...)

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Ok, let me get this straight; you want me to get up in arms about a blog on CBS where someone says that a possible Supreme Court nominee might be gay?

I tell ya what, I am mad, I'm made and aggravated that the White House is wasting its breath on this bush league level of writing.

No, I want you to pretend Fox News put this article out and tell me your reaction.

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No, I want you to pretend Fox News put this article out and tell me your reaction.

Okay, let's try....

Subversive Socialist Obama Undermines America's Family Values with Homosexual Pick

While President Obama has not named his candidate to replace Devil Incarnate Justice Stephens, it is believed that he is firmly entrenched on the unconstitutional notion of nominating a Gay man for the position of Supreme Court Justice. A careful look through the Constitution by FOX's legal scholars indicate no specific mention of homosexuality and therefore it must be assumed that the purposeful exclusion of Gays by the Founding Fathers must indicate that homosexuality was meant to be unconstitutional and illegal in the United States.

This is yet one more attack on the moral fiber of our country by our first Muslim President.

For more Fair and Balanced reporting, tune in to FOX News.

Hmm... yeah, I can see what you mean. If I pretend FOX broke this story I can pretend a whole different ES reaction to it.

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Okay, let's try....

Hmm... yeah, I can see what you mean. If I pretend FOX broke this story I can pretend a whole different ES reaction to it.

While President Obama has not named his candidate to replace Devil Incarnate Justice Stephens, it is believed that he is firmly entrenched on the unconstitutional notion of nominating a Gay man for the position of Supreme Court Justice.


That was pretty funny.

But um...isn't Elena a woman?

Or did you do that on purpose too. lol

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Ok, let me get this straight; you want me to get up in arms about a blog on CBS where someone says that a possible Supreme Court nominee might be gay?

I tell ya what, I am mad, I'm made and aggravated that the White House is wasting its breath on this bush league level of writing.

For once, I completely agree with Asbury :ols:

Dear White House, find something ****ing important to worry about....

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So you're complaining that nobody's complaining about the lack of complaints?

No, I'm pretty sure that he thinks that CBS picks on Obama too much and that the "mainstream" media ought to stop showing their bias all the time against liberal politicians.

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CBS hasnt been journalistic for years

Compared to the right wing model they are a strong hold of ethical standards.

The right wing model:

- Political shill hiding behind the guise of "entertainment" says something bad about democrats without any facts to back it up.

- Right wing news reporter later reports "there have been claims/report of <insert bad thing political shill said>" thus making it news.

- Political shill announces that the media is finally picking up the "story" (which he made up) and attacks those that haven't.

- Other news organization now pressured to report on a non-story even if it's just to question the validity of it.

- Story now has legs.


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To be serious for a moment in this thread, Blogs worry me. Generally speaking, blogs have no accountability or outside fact checking. They are designed to be opinion and refelection and while that can provide great insight and useful data it's also fraught with danger.

I kind of like the idea of looking inside a reporter's mind or anyone of interest, but there is a level of subjectivity in a blog that makes it very dangerous to confuse with a serious bit of journalism. It gets even more hazy if the blog is hosted on a serious journalistic site.

ES is a perfect example of the danger of blogs. One can get fantastic insight and info about the 'skins here, but if you came in blindly you'd have thought that we have traded away every single player on the team and traded or signed every free agent that ever looked for a contract.

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I guess this is fine journalism


FWIW, I'd forgotten that incident, and I do think it's at least a valid topic to discuss.

I don't necessarily think it makes them evil, or anti-American, or any of the other things that I think people would like to throw at them. But it's certainly an ethical dilemma that's worthy of discussion.

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There was a time when CNN valued ratings :laugh:

Maybe they should get on the make crap up and tell people what they want to hear bandwagon like FOX to boost their ratings. In fact screw that I should start my own new network. I'll call it 100%Right and the point of my broadcast will be to assure republican that liberals really are evil and out to get them. I mean it worked for Rush, Beck, Hannity and every other personal failure that needed a career boost. It worked in cable news too where the only game in town for personal belief reinforcement has enjoyed great success. My viewers are 100% Right in their beliefs, whatever they may be, and I'll prove it by making random **** up like "Terrorist Fist Jab" (still the most outrageous claim I've ever heard seriously uttered on the news).

I'll start a left wing version up too only I won't make the mistake of thinking they are just as self centered and fearful as right wingers. I'll make the network entirely about the disenfranchised (even when they aren't) and blame corporations, the rich, and Christianity for everything. I'll call it UnCorporate News Inc (they won't notice the Inc). That way I can appeal to their bizarre need to feel like they are making a difference by having a political opinion and talking about their feelings.

There is a lot of money to be made in irresponsibly telling people their worst fears about their political rivals are true.

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Maybe they should get on the make crap up and tell people what they want to hear bandwagon like FOX to boost their ratings. .

Thanks! That was thw whole point of this thread, all the **** talking about Fox and here is CBS reporting a rumor to boost rattings. Now if Fox would have done this, this board would be in a frenzy over how they are "attacking" gays blah blah blah.

blame corporations, the rich, and Christianity for everything. I'll call it UnCorporate News Inc .

Tried that: 1) MSNBC = joke 2) Air America = failure/out of buisness

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Thanks! That was thw whole point of this thread, all the **** talking about Fox and here is CBS reporting a rumor to boost rattings. Now if Fox would have done this, this board would be in a frenzy over how they are "attacking" gays blah blah blah.

Maybe if CBS did crap like this 500 times a day the same way that Fox does, we might have noticed this item before you had to dig it up and point it out to us. :whoknows:

The remarkable story would be a day when Fox DIDN'T obviously pander, smear and rumormongor like this.

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