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I haven't been able to check out the flash stuff yet as it doesn't work with BlackBerry. But I'm dying to see what you came up with up with Soup.

Out of the box is good. Do whatever. I'm trying not to be much of an influence as far as direction goes right now. I want to see what you guys come up with. If you want to push the envelope then shove the envelope outta the way. Raise the bar.

I've got my own ideas but I'm holding them back right now. :)

Alright cool, that's all I wanted to know.

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Hmm... Thanks CK. Both yours are out there pushing the envelope for sure. ;)

Personally - I think I still gotta go with PG. I love his latest. I like that the EXTREME is bigger than SKINS because that's how you say it. You say "EXTREME skins." I still miss the pythagoris font though. I admit, I like the classic stuff. The other thing I might suggest is make the X bigger? The banner looks a bit heavy on the right side. Know what I mean?

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Now I'm liking the above two combos...

I like Soup's EXTREME although I don't like the X. I like the font the way it's italicized.

I love the SKINS in the pythagoris font.

I think I do prefer the gold color.

I also like the large SIZE of Soup's feather.

But on PG's I love the green field background and the bright helmet and the football. I love the helmet because it has everything - the nfl logo, the REDSKINS name, the 21 sticker, and the indian head logo. I'm not real crazy about the feather being moved because the X with the feather is our ES logo.

A combo of the above two would be nice. Again, this is only my humble opinion, which ain't worth much.

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I'm just going to post as much banners as I can and hope one of them gets picked up.

Its hard to make something without knowing what you guys want. So I'll just post random stuff I guess.

Feel free to download one of my banners and chop it up guys if you want to use something. PG if you want to take my font and paste it on to your background that's cool with me. I just want a new banner up.

Really any of the designs would be an upgrade IMO

I like Captain's banner with the yellow glowing text just because its loud and grabs attention. I don't know

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That looks great PG. I think it's the best yet (IMO). It's got wonderful contrast, it's sharp, it bright, it draws your eyes towards it. I also personally like the .com in it.

Still - look at the existing logo. The X is slanted to the right, i.e. italicized. Is that a bad thing? Why not italicize EXTREME as Blade had done in 2000? And why not use the pythagoris font on SKINS?

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Plenty of time, Soup.

Personally, I prefer PG's at this point. I don't even know what to say. It's perfect, IMHO.

Although, Soup, I do like the first one above in post #94 - I like the green-ness of the grass.

Still - PG has an edge, IMO.

Again, let me emphasize, I AM NOT THE AUTHORITY ON FORUM PAGE HEADING artwork lol.

I wish some more people like RCS would give their opinions....

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Yeah, it would be a lot easier if there were some direction, I feel like I'm just shooting in the dark. I'll try something different with the next banner, I want to see if I can make something that doesn't resemble the previous ES banners. Step out of the box, so to speak. Who ultimately picks the winning design Mark? Will there be some sort of poll or do the MODs pick?

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Yeah, it would be a lot easier if there were some direction, I feel like I'm just shooting in the dark. I'll try something different with the next banner, I want to see if I can make something that doesn't resemble the previous ES banners. Step out of the box, so to speak. Who ultimately picks the winning design Mark? Will there be some sort of poll or do the MODs pick?

Personally I rely on the graphic artist for the creativity. ;)

To me someone needs to jump out of the box with something different....without being crazy.

PG has my vote to this point, but yours look good soup.

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