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Its not the final version, but since I don't have a rack of time to work on it, I wanted some feedback, either to drop it and start with another one or contiune and finish it off.

TK can we step out of the box with the logo a bit or does it need to be similar to the current logo.

could you give us a list of what we can and can't do just for a point of reference.

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Nicely done SOUP. I never thought to put animation on it. I'm not a huge fan of using flash, very time consuming. Great work though. Maybe if you used my background on it, that might seal the deal. ;)

I agree that this is great work and I do like it, just not as a banner for ExtremeSkins. It's too distracting. Well, to be honest, for me, more than a few minutes of flash would turn annoying.

I hate to be a downer since it's much better than anything that I could create. Maybe the board could decide in a poll with the best designs.

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I agree that this is great work and I do like it, just not as a banner for ExtremeSkins. It's too distracting. Well, to be honest, for me, more than a few minutes of flash would turn annoying.

I hate to be a downer since it's much better than anything that I could create. Maybe the board could decide in a poll with the best designs.

Are you talking about the design or just the flash RCS? The more feedback the better, trust me it helps a lot. Yeah I can see what you're talking about with the flash.

I wish I had one day off to just throw out 4 or 5 different designs, I would be cool to have a design of mine as the ES banner especially since so many people come by.

More comments are welcomed

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Are you talking about the design or just the flash RCS? The more feedback the better, trust me it helps a lot. Yeah I can see what you're talking about with the flash.

I wish I had one day off to just throw out 4 or 5 different designs, I would be cool to have a design as the ES banner especially since so many people come by.

I like the design a lot. I'm just talking about the flash. Reminds me of that "You Have A Message" flashing banner that used to be on a lot of websites several years ago. :ols:

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I like the design a lot. I'm just talking about the flash. Reminds me of that "You Have A Message" flashing banner that used to be on a lot of websites several years ago. :ols:

You know to tell you the truth, I'm already getting annoyed with the flash :silly:

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You know to tell you the truth, I'm already getting annoyed with the flash :silly:

Soup, animated logo's/banners/images on web pages get tired after a day. It's cool when you first see it, but nobody wants to watch it after a day.

My thing for this whole thread is too much of the same. If you are called in front of the CEO of IBM to make a banner, do you drop something which looks 85% like what they already have, or do you drop something that makes them go wow.

Your banner is nice, but it's much of the same.

Come out of the box and wow us.

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We can never find the right text to appease anyone champ. It was worth a try in using different fonts that weren't so standardized.

Don't worry about it man, that's usually the issue with all graphic design;

the damn text. What you have to do is focus on the logo and text first, the background and helmet are the easy parts, that will fall into place. Its the logo/text and coming up with a great design which will be hard.

Seriously though I'm loving this I really hope someone on this board comes up with something great. This would be huge in a porfolio. Don't quit

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[FL=http://aj3380.webs.com/logoES.swf] width = 1000 height = 148 [/FL]

I don't find it horribly distracting. If I had to stare at it 24/7, yeah. But really we just look at it for a few moments. Also, one of the very early headers had flames as shown on page 1. Was that distracting?

Would it be better if the feather and the X were in FRONT of the other letters?

I wonder how it would look with the pythagoris font being used in SKINS. It would kinda show respect for the past.

I wonder how it would look with the beam moving only on EXTREME. Or only on the X. I think I'd prefer a blurred top which sort of blended into the black, rather than a crisp burgundy edge at the top.

Also, as TK has mentioned earlier, some kind of reference to the Redskins has to be in there somewhere. Either a helmet or logo or something, because that's the easy link to redskins.com.

I still like PG's background.

TK - I'm wondering if the width could be increased? It's been this wide for five years now.

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^^ I can do that mark, but what I'd like to know is if you guys are going for a similar look to the current banner or do you guys what a completely different design? I'm confused.

I like the flash banner just because it still has that ES feel just a bit updated. that one is just a draft I didn't finish up. But I would like to know if you guys want an out of the box design or do you guys want the banner to be similar to the past ES banners.

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I haven't been able to check out the flash stuff yet as it doesn't work with BlackBerry. But I'm dying to see what you came up with up with Soup.

Out of the box is good. Do whatever. I'm trying not to be much of an influence as far as direction goes right now. I want to see what you guys come up with. If you want to push the envelope then shove the envelope outta the way. Raise the bar.

I've got my own ideas but I'm holding them back right now. :)

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