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RI: Haynesworth committed to work out plan


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Everyone's making a big deal about Haynesworth missing the voluntary work outs, but it turns out that the team knew about it all along as he had already committed to a work out plan before Shanahan said anything about the club's workout expectations:


Haynesworth's workout regime

On Saturday, Kelli Johnson, one of my favorite people at Comcast Sports Net, Tweeted that Albert Haynesworth reported for last week's orientation at Redskins Park but missed the workouts of the offseason conditioning program.

Kelli is among the best reporters in the market, and her information, once again, is dead-on accurate. Haynesworth did not participate in the opening week of conditioning and film study at the complex.

But here's the thing: He never intended to and the Redskins were made aware of his plans, people familiar with the situation said. There was a lot of Internet speculation that Haynesworth would skip all of last week's events at the complex because he's supposedly upset about having to play nose tackle more frequently than he would prefer in the Redskins' new base 3-4 defense.

Haynesworth, however, has not commented publicly on his situation since the end of last season. Before the workouts began, I wrote Haynesworth planned to be present on the first day, and he showed up to listen to Coach Mike Shanahan address the entire team for the first time.

Haynesworth also participated in other first-day activities. But Haynesworth, who is determined to have a big year in 2010, comitted to an individual workout regime with a trainer before the Redskins' plans were set, according to the people with knowledge of the situation.

Haynesworth is following an intense offseason workout program under the guidance of the same trainer who helped him reach all-pro status during the 2007-08 seasons. Shanahan made it clear he wanted his "team leaders" to report to Ashburn for the conditioning program, and Haynesworth, who has talked with the team about his offseason schedule, believed it was important to be there on the first day. And Haynesworth is "gonna be around" the complex as the workouts progress, one of the sources said.

As I reported last week, Haynesworth and the Redskins in January discussed Haynesworth's new role during a meeting at the complex, and there have been follow-up conversations, team sources said. Would Shanahan prefer to have Haynesworth in Ashburn year-round for the positive statement that would make? Probably.

But Shanahan, I think, realizes that Haynesworth could be the key to his plan to shift from the 4-3 to the 3-4. Haynesworth showed respect to Shanahan by attending on the first day for something that is voluntary under the terms of the collective bargaining agreement.

Despite Shanahan's tough talk about players needing to show their commitment to the program if they want to be on the team, the reality is that didn't apply to Haynesworth. The Redskins will cut him a check for a guaranteed $21 million option bonus in April, and Haynesworth's 2010 and 2011 base salaries are guaranteed, too.

With the money Haynesworth is guaranteed, there's no way the Redskins would cut him for not reporting. Moreover, regardless if some in the main building believe

Haynesworth has a bad attitude (and trust us, some do), the coaching staff knows they need the guy because he's one of few elite players on the roster.

Haynesworth met Shanahan halfway in appearing on the first day of the program. Perhaps Shanahan made a positive gesture in accepting Haynesworth won't be around all the time. That certainly not a perfect union -- but it's a start.

Is it ideal? No, I'd rather he work out with the team. But to assume he's just sitting around on his ass would be a false assumtion.

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Bittersweet. Nice to know he is 'committed' - but you'd like to see him out there with his teammates.

Remember though, we are EARLY in the offseason... this is not Landry M.I.A in Arizona playing with his monkey... it's Fat Al working out with a proven trainer just around the corner.

It's definitely a huge difference in that the team seems to have known that this was the plan and there has been communication through the whole process.

If Haynesworth missed minicamp or training camp, that's when I'd get upset.

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I do think the team would benefit from his presence but I am sure his workout plan that was in place before the new regimes and has been used by him before is tailored to him. I just hope to see him on the field this year playing and not rolling around on it.

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KJ took a swing & a miss yesterday. Its the second time she has done so this offseason after years of being solid on the Skins beat. This was a good piece by JR who had seemed to have been mailing it in for awhile now. Hopefully he continues even if he may still be a bit focussed on other things. And hopefully Kelli can develop new sources since most of her established ones are no longer with the team. But Bruce & Shanny have a pretty good lockdown on info right now so we'll see what happens.

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I do think the team would benefit from his presence but I am sure his workout plan that was in place before the new regimes and has been used by him before is tailored to him. I just hope to see him on the field this year playing and not rolling around on it.

But he got up almost every time and returned to the game. He can roll around all he want as long as his fat ass comes back in.

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Damn now what is everybody to going to ***** and moan about? AH will have a stellar season this year and hopefully shut all these fickle ass Skins fans the **** up.

AMEN! People think they know so much when really....they don't. There has to be something to whine about though.

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But he got up almost every time and returned to the game. He can roll around all he want as long as his fat ass comes back in.

As mentioned in the other thread trashing AH, was 60% of the plays enough?

I think he could do better and hope he does, but he certainly does not suck or should be getting cut for his level of play.

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KJ took a swing & a miss yesterday. Its the second time she has done so this offseason after years of being solid on the Skins beat. This was a good piece by JR who had seemed to have been mailing it in for awhile now. Hopefully he continues even if he may still be a bit focussed on other things. And hopefully Kelli can develop new sources since most of her established ones are no longer with the team. But Bruce & Shanny have a pretty good lockdown on info right now so we'll see what happens.

I thought it was interesting how defensive Reid was on KJ. Yes, she was technically right, but she decided not to get the whole story or nuance it with the idea that she didn't know the reason.

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why do u guys care? key word is Voluntary. lke someone said befre mini camp and training camp is what u shud wrry about. All it matters is if the person shows up on the field and if they do then who gives a ****

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So much for a "new" way of doing things at Redskins Park. Looks like more of the same pandering to the guys with big contracts. This doesn't bode well for the Shanahan regime; just another "lame" duck administration in the Snyder house.

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So much for a "new" way of doing things at Redskins Park. Looks like more of the same pandering to the guys with big contracts. This doesn't bode well for the Shanahan regime; just another "lame" duck administration in the Snyder house.

Well, considering he did discuss his plans with the FO, and also came in and did some work on the first day doesn't seem like the "pandering" you seem to suggest. It's not like he just skipped out and didn't communicate with the team beforehand, something that has happened in the past. It's not the most ideal situation, but I can see this as meeting somewhere in the middle since Al had this plan already set up well before the schedule was set.

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It's definitely a huge difference in that the team seems to have known that this was the plan and there has been communication through the whole process.

I knew as I was reading the first thread on this yesterday, and all the traditional reactionary message board flailing, that this would turn out to be the case. Haynesworth had the resources and the motivation to hire an expert of proven effectiveness who can set up a precise custom-tuned regime that can bring Al to his best. The other positive is him still being there on opening day and involved as he should be, and stating he will continue to be a presence while he works as hard as anyone. Now much of that will have to be put into the "ok, now deliver on it" file, but as it stands now there is no "AH" issue.

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Hopefully his personal workout plan is as strenuous as Clinton's in Miami during the offseason, or as phenomenal as B LLoyd's was on the west coast.

Whew. I feel much better now. Thanks Al, for giving it 110%.:ols:

He is an inspiration to every single other player on the team.

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why do u guys care? key word is Voluntary. lke someone said befre mini camp and training camp is what u shud wrry about. All it matters is if the person shows up on the field and if they do then who gives a ****

People give a **** because our teams over the past decade have been defined by players who are paid too much and work too little.

There are a ton of guys in the league who "show up on the field" and never help their teams win the big game because they are too wrapped up in themselves to see the bigger picture.

There is a new regime and a new attitude at Redskins Park, so it's very important that everyone is on the same page... that's why people give a **** when one of the highest paid players in the LEAGUE is off doing his own thing.

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